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Publications for 1976
Publications 1947–74


A1. Barnes DW and Mack JM
Barnes DW, Mack JM: An Algebraic Introduction to Mathematical Logic. Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 22 Springer-Verlag, 1975, x +136 pages. (Spanish translation: Una Introducción Algebraica a la Lógica Matématica by S. Xambó Descamps, Eunibar, 1978). MR52:10362

A1. Cartwright DI
Cartwright DI: Extensions of positive operators between Banach lattices. Mem. Amer. Math. Soc., 3 1975, iv + 48 pages. MR52:3913

Chapters in Books

B1. Fackerell ED
Fackerell ED: The concentric shell method for relativistic star clusters, The Dynamics of Stellar Systems. Hayli A (ed.), D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht, 1975, 433–439.

B1. Seneta E
Seneta E: Characterization by functional equations of branching process limit laws, Statistical Distributions in Scientific Work : Characterizations and Applications. Patil GP, Kotz S, Ord JK (ed.), 3, Reidel, Dordrecht, 1975, 249–255.

Journal Articles

C1. Borceux F and Kelly GM
Borceux F, Kelly GM: A notion of limit for enriched categories. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 12 (1975), 49–72. MR51:5710

C1. Buchen PW and Mainardi F
Buchen, P.W. and Mainardi, F.: Asymptotic expansions for transient viscoelastic waves. Journal de Mechanique, 14 (1975), 597–608.

C1. Byrnes SG and Gibson WG
Byrnes SG, Gibson WG: Quantum-mechanical radial distribution function for a hard-sphere gas at low density and high temperature. Physical Review. A, 11 (1975), 270–275.

C1. Cartwright DI and Lotz HP
Cartwright DI, Lotz HP: Some characterizations of AM- and AL-spaces. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 142 (1975), 97–103. MR52:3912

C1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations on infinite intervals. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 30 (1975), 76–94. MR52:867

C1. Donovan P, Hunt D and Mack JM
Donovan P, Hunt D, Mack JM: Mathematics in a major library using the Dewey Decimal Classification. Australian Academic and Research Libraries Journal, (1975), 87–91.

C1. Durrant CJ
Durrant CJ: A reassessment of the cloud model. Solar Physics, 44 (1975), 41–53.

C1. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: Bending of a highly stretched plate containing an eccentrically plate-reinforced circular hole. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 11 (1975), 501–518.

C1. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: Bending of a radially prestressed annular plate by tilting a central rigid inclusion. Journal of Elasticity, 5 (1975), 129–140.

C1. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: Bending of a stretched plate containing an eccentrically plate-reinforced hole of arbitrary shape. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 11 (1975), 1245–1256.

C1. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: Narrow-bandwidth pulses in elastic bars. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 58 (1975), 1096–1098.

C1. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: An orthogonality relation for the modes of wave propagation in an elastic circular cylinder. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 43 (1975), 568–571.

C1. Galambos J and Seneta E
Galambos J, Seneta E: Record Times. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 50 (1975), 383–387. MR51:4353

C1. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ: Fine structure and Evershed motions in the sunspot penumbra. Solar Physics, 44 (1975), 409–415.

C1. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Quantum corrections to the properties of a dense fluid with non-analytic intermolecular potential function. I. The general case. Molecular Physics, 30 (1975), 1–11.

C1. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Quantum corrections to the properties of a dense fluid with non-analytic intermolecular potential function. II. Hard spheres. Molecular Physics, 30 (1975), 13–30.

C1. Goodwin PB, Hutchinson TP and Wright CC
Goodwin PB, Hutchinson TP, Wright CC: The perception of vehicle speeds by pedestrians. Zeitschrift für Verkehrssicherheit, 21 (1975), 13–18.

C1. Heyde CC and Seneta E
Heyde CC, Seneta E: The genetic balance between random sampling and random population size. Mathematical Biology, 1 (1975), 317–320. MR54:2244

C1. Homel RJ and Robinson J
Homel RJ, Robinson J: Nested partially balanced incomplete block designs. Sankhyā. The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series B, 37 (1975), 201–210. MR0654164

C1. Hughes PJ and Seneta E
Hughes PJ, Seneta E: Selection equilibria in a multiallele single-locus setting. Heredity, 35 (1975), 185–194.

C1. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Factors affecting the times till death of pedestrians killed in road accidents. Injury: the British Journal of Accident Surgery, 6 (1975), 208–212.

C1. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Witnesses' estimates of the speeds of traffic accidents. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 7 (1975), 27–35.

C1. Jolliffe JK and Hutchinson TP
Jolliffe JK, Hutchinson TP: A behavioural explanation of the association between bus and passenger arrival times at a bus stop. Transportation Science, 9 (1975), 218–282.

C1. Kelly GM
Kelly GM: Quelques observations sur les démonstrations par récurrence transfinie en algèbre catégorique. Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques, 16 (1975), 259–263.

C1. Kirkpatrick PB
Kirkpatrick PB: On homologies in finite combinatorial geometries. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 13 (1975), 85–99. MR52:152

C1. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: Characters, classes and duality in isogenous groups. Journal of Algebra, 36 (1975), 278–286. MR55:5762

C1. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: Adjoint groups, regular unipotent elements and discrete series characters. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 214 (1975), 249–260. MR52:5785

C1. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: On incidence matrices, double transitivity and finite groups. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 18 (1975), 342–344. MR51:5332

C1. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: On incidence structures in finite classical groups. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 147 (1975), 287–299. MR53:5767

C1. Littler RA and Fackerell ED
Littler RA, Fackerell ED: Transition densities for neutral multi-allele diffusion models. Biometrics, 31 (1975), 117–123. MR51:5063

C1. Mack JM
Mack JM: Examples of peculiar and just plain nasty functions. The Australian Mathematics Teacher, 31 (1975), 181–188.

C1. Monro GP
Monro GP: Independence results concerning Dedekind finite sets. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 19 (1975), 35–46. MR50:12718

C1. O'Brian NR
O'Brian NR: Zeroes of holomorphic vector fields and the Grothendieck residue. The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 7 (1975), 33–38. MR51:10667

C1. Quine MP
Quine MP: Appendix to "Formation of one-dimensional patterns by stochastic processes and by filamentous blue-green algae" by C. P. Wolk. Developmental Biology, 46 (1975), 370–382.

C1. Quine MP and Robinson J
Quine MP, Robinson J: Rates of convergence for some statistics from empirical distribution functions. The Australian Journal of Statistics, 17 (1975), 8–11. MR52:12170

C1. Robinson J
Robinson J: On the test for additivity under a randomization model. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 70 (1975), 184–185. MR51:7183

C1. Robinson J, Schapel GJ and Edwards KDG
Robinson J, Schapel GJ, Edwards KDG: Potassium-sparing effect of amiloride in a diuretic factorial study in man. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 2 (1975), 277–287.

C1. Seneta E
Seneta E: Normed-convergence theory for supercritical branching processes. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 3 (1975), 35–43. MR50:14979

C1. Wall GE
Wall GE: Secretive prime-power groups of large rank. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 17 (1975), 363–369. MR52:5796

Conference Proceedings

E1. Conlon SB
Conlon SB (1975). Finite linear p-groups of degree p and the work of G. Szekeres. Representations of Algebras (Ottawa 1974), Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 488, 72–78. MR56:5713

E1. Field MJ
Field MJ (1975). Singularity theory and equivariant dynamical systems. Proc. of Int. Conf. on Dynamical Systems in Mathematical Phy., Rennes MR0462563

E1. Gagen TM
Gagen TM (1975). A note on groups with the inverse Lagrange property. Proc. Miniconf. Group Theory Australian National University, Canberra, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 573, 51–52.

E1. Heyde CC and Seneta E
Heyde CC, Seneta E (1975). Bienaymé. Proceedings of the 40th Session, International Statistical Institute, Warsaw 1975, Bull. Int. Statist. Inst., 46, 318–331. (Book 2) MR0467978

E1. O'Brian NR
O'Brian NR (1975). Local properties of analytic functions and non standard analysis. Proc. conf. on complex analysis, Trieste, 1975, 3, 89–106.

Unpublished Conference Proceedings

UN. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP. Factors affecting the severity of injury to adult pedestrians involved in road accidents. 5th International Conference of the International Association for Accident and Traffic Medicine, London, 1975 .

UN. Hutchinson TP and Jones IS
Hutchinson TP, Jones IS. The separation of the effects of driver and of vehicle on type of accident. 5th International Conference of the International Association for Accident and Traffic Medicine, London, 1975 .