

Research Publications for 1988

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Publications 1947–74


A1. Durrant CJ
Durrant CJ: The Atmosphere of the Sun. Adam Hilger, Bristol, 1988.

A2. Monro GP
Monro GP: Proofs and Problems in Calculus. Carslaw Publications, Sydney, 1988.

A2. Rylands LJ and Taylor DE
Rylands LJ, Taylor DE: Mastering Rubik's Clock. Simon & Schuster, 1988.

A4. Barnes DW and Mack JM
Barnes DW, Mack JM: An Algebraic Introduction to Mathematical Logic. Beijing World Publishing Corporation, 1988, (Reprint of the 1975 edition published by Springer-Verlag, Berlin).

Chapters in Books

B1. Galloway DJ and Jones CA
Galloway DJ, Jones CA: The Pattern of Large-Scale Convection in the Sun, Secular Solar and Geomagnetic Variations in the Last 10,000 Years. Stephenson FR, Wolfendale AW (ed.), Kluwer, 1988, 97–108.

B1. Zheligovsky VA, Melchior P and Sadovsky AM
Zheligovsky VA, Melchior P, Sadovsky A: Global correlations. I. Tidal gravity anomalies, heat flow and seismicity, Problems of Seismological Informatics. Computational Seismology, 21, Nauka, Moscow, 1988, 32–37.

Journal Articles

C1. Beard GV and James RW
Beard GV, James RW: Comments on Question 6 of the 1987 4-Unit mathematics paper. Reflections, (1988) MR1059889

C1. Bennett MR and Robinson J
Bennett MR, Robinson J: Growth and elimination of nerve terminals at synaptic sites during polyneuronal innervation of muscle cells: a tropic hypothesis. Royal Society of London. Proceedings, Series B, 235 (1988), 299–320.

C1. Cartwright DI
Cartwright DI: Some examples of random walks of free products on discrete groups. Annali Matematica Pura ed Applicata, Serie Quarta, 106 (1988), 1–15. MR0964500

C1. Cartwright DI
Cartwright DI: Random walks on direct sums of discrete groups. Journal of Theoretical Probability, 1 (1988), 341–356. MR89j:60013

C1. Cartwright DI and Kucharski K
Cartwright DI, Kucharski K: Jackson's theorem for compact connected Lie groups. Journal of Approximation Theory, 55 (1988), 352–359. MR89j:43008

C1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Multiple solutions of asymptotically homogeneous problems. Annali di Matematica, 152 (1988), 63–78. MR90i:35095

C1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: The effect of domain shape on the number of solutions of weakly nonlinear elliptic equations. Journal of Differential Equations, 74 (1988), 120–156. MR89h:35256

C1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: A note on an equation with critical exponent. The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 20 (1988), 600–602. MR90e:35011

C1. Delbourgo R, Jarvis PD, Zhang RB and Thompson G
Delbourgo R., Jarvis P. D., Zhang R. B., Thompson G.: Gauge fixing of stringlike models via \(\mathrm{ OSp}(D/2)\). Modern Phys. Lett. A, 3 (1988), no.3, 303–309. MR927053

C1. Delbourgo R, Twisk S and Zhang RB
Delbourgo R., Twisk S., Zhang R. B.: Grand unification and Grassmannian Kaluza-Klein theory. Modern Phys. Lett. A, 3 (1988), no.11, 1073–1078. MR958657

C1. Delbourgo R and Zhang RB
Delbourgo R., Zhang R. B.: Fermionic dimensions and Kaluza-Klein theory. Phys. Lett. B, 202 (1988), no.3, 296–300. MR932395

C1. Delbourgo R and Zhang RB
Delbourgo R., Zhang R. B.: Grassmannian Kaluza-Klein theory and the standard model. Phys. Rev. D (3), 38 (1988), no.8, 2490–2497. MR968362

C1. Dimca A
Dimca A: On analytic abelian coverings. Mathematische Annalen, 279 (1988), 501–515. MR89c:32020

C1. Du J
Du J: The decomposition into cells of the affine Weyl group of type \(\tilde B_3\). Communications in Algebra, 16 (1988), 384–404.

C1. Du J
Du J: Two-sided cells of the affine Weyl group of type \(\tilde C_3\). Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 38 (1988), 87–98. MR89j:20057

C1. Easdown D
Easdown D: The minimal faithful degree of a semilattice of groups. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, (Series A), 45 (1988), 341–350. MR89j:20073

C1. Easdown D
Easdown D: Biorder preserving coextensions of fundamental semigroups. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Section A. Mathematics, 31 (1988), 463–467. MR0969075

C1. Easdown D
Easdown D: Modelling Human Thought Processes. Curtin Gazette, 1 (1988)

C1. Easdown D and Praeger CE
Easdown D, Praeger CE: On minimal faithful permutation representations of finite groups. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 38 (1988), 207–220. MR89i:20007

C1. Glasby SP
Glasby SP: Constructing normalizers in finite soluble groups. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 5 (1988), 285–294. MR90f:68092

C1. Glasby SP
Glasby SP: Intersecting subgroups in finite soluble groups. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 5 (1988), 295–301. MR90f:68093

C1. Hall P and Seneta E
Hall P, Seneta E: Products of independent normally attracted random variables. Probability Theory and Related Fields, 78 (1988), 135–142. MR89e:60044

C1. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Two-knot groups with torsion free abelian normal subgroups of rank two. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 63 (1988), 664–671. MR90a:57033

C1. Hillman JA and Kearton C
Hillman JA, Kearton C: Seifert matrices and 6-knots. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 309 (1988), 843–857. MR89j:57015

C1. Holst L, Kennedy JE and Quine MP
Holst L, Kennedy JE, Quine MP: Rates of Poisson convergence for some coverage and urn problems using coupling. Journal of Applied Probability, 25 (1988), 717–724. MR89i:60021

C1. Howlett RB
Howlett RB: On the Schur multipliers of Coxeter groups. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series, 38 (1988), 263–276. MR90e:20010

C1. Howlett RB and Lehrer GI
Howlett RB, Lehrer GI: On the integral group algebra of a finite algebraic group. Astérisque, 168 (1988), 141–155. MR91b:20063

C1. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Inter-observer agreement about traffic conflicts: A fourth opinion. Traffic Engineering and Control, 29 (1988), 235–237.

C1. Ivers DJ and James RW
Ivers DJ, James RW: An antidynamo theorem for nearly symmetry flows. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 44 (1988), 271–278. MR90g:85005

C1. Ivers DJ and James RW
Ivers DJ, James RW: Antidynamo theorems for non-radial flows. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 40 (1988), 147–163. MR89c:76116

C1. Jarvis PD and Zhang RB
Jarvis P. D., Zhang R. B.: Unitary Sugawara constructions for affine superalgebras. Phys. Lett. B, 215 (1988), no.4, 695–700. MR973586

C1. Joshi N and Kruskal MD
Joshi N and Kruskal M D: An asymptotic approach to the connection problem for the first and the second Painlevé equations. Physics Letters. A, 130 (1988), no.3, 129–137. MR0948427

C1. Kantor WM and Taylor DE
Kantor WM, Taylor DE: Polynomial-time versions of Sylow's theorem. Journal of Algorithms, 9 (1988), 1–17. MR89h:20004

C1. Kelly GM and Albert MH
Kelly GM, Albert MH: The closure of a class of colimits. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 51 (1988), 1–17. MR89g:18003a

C1. Kelly GM and Paré R
Kelly GM, Paré R: A note on the Albert-Kelly paper "The closure of a class of colimits". Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 51 (1988), 19–25. MR89g:18003b

C1. Klotz AH
Klotz AH: Plane waves in the generalized field theory. Acta Physica Polonica. A, B19 (1988), 533–553.

C1. Klotz AH
Klotz AH: On the nature of quantum mechanics. Synthese, 77 (1988), 139–193. MR90e:81015

C1. Kuo TC and Trotman DJA
Kuo TC, Trotman DJA: On (\(w\)) and (\(t^s\))-regular stratification. Inventiones Mathematicae, 92 (1988), 633–643. MR89h:58014

C1. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: On the cohomology of hyperoctahedral hyperplane complements. Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, 47 (1988), 219–234. MR89g:20079

C1. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: A survey of Hecke algebras and the Artin braid groups. Contemporary Mathematics, 78 (1988), 365–385. MR89m:20043

C1. Lites BW, Skumanich A, Rees DE and Murphy GA
Lites BW, Skumanich A, Rees DE, Murphy GA: Stokes Profile Analysis and Vector Fields. IV. Synthesis and Inversion of the Chromospheric Mg 1 \(b\) Lines. Astrophysical Journal, 330 (1988), 493–512.

C1. Luckock HC, Moss IG and Toms DJ
Luckock HC, Moss IG, Toms DJ: Polyakov Strings in Background Fields: Wave Functions and Quantum Cosmology. Nuclear Physics. B, B297 (1988), 748–764. MR89e:81115

C1. Macaskill C and Kachoyan BJ
Macaskill C, Kachoyan BJ: Numerical evaluation of the statistics of acoustic scattering from a rough surface. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 84 (1988), 1826–1835.

C1. Mack JM
Mack JM: A note on sine, cosine, and tangent. Reflections, 13 (1988), 45–47.

C1. Mack JM
Mack JM: Scaling: how it really works. The Graduate Connection, 1 (1988), 5–9.

C1. McCaskill JS and Fackerell ED
McCaskill JS, Fackerell ED: Painlevé solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation for a cylindrical poly-electrolyte in excess salt solution. Journal of the Chemical Society F2, 84 (1988), 161–179.

C1. McMullen JR
McMullen JR: Duality for compact connected groups and semisimple Lie Algebras. Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico di Milano, 55 (1988), 9–14. MR89f:22086

C1. Nesis A, Durrant CJ and Mattig W
Nesis A, Durrant CJ, Mattig W: Overshoot of horizontal and vertical velocities in the deep solar atmosphere. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 201 (1988), 153–160.

C1. Palmer WD and Seberry J
Palmer WD, Seberry J: Bhaskar-Rao designs over small groups. Ars Combinatoria, 26A (1988), 125–148. MR90a:05039

C1. Parusiński A
Parusiński A: Lipschitz properties of semi-analytic sets. Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 38 (1988), 189–213. MR0978246

C1. Parusiński A
Parusiński A: Regular projections for sub-analytic sets. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Série I. Mathématique, 307 (1988), 343–347. MR89k:32012

C1. Parusiński A
Parusiński A: A generalization of the Milnor number. Mathematische Annalen, 281 (1988), 247–254. MR89k:32023

C1. Peiris MS
Peiris MS: On the study of some functions of Multivariate ARMA processes. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 25 (1988), no.1, 146–151. MR89d:62094

C1. Peiris MS and Perera BJC
Peiris MS, Perera BJC: On the prediction with fractionally differenced ARMA models. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 9 (1988), 215–220. MR90a:62250

C1. Rees DE, Murphy GA and Durrant CJ
Rees DE, Murphy GA, Durrant CJ: Stokes profile analysis and vector magnetic fields II. Formal numerical solutions of the Stokes transfer equations. Astrophysical Journal, 339 (1988), 1093–1106.

C1. Robinson J
Robinson J: Discussion of P. Hall's "Theoretical comparison of bootstrap confidence intervals". The Annals of Statistics, 16 (1988), 976–977.

C1. Rosenberg S, Weber NC and Rosenberg M
Rosenberg S, Weber NC, Rosenberg M: Essais de production de suites aléatoires chez des personnes normales, alcoliques et schizophrenes. Journées d'Informatique Médicale de Montpellier, (1988), 383–394.

C1. Seneta E
Seneta E: Degree, iteration and permutation in improving Bonferroni-type bounds. The Australian Journal of Statistics, 30A (1988), 27–38.

C1. Seneta E
Seneta E: Silhouettes in early Australian statistics. The Australian Journal of Statistics, 30B (1988), 2–22. MR90a:01084

C1. Seneta E
Seneta E: Perturbation of the stationary distribution measured by ergodicity coefficients. Advances in Applied Probability, 20 (1988), 228–230. MR89c:60076

C1. Seneta E
Seneta E: Sensitivity to perturbation of the stationary distribution: some refinements. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 108 (1988), 121–126. MR90a:60122

C1. Streater A, Cooper J and Rees DE
Streater A, Cooper J, Rees DE: Transfer and Redistribution of Polarized Light in Resonance Lines. I. Quantum Formulation with Collisions. Astrophysical Journal, 335 (1988), 503–515.

C1. Sun SH
Sun SH: A localic approach to minimal prime spectra. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 103 (1988), 47–53. MR88j:06035

C1. Sun SH
Sun SH: Two new topological cardinal inequalities. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 104 (1988), 313–316. MR89g:54011

C1. Sun SH
Sun SH: The class of \(\aleph\)-spaces is invariant of closed mapping with Lindelöf fibres. Commentationes Mathematicæ Universitatis Carolinæ, 29 (1988), 351–354.. MR0957403

C1. Sun SH and Wang YM
Sun SH, Wang YM: On two questions of \(D\)-completely regular spaces. Questions and Answers in General Topology, 6 (1988), 73–80. MR89g:54052

C1. Thompson RS, Trudinger BJ and Cook CM
R S Thompson, B J Trudinger and C M Cook: Doppler ultrasound waveform indices. AB ratio, pulsatility index and Pourcelot ratio. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gyncecology, 95 (1988), 581–588.

C1. Thompson RS, Trudinger BJ and Cook CM
R S Thompson, B J Trudinger and C M Cook: The effect of fetal heart rate on umbilical artery flow velocity waveforms. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gyncecology, 95 (1988), 316–317.

C1. Thompson RS, Trudinger BJ, Cook CM and Giles WB
R S Thompson, B J Trudinger, C M Cook and W B Giles: Umbilical artery velocity waveforms: normal reference values for the AB ration and Pourcelot ratio. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gyncecology, 95 (1988), 589–591.

C1. Trudinger BJ, Cook CM, Thompson RS, Giles WB and Connelly AJ
B J Trudinger, C M Cook, R S Thompson, W B Giles and A J Connelly: Low-dose aspirin improves fetal weight in umbilical placental insufficiency. Lancet, ii (1988), 214–215.

C1. Trudinger BJ, Cook CM, Thompson RS, Giles WB and Connelly AJ
B J Trudinger, C M Cook, R S Thompson, W B Giles and A J Connelly: Low dose aspirin therapy improves fetal weight in umbilical placental insufficiency. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gyncecology, 159 (1988), 681–685.

C1. Wilson PR
Wilson PR: Solar Cycle Workshop, Second Meeting (A Review). Solar Physics, 117 (1988), 205–215.

C1. Wilson PR, Altrock RC, Harvey KL, Martin SF and Snodgrass HB
Wilson PR, Altrock RC, Harvey KL, Martin SF, Snodgrass HB: The extended solar activity cycle. Nature, 333 (1988), 748.

C1. Zhang RB
Zhang R. B.: Lagrangian formulation of open and closed \(p\)-adic strings. Phys. Lett. B, 209 (1988), no.2-3, 229–232. MR954538

Encyclopaedia Entries

D. Seneta E
Seneta E: Vestnik Statistiki, Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences. Kotz S, Johnson NL eds (ed.), 9, J. Wiley and Sons, New York, 1988, 496.

D. Seneta E
Seneta E: Yanson (Jahnson). Yulii Eduardovich, Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences. Kotz S, Johnson NL eds (ed.), 9, J. Wiley and Sons, New York, 1988, 658–659.

Conference Proceedings

E1. Butler G and Cannon JJ
Butler G, Cannon JJ (1988). Cayley version 4: The user language. International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, Rome, July 4–8, 1988, Proceedings of the 1988 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, Gianni P (ed) (ed.) , Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 358 MR1053754

E1. Butler G and Cannon JJ
Butler G, Cannon JJ (1988). The design of Cayley — A language for modern algebra. Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 88 Conference on Programming Language Design. Atlanta, Georgia MR1053754

E1. Macaskill C
Macaskill C (1988). Wave propagation in a randomly varying medium using a numerical approach. Proceedings of Computational Techniques and Applications: CTAC-87, Noye J, Fletcher C eds (ed.) , North-Holland, Amsterdam, 439–448.

E1. Mack JM
Mack JM (1988). Report on Action Group 5: Tertiary (Post-Secondary) Academic Institutions. Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Mathematical Education, 159–176.

E1. Parusiński A
Parusiński A (1988). Lipschitz stratification of real analytic sets. Singularities, Łojasiewicz S ed (ed.) , Banach Center Publications, Polskie Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa, XX, 323–333. MR1101849

E1. Sun SH and Johnstone PT
Sun SH, Johnstone PT (1988). Weak products and Hausdorff locales. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1348, 273–293.

Computer Software

G1. Cannon JJ
Cannon JJ, et al (1988). Cayley V3.6. (As for V3.3 plus modular representation theory; 230,000 lines of C code.) .

Other Output

OT. Mack JM
Mack JM (1988). A personal response to the Green Paper. (submitted to the Hon. J.S. Dawkins, April, 1988)

Unpublished Conference Proceedings

UN. Ball GR
Ball GR. Facing the gifted student. Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers Biennial Conference, Newcastle 1988 .

UN. Cannon JJ
Cannon JJ. An introduction to the modern algebra system Cayley. Belgium Conference on Computer Algebra, Ghent 1988 .

UN. Cannon JJ
Cannon JJ. Overview of the algebra system Cayley V4. Conference on Computational Group Theory, Oberwolfach 1988 .

UN. Cannon JJ
Cannon JJ. Recent development in computational group theory. Conference on Constructive Algebraic Number Theory, Oberwolfach 1988 .

UN. Eyland RW
Eyland RW. Mathematics in 1788. Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers Biennial Conference, Newcastle 1988 .

UN. Field MJ
Field MJ. New examples of symmetry breaking and the distribution of symmetry breaking isotropy types. Cornell Mathematical Sciences Institute Workshop on Symmetry and Groups in Non-linear Continuum Mechanics, Cornell 1988 .

UN. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ. The ABC flow and the kinematic dynamo. Conference on Turbulence and non-linear dynamics of MHD flows, Cargèse, Corsica 1988 .

UN. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ. Pattern selection in the sun's convection zone. Astron. Soc. Aust. 22nd AGM Narrabri 1988, Poster paper .

UN. Karlov L
Karlov L. Is another scientific revolution immanent? Science Conference, ESTO '88, Melbourne 1988 .

UN. Kelly GM
Kelly GM. Two-dimensional monad theory. Australian National Mathematical Sciences Bicentennial Congress, Canberra 1988 .

UN. Kelly GM
Kelly GM. On 2-categorical limits. International Meeting on Category Theory, University of Sussex 1988 .

UN. Kuo TC
Kuo TC. Reducibility and irreducibility in \(\mathbb{C}[[x,y]]\). Australian National Mathematical Science Bicentennial Congress, Canberra 1988 .

UN. Macaskill C and Kachoyan BJ
Macaskill C, Kachoyan BJ. Acoustic scattering at the sea surface. Austr. Physical Oceanography Conference, Sydney 1988 .

UN. Macaskill C and Kachoyan BJ
Macaskill C, Kachoyan BJ. Acoustic scattering from rough surfaces. 25th Austr. Appl. Maths. Conference, Ballarat 1988 .

UN. Rees DE
Rees DE. A Mathematical Olympiad. Mathematical Association of NSW, Talented Students Day (June 1988) .

UN. Rosenberg S and Weber NC
Rosenberg S, Weber NC. A multivariate approach to random number generation applied to normal, alcoholic and schizophrenic subjects. 24th International Congress of Psychology, Sydney .

UN. Taylor DE
Taylor DE. A species proof of the cyclotomic identity. Australian National Mathematical Sciences Bicentennial Congress, Canberra 1988 .

UN. Taylor DE
Taylor DE. Combinatorial interpretation of Witt vectors. Sixth Annual Algebra Conference of Victoria .

UN. Wall GE
Wall GE. Burnside varieties and Lie rings. Australian National Mathematical Sciences Bicentennial Congress, Canberra 16–20 May 1988 .

UN. Walters RFC
Walters RFC. Categorical analysis of digital circuits. International Meeting on Category Theory, University of Sussex 1988 .