

Research Publications for 1978

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Publications 1947–74


A3. Eyland RW (ed.) and others
Eyland RW, et al eds: Higher School Certificate Mathematics. Mathematical Association of New South Wales, Sydney, 1978.

Chapters in Books

B1. Hoppe FM and Seneta E
Hoppe FM, Seneta E: Analytical Methods for Discrete Branching Processes, In Branching Processes. Joffe A, Ney P (ed.), Advances in Probability and Related Topics, 5, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1978, 219–261. MR0517536

B1. Taylor DE
Taylor DE: The geometry of the Klein quadric, Classical Groups. Higman DG (ed.), T.H. Report 78–WSK–04, 1978, 21. (Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven)

Journal Articles

C1. Barnes DW
Barnes DW: Saturated formations of soluble Lie algebras in characteristic O. Archiv der Mathematik, 30 (1978), 477–480. MR80a:17009

C1. Barnes DW
Barnes DW: On \(F\)-hypercentral modules for Lie algebras. Archiv der Mathematik, 30 (1978), 1–7. MR58:22199

C1. Barnes DW, Schmid P and Stammbach U
Barnes DW, Schmid P, Stammbach U: Cohomological characterisations of saturated formations and homomorphs of finite groups. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 53 (1978), 165–173. MR58:11167

C1. Buchen PW
Buchen, P.W.: The elastodynamic Green's tensor for the 2D half space. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, (Series B), 20 (1978), 385–400.

C1. Cartwright DI and Field MJ
Cartwright DI, Field MJ: A refinement of the arithmetic mean–geometric mean inequality. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 71 (1978), no.1, 36–38. MR57:16516

C1. Cartwright DI and McMullen JR
Cartwright DI, McMullen JR: A note on the fractional calculus. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, Series II, 21 (1978/79), 79–80. MR57:16488

C1. Choo KG
Choo KG: Whitehead groups of semidirect products of free groups. Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 19 (1978), no.2, 155–158. MR58:850

C1. Conlon SB
Conlon SB: Three groups with cyclic centre and central quotient of maximal class. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, (Series A), 25 (1978), 25–28. MR57:12684

C1. Cosgrove CM
Cosgrove CM: A new formulation of the field equations for the stationary axisymmetric vacuum gravitational field I. General theory. Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 11 (1978), 2389–2404. MR80e:83036a

C1. Cosgrove CM
Cosgrove CM: A new formulation of the field equations for the stationary axisymmetric vacuum gravitational field II. Separable solutions. Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 11 (1978), 2405–2430. MR80e:83036b

C1. Cram LE, Durrant CJ and Grossmann-Doerth U
Cram LE, Durrant CJ, Grossmann-Doerth U: Some comments on Suemoto's paper `An emperical, statistical model for the formation of the cores of chromospheric Fraunhofer lines'. Solar Physics, 58 (1978), 279–285.

C1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Some remarks on a theorem of Kachurovskii. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 62 (1978), 525–529. MR58:2496

C1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Asymptotics applied to nonlinear boundary value problems. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 18 (1978), 29–35. MR58:1345

C1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: On the ranges of certain weakly nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations. Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 57 (1978), 351–366. MR80g:35055

C1. Durrant CJ
Durrant CJ: The solar chromosphere — still enigmatic? Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 19 (1978), 411–429.

C1. Eagleson GK and Weber NC
Eagleson GK, Weber NC: Limit theorems for weakly exchangeable arrays. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 84 (1978), 123–30. MR58:18670

C1. Eyland RW and Monro GP
Eyland RW, Monro GP: The History of Mathematical Ideas Option at Sydney University, a Follow Up. Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, 5 (1978), 20–24. MR80m:01002

C1. Field MJ
Field MJ: Resolving actions of compact Lie groups. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 18 (1978), 243–254. MR80c:57023

C1. Fuentes-Cobas L and Szabo P
Fuentes-Cobas L, Szabo P: The Use of Computers in Quantitative X-ray Diffraction Analysis. Revista CENIC, Ciencias Fisicas, 9 (1978), 105–110.

C1. Fuentes-Cobas L and Szabo P
Fuentes-Cobas L, Szabo P: Extraccion de Inclusiones No Metalicas de Aceros. Revista CENIC, Ciencias Fisicas, 9 (1978), 301–312.

C1. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ: The origin of running penumbral waves. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 184 (1978), 49P–52P.

C1. Galloway DJ, Proctor MRE and Weiss NO
Galloway DJ, Proctor MRE, Weiss NO: Magnetic flux ropes and convection. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 87 (1978), 243–261. MR58:19828

C1. Gibson WG and Thompson RS
Gibson WG, Thompson RS: Powers of nonsymmetric stochastic matrices: comment on a paper by Little, Ng and Shaw. Mathematical Biosciences, 42 (1978), 37–41. MR58:28044b

C1. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Alexander ideals and Chen groups. The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 10 (1978), 105–110. MR57:17621

C1. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Longitudes of a link and principality of an Alexander ideal. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 72 (1978), 370–374. MR80c:57006

C1. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: An extension of the signal detection model of information retrieval. Journal of Documentation, 34 (1978), 51–54.

C1. Hutchinson TP and Harris RA
Hutchinson TP, Harris RA: Recent trends in traffic injury. Injury: the British Journal of Accident Surgery, 10 (1978), 133–137.

C1. Kelly GM and Pultr A
Kelly GM, Pultr A: On algebraic recognition of direct-product decompositions. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 12 (1978), 207–224. MR58:16820

C1. Kuo TC
Kuo TC: On Thom-Whitney Stratification Theory. Mathematische Annalen, 234 (1978), 97–107. MR58:6333

C1. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: On the values of characters of semi simple groups over finite fields. Osaka Journal of Mathematics, 15 (1978), 77–99. MR81g:20079

C1. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: On a conjecture of Alperin and McKay. Mathematica Scandinavica, 43 (1978), 5–10. MR80g:20020

C1. Monro GP
Monro GP: The development of complex numbers. Reflections, 3 (1978), 4–9.

C1. Monro GP and Taylor DE
Monro GP, Taylor DE: On multiply transitive groups. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, (Series A), 26 (1978), 57–58. MR80c:20005

C1. Ogawa J and Wehrhahn KH
Ogawa J, Wehrhahn KH: On the Use of the \(t\)-Statistic in Preliminary Testing Procedures for the Behrens-Fisher Problem. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2 (1978), 15–25. MR80a:62032

C1. Rees DE
Rees DE: Non-LTE resonance line polarization in the absence of magnetic fields. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 30 (1978), 455–466.

C1. Robinson J
Robinson J: An asymptotic expansion for samples from a finite population. The Annals of Statistics, 6 (1978), 1005–1011. MR80i:62016

C1. Satterthwaite SP and Hutchinson TP
Satterthwaite SP, Hutchinson TP: A generalisation of Gumbel's bivariate logistic distribution. Metrika, 25 (1978), 163–170. MR80c:62066

C1. Seneta E
Seneta E: A relaxation view of a genetic problem. Advances in Applied Probability, 10 (1978), 716–721. (Proceedings of Conference in Honour of Professor J.E. Moyal, Macquarie University, 10 February, 1978)

C1. Street RH and Walters RFC
Street RH, Walters RFC: Yoneda structures on 2-categories. Journal of Algebra, 50 (1978), 350–379. MR57:3214

C1. Szabo P
Szabo P: Optimization of the Measuring Time in Diffraction Intensity Measurements. Acta Crystallographica. Section A: Foundations of Crystallography, A 34 (1978), 551–553.

C1. Wall GE
Wall GE: On the Lie ring of a group of prime exponent II. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 19 (1978), 11–28. MR80b:20052

C1. Wall GE
Wall GE: A formula in non-commutative differential calculus. Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, 5 (1978), 29–36 and 37–43. MR80g:22018a

Conference Proceedings

E1. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ (1978). Convection with a magnetic field or rotation: an analogy. Proceedings of the Workshop on Solar Rotation, Belvedere G, Paternò L (eds) (ed.) , Catania Astrophysical Observatory, 352–357.

E1. Howlett RB
Howlett RB (1978). Extending characters from normal subgroups. 18-th Summer Research Institute of the Australian Mathematical Society, Topics in Algebra, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, 697 MR80b:20009

E1. Levingston RW and Taylor DE
Levingston RW, Taylor DE (1978). Distance-regular graphs. Combinatorial mathematics, Proc. Internat. Conf. Combinatorial Theory, Australian Nat. Univ., Canberra, 1977, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 686, 313–323. MR80i:05077

E1. Seberry J and Wehrhahn KH
Seberry J, Wehrhahn KH (1978). A Class of Codes Generated by Circulant Weighing Matrices. Combinatorial Math. Proceedings, Canberra 1977, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, 686, 282–289. MR80d:94023

E1. Wall GE
Wall GE (1978). Lie methods in group theory. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag (Berlin), 697, 137–173. MR0524369

E1. Wall GE
Wall GE (1978). Commutator collection and module structure. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag (Berlin), 697, 174–196. MR0524370

Other Output

OT. Curtis C and Lehrer GI
Curtis C, Lehrer GI (1978). On the Homology of buildings of reductive groups. (Preprint, Universities of Sydney and Oregon)

Unpublished Conference Proceedings

UN. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP. Some statistical methods useful in the analysis of road accident data. 1st Course on Crashworthiness in Transportation Systems, Ettore Maiorana Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Sicily. .

UN. Rees DE
Rees DE. Magnetic Fields in Unresolved Photospheric Structures. Combined US Solar Observatories Annual Conference, Santa Fe (October 1978) .