University of Sydney
School of Mathematics and Statistics
Yi Ming Zou
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Constructing crystal bases for other algebras.
Friday 15th February, 12-1pm,
Carslaw 373.
After telling the successful story of crystal bases of Kac-Moody Lie
algebras in "On crystal bases" (CMS Conference Proc. Vol.
16, AMS, 1995), Kashiwara asked the following question: Is there an
analogue of the crystal base and global base for the q-analogues of other
algebras? Finite dimensional simple Lie algebras are part of the
finite dimensional simple Lie superalgebras, it is natural to seek an
answer to this question for finite dimensional Lie superalgebras. This
talk will survey some of the recent developments of crystal base
theory for Lie superalgebras.