Please find attached the calendar invite and program for this year. The event will take place on Thursday, 29th August 2024, in the Cullen Room, Holme Building (A09).


Time Title Presenter
09:30AM Registration
09:45AM Workshop opening Prof Mikhail Prokopenko
10:00AM Swarm assembly required: how weaver ants use simple rules to build complex structures Chris R Reid
10:15AM Multi-modal Turing Patterns for Amorphous Computing Simon Dowd
10:30AM Morning Tea
11:00AM Social outcomes of the housing market under climate change Peyman Habibi Moshfegh
11:15AM Temporary organising for resilience and justice in the face of extreme heat Amir Hossein Pakizeh
11:30AM Investor Networks in Infrastructure PPP Markets Affected by Corruption John Salazar
11:45AM Using natural language processing (NLP) to bridge the gap between academic research and policymaking practice Wei-Ting Hong
12:00PM Lunch
01:00PM Noise-Induced Drifts in Evolution Emanuele Crosato
01:30PM Simulation of HPV Dynamics and Vaccination Using the SeCoNet Growth Model Weiyi Wang
01:45PM Financial Networks Callum Shaw
02:00PM A unified cross-scale corticothalamic model of the state and contents of consciousness Christopher Whyte
02:15PM Cross-scale spatiotemporal dynamics of visual cortical computation Brendan Harris
02:30PM Whole-brain dynamics shaped by long range connections Rishi Maran
02:45PM Enhancing Youth Mental Health in Western Sydney through Participatory Systems Modelling Hossein Hosseini
03:00PM Topological Data Analysis: Computation and Application Siddharth Pritam
03:30PM Stability of Brain Networks in Epilepsy Jieru (Ruby) Liao
03:45PM Scaling (Inter)Active Inference with Factorised Generative Models Jaime Ruiz Serra
04:00PM The use of tree network models for the exploration of infectious diseases scenarios and possible policies Oscar Fajardo Fontiveros
04:15PM Super-efficiency in complex collective systems Qianyang Chen
04:30PM Best presentation