EVO (Enabling Virtual Organisations)
was developed by Caltech for the high-energy physics community and was known as
VRVS (Virtual Room Venue Server) allows both basic face-to-face
communication and some extra functions. It is able to be used with a minimum of software installation (only Java required), a minimum of support and runs on Mac, Linux, and Windows and minimum hardware 1-1.5 GHz processor, 512MB RAM preferred 1GB, any working camera (not all webcams work with all versions of all operating systems) and working audio (to hear and talk to others but with no audio feedback loop). To use EVO you have to register at http://evo.caltech.edu (it's free). Once you start EVO you can search for communities
(High-energy Physics, Astronomy or any other community or request a new to be
established by sending request to EVO Support) and subscribe to a total of 5,
search for users, invite users to a meeting or join meeting. A list of all
on-line users will appear in -Koala; listed within your subscribed Communities,
hovering over a user's name will pop-up information on that user (status,
location, email) you can invite another user to a private chat, private meeting
or a meeting. Meeting may be scheduled in advance and advertised formally,
called ad hoc, private between users and password protected. Any user can schedule or call meetings but only the user who scheduled a meeting may alter its details. Apart from the basic talk-and-see capability, EVO has some extra functions such as: shared desktop, whiteboard, file sharing, H.323
connection and recording of meetings. |