

Research Publications for 1993

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A1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Weakly nonlinear Dirichlet problems on long or thin domains. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, 105 American Mathematical Society, 1993, 66 pages. MR94b:35113

A1. Keepes B, Sinclair K, Ball S, Harman K and Kearns JL
Keepes B, Sinclair K, Ball S, Harman K, Kearns J: Evaluation of the First Year of the TV Open Learning Project. Australian Government Publishing Service, 1993.

A2. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Essentials of Statistical Methods, in 41 Pages. Rumsby Scientific Publishing, Adelaide, 1993.

A5. Brown SF
Brown SF: Formation and dynamics of intermediate temperature solar coronal loops. The University of Sydney, 1993.

A5. Fisher NI
Fisher NI: Contributions to the statistical analysis of directional data. 1993.

A5. Kelly DRC
Kelly DRC: Radiation hydrodynamics of early phases of type II supernovae. The University of Sydney, 1993.

A5. Palmer WD
Palmer WD: Partial generalized Bhaskar-Rao designs. The University of Sydney, 1993.

A5. Phillips CG
Phillips CG: Mean dynamos. The University of Sydney, 1993.

A5. Thatcher JD
Thatcher JD: The chromosphere of K dwarf stars. The University of Sydney, 1993.

A5. Unger WR
Unger WR: Asymptotics of increasing trees. The University of Sydney, 1993.

A5. Whiting PM
Whiting PM: Reflection travel-time tomography using the maximum entropy principle. The University of Sydney, 1993.

Chapters in Books

B1. Durrant CJ
Durrant CJ: Solar telescopes, Astronomy and Astrophysics. Voigt HH (ed.), Landolt-Boernstein Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology, VI/3 a, Springer-Verlag, 1993, 12–16.

B1. Durrant CJ
Durrant CJ: The Sun, Astronomy and Astrophysics. Voigt HH (ed.), Landolt-Boernstein Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology, VI/3 a, Springer-Verlag, 1993, 79–105.

B1. Joshi N and Kruskal MD
Joshi N and Kruskal M D: A local asymptotic method of seeing the natural barrier of the Chazy equation, Applications of analytic and geometric methods for nonlinear differential equations. Kluwer, New York, 1993, 331–339. MR1261674

B1. Zheligovsky O and Pouquet A
Zheligovsky O, Pouquet A: Hydrodynamic Stability of the ABC Flow, Solar and Planetary Dynamos. Proctor MRE, Matthews PC, Rucklidge AM (ed.), Cambridge University Press, 1993, 347–354.

B1. Zheligovsky VA
Zheligovsky VA: On magnetic field generation by a class of flows of conducting fluid in a sphere: corrigendum et addendum, Problems in earthquake prediction and interpretation of Seismological Data. Computational Seismology, 25, Nauka, Moscow, 1993, 109–136.

Journal Articles

C1. Bennett MR, Gibson WG and Poznanski RR
Bennett MR, Gibson WG, Poznanski RR: Extracellular current flow and potential during quantal transmission from varicosities in a smooth muscle syncytium. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B, B342 (1993), 89–99.

C1. Brink B and Howlett RB
Brink B, Howlett RB: A finiteness property and an automatic structure for Coxeter groups. Mathematische Annalen, 296 (1993), 179–190. MR94d:20045

C1. Buchwald VT and Viera F
Buchwald VT, Viera F: The diffraction of coastally trapped waves into and from a strait. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 72 (1993), 1–34.

C1. Butler G and Cannon JJ
Butler G, Cannon JJ: On Holt's algorithm. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 15 (1993) MR1281200

C1. Carboni A, Kelly GM and Pedicchio MC
Carboni A, Kelly GM, Pedicchio MC: Some remarks on Maltsev and Goursat categories. Applied Categorical Structures, 1 (1993), 385–421. MR95c:18003

C1. Carboni A, Lack S and Walters RFC
Carboni A, Lack S, Walters RFC: Introduction to extensive and distributive categories. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 84 (1993), 145–158. MR93k:18004

C1. Cartwright DI, Mantero AM, Steger TM and Zappa A
Cartwright DI, Mantero AM, Steger T, Zappa A: Groups acting simply transitively on the vertices of a building of type \({\tilde A}_2\) I. Geometriæ Dedicata, 47 (1993), 143–166. MR95b:20053

C1. Cartwright DI, Mantero AM, Steger TM and Zappa A
Cartwright DI, Mantero AM, Steger T, Zappa A: Groups acting simply transitively on the vertices of a building of type \({\tilde A}_2\) II: the cases \(q=2\) and \(q=3\). Geometriæ Dedicata, 47 (1993), 167–226. MR95b:20054

C1. Cartwright DI, Soardi PM and Woess W
Cartwright DI, Soardi PM, Woess W: Martin and end compactifications of non locally finite graphs. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 338 (1993), 679–693. MR93j:60096

C1. Chan WK, Lai KF and Castillo R
Chan WK, Lai KF, Castillo R: Riemannian foliation in \(N=1\), \(D=11\) supergravity. Il Nuovo Cimento, 108 B (1993), no.7, 739–752. MR95g:83101

C1. Choo KG and Sun SH
Choo KG, Sun SH: On extensive normal quantales. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Society, Second Series, 16 (1993), 11–20.

C1. Church PT, Dancer EN and Timourian J
Church PT, Dancer EN, Timourian J: The structure of a nonlinear elliptic operator. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 338 (1993), 1–41. MR93j:35076

C1. Cohen JE, Iwasa Y, Rautu Gh, Ruskai MB, Seneta E and Zbaganu Gh
Cohen JE, Iwasa Y, Rautu Gh, Ruskai MB, Seneta E, *Zbaganu Gh: Relative entropy under mappings by stochastic matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 179 (1993), 211–235. MR93m:60145

C1. Cosgrove CM
Cosgrove CM: Painlevé classification of all semilinear partial differential equations of the second order I. Hyperbolic equations in two independent variables. Studies in Applied Mathematics, 89 (1993), 1–61. MR94g:35010

C1. Cosgrove CM
Cosgrove CM: Painlevé classification of all semilinear partial differential equations of the second order II. Parabolic and higher-dimensional equations. Studies in Applied Mathematics, 89 (1993), 95–151. MR94g:35011

C1. Cosgrove CM
Cosgrove CM: All binomial-type Painlevé equations of the second order and degree three or higher. Studies in Applied Mathematics, 90 (1993), 119–187. MR95e:34012

C1. Cosgrove CM and Scoufis G
Cosgrove CM, Scoufis G: Painlevé classification of a class of differential equations of the second order and second degree. Studies in Applied Mathematics, 88 (1993), 25–87. MR93k:34008

C1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: On uniqueness and stability for solutions of singularly perturbed predator prey type equations with diffusion. Journal of Differential Equations, 102 (1993), 1–32. MR94e:35075

C1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Generic domain dependence for non smooth equations and the open set problem for jumping nonlinearity. Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 1 (1993), 139–150. MR94c:35085

C1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Connectedness of the branch of positive solutions of some weakly nonlinear elliptic equations. Topological Methods in Analysis, 2 (1993), 91–104. MR94j:35051

C1. Dancer EN and Toland JF
Dancer EN, Toland J: The index change and global bifurcation for systems with a first integral. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 66 (1993), 539–567. MR94a:58140

C1. Dimca A and Saito M
Dimca A, Saito M: On the cohomology of a general fiber of a polynomial map. Compositio Mathematica, 85 (1993), 299–309. MR94b:32060

C1. Easdown D and Munn WD
Easdown D, Munn WD: On semigroups with involution. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 48 (1993), 93–100. MR94f:20120

C1. Farber MS and Hillman JA
Farber MS, Hillman JA: Doubly null concordant knots have hyperbolic stable isometry structures. Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 2 (1993), 125–140. MR94i:57038

C1. Fraser WB
Fraser WB: On the theory of ring spinning. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B, A342 (1993) MR1253327

C1. Fraser WB
Fraser WB: On the theory of the two-for-one twister. Royal Society of London. Proceedings, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, A 447 (1993), 409–425.

C1. Fraser WB
Fraser WB: Air drag and friction in the two-for-one twistor: Results from the theory. Journal of the Textile Institute, 84 (1993), 364–375.

C1. Gould MD, Zhang RB and Bracken AJ
Gould M. D., Zhang R. B., Bracken A. J.: Quantum double construction for graded Hopf algebras. Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., 47 (1993), no.3, 353–375. MR1220311

C1. Gray BF, Coppersthwaite DP and Griffiths JF
Gray BF, Coppersthwaite DP, Griffiths JF: A novel thermal instability in a semi-batch reactor. Process Safety Progress, 12 (1993), 49–55.

C1. Gray BF and Merkin JH
Gray BF, Merkin JH: Thermal explosion: escape times in the uniform temperature approximation. Mathematical Engineering Journal, 4 (1993), 13–26.

C1. Gray BF and Wake GC
Gray BF, Wake GC: Critical initial conditions for thermal ignition. Mathematical Computation and Modelling, 18 (1993), 65–75. MR1250093

C1. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: A remark on branched cyclic covers. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 87 (1993), 237–240. MR94f:57001

C1. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: On 4-manifolds with universal covering space a compact geometric manifold. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, A, 55 (1993), no.2, 137–148. MR94i:57031

C1. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: On 4-manifolds with universal covering space \(S^2\times \mathbb{R}^2\) or \(S^3\times \mathbb{R}\). Topology and its Applications, 52 (1993), 23–42. MR95b:57020

C1. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: On 3-dimensional Poincaré duality complexes and 2-knot groups. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 114 (1993), 215–218. MR94h:57037

C1. Huang X, Karihaloo BL and Fraser WB
X Huang, B L Karihaloo and W B Fraser: Contribution of first-order moduli differences to dilatant transformation toughening. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 30 (1993), no.2, 151–160.

C1. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: On macroscopic description of urban traffic speeds. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 44 (1993), 209–210.

C1. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: A guide to bivariate ideas of quantal response analysis, as applied in biometrics and economics. Biometrical Journal, 35 (1993), 99–108.

C1. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: The seventh-root formula for a trivariate normal probability. The American Statistician, 47 (1993), 102–103.

C1. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Kappa muddles together two sources of disagreement: Tetrachoric correlation is preferable. Research in Nursing and Health, 16 (1993), 313–316.

C1. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Second attempts at multiple-choice test items. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 47 (1993), 108–112.

C1. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Comments on the multivariate normal integral. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 47 (1993), 112–114.

C1. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Discussion of data on the killing by cold of fruit fly larvae in mangosteens. The Kasetsart Journal: Natural Sciences, 27 (1993), 226–229.

C1. Hutchinson TP and Lai CD
Hutchinson TP, Lai CD: As regards reliability, what is in the Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences? Safety and Reliability, 13 (1993), no.1, 13–21.

C1. Jacquet H, Lai KF and Rallis S
Jacquet H, Lai KF, Rallis S: A trace formula for symmetric spaces. Duke Mathematical Journal, 70 (1993), no.2, 305–372. MR94d:11033

C1. Jones CA and Galloway DJ
Jones CA, Galloway DJ: Axisymmetric magnetoconvection in a twisted field. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 253 (1993), 297–326. MR94e:76099

C1. Jongmans F and Seneta E
Jongmans F, Seneta E: The Bienaymé family history from archival materials and background to the turning points test. Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, 62 (1993), 121–145. MR1232279

C1. Kelly GM and Lack S
Kelly GM, Lack S: Finite product-preserving functors, Kan extensions, and strong-finitary 2-monads. Applied Categorical Structures, 1 (1993), 85–94. MR94k:18009

C1. Kelly GM, Lack S and Walters RFC
Kelly GM, Lack S, Walters RFC: Coinverters and categories of fractions for categories with structure. Applied Categorical Structures, 1 (1993), 95–102. MR94k:18012

C1. Kelly GM and Power AJ
Kelly GM, Power AJ: Adjunctions whose counits are coequalizers and presentations of enriched monads. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 89 (1993), 163–179. MR94k:18008

C1. Khalil W and Walters RFC
Khalil W, Walters RFC: An imperative language based on distributive categories II. Theoretical Informatics and Applications, 27 (1993), 503–522. MR94k:68113

C1. Laflamme R and Matacz A
R. Laflamme and A. Matacz: Decoherence Functional and Inhomogeneities in the Early Universe. International Journal of Modern Physics. D, 2 (1993), 171–182.

C1. Lehrer GI and Rylands LJ
Lehrer GI, Rylands LJ: The split building of a reductive group. Mathematische Annalen, 296 (1993), 607–624. MR94g:20064

C1. Links JR, Gould MD and Zhang RB
Links J. R., Gould M. D., Zhang R. B.: Quantum supergroups, link polynomials and representation of the braid generator. Rev. Math. Phys., 5 (1993), no.2, 345–361. MR1223526

C1. Links JR and Zhang RB
Links J. R., Zhang R. B.: Eigenvalues of Casimir invariants of \(U_q(\mathrm{ gl}(m|n))\). J. Math. Phys., 34 (1993), no.12, 6016–6024. MR1246266

C1. Macaskill C and Kachoyan BJ
Macaskill C, Kachoyan BJ: An iterative approach for the numerical simulation of scattering from one and two-dimensional rough surfaces. Applied Optics, 32 (1993), no.15, 2839–2847.

C1. Matacz A
Andrew Matacz: The Emergence of Classical Behaviour in the Quantum Fluctuations of a Scalar Field in an Expanding Universe. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 10 (1993), 509–515. MR93j:83047

C1. Matacz A
Andrew Matacz: Classical Properties of Quantum Fluctuations in the Early Universe. Vistas in Astronomy, 37 (1993), 507–510.

C1. Matacz A, Davies PCW and Ottewill AC
A. Matacz, P.C.W Davies and A.C. Ottewill: Quantum Vacuum Instability Near Rotating Stars. Physical Review. D, 47 (1993), 1557–1562. MR94a:83027

C1. Monro GP
Monro GP: Logic, Sheaves and Factorization Systems. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 58 (1993), no.3, 872–893. MR94k:03082

C1. Morgan MK, Johnston IH, Hallinan JM and Weber NC
Morgan MK, Johnston IH, Hallinan JM, Weber NC: Complications of surgery for cerebral arteriovenous malformations of the brain. Journal of Neurosurgery, 78 (1993), 176–182.

C1. Myerscough MR
Myerscough MR: A simple model for temperature regulation in honeybee swarms. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 162 (1993), 381–393.

C1. Parusiński A
Parusiński A: Constructability of the set of points where a complex analytic morphism is open. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 117 (1993), 205–211. MR93c:32012

C1. Parusiński A
Parusiński A: Limits of tangent spaces to the fibres and the \(w_f\) condition. Duke Mathematical Journal, 72 (1993), 99–108. MR94i:32059

C1. Paunescu L
Paunescu L: A weighted version of the Kuiper-Kuo-Bochnak-Lojasiewicz theorem. Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 2 (1993), no.1, 69–79. MR93i:58020

C1. Peiris MS and Court JR
Peiris MS, Court JR: A note on the estimation of the degree of differencing in long memory time series. Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 14 (1993), no.2, 223–229. MR96b:62145

C1. Phan D
Phan D: A G2II algebraically general twistfree vacuum spacetime. General Relativity and Gravitation, 25 (1993), 1009–1018. MR94f:83011

C1. Quine MP
Quine MP: On three characterizations of the normal distribution. Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 14 (1993), no.2, 257–263. MR96b:62019

C1. Quine MP and Quine S
Quine MP, Quine S: Estimation of infant mortality rates categorised by social class for an Australian population. Applied Statistics, 42 (1993), no.2, 333–338. (Royal Statistical Society)

C1. Seneta E
Seneta E: Ergodicity for products of infinite stochastic matrices. Journal of Theoretical Probability, (1993), 345–352. MR94a:60100

C1. Seneta E
Seneta E: Sensitivity of finite Markov chains under perturbation. Statistics and Probability Letters, 17 (1993), 163–168. MR94k:65197

C1. Seneta E
Seneta E: Lewis Carroll's "Pillow Problems": On the 1993 centenary. Statistical Science, 8 (1993), 180–186. MR94g:60005

C1. Seneta E
Seneta E: Explicit forms for ergodicity coefficients of stochastic matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 191 (1993), 245–252. MR94i:15019

C1. Sisson RA, Swift A, Wake GC and Gray BF
Sisson RA, Swift A, Wake GC, Gray BF: The self heating of damp cellulosic materials: II. On the steady states of the spatially distributed case. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 50 (1993), 285–306. MR94i:80003

C1. Snodgrass HB and Wilson PR
Snodgrass HB, Wilson PR: Real and Virtual Unipolar Regions. Solar Physics, 148 (1993), 179–194.

C1. Sun SH
Sun SH: On biregular rings and their duality. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 89 (1993), no.329–337, 8. MR2184865

C1. van de Ven RJ
van de Ven RJ: Estimating the shape parameter of the negative binomial distribution. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 46 (1993), 111–123.

C1. van de Ven RJ and Weber NC
van de Ven RJ, Weber NC: Bounds for the median of the negative binomial distribution. Metrika, 40 (1993), 185–189. MR94g:60037

C1. Wall GE
Wall GE: Multilinear Lie relators for varieties of groups. Journal of Algebra, 157 (1993), 341–393. MR94f:20054

C1. Wall GE
Wall GE: A note on multiplicity-free tensor representations. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 88 (1993), 249–263. MR94g:20020

C1. Zhang RB
Zhang R. B.: Finite-dimensional irreducible representations of the quantum supergroup \(U_q(\mathrm{ gl}(m/n))\). J. Math. Phys., 34 (1993), no.3, 1236–1254. MR1207983

C1. Zhang RB
Zhang R. B.: Finite-dimensional representations of \(U_q(C(n+1))\) at arbitrary \(q\). J. Phys. A, 26 (1993), no.23, 7041–7059. MR1253894

C1. Zheligovsky VA
Zheligovsky VA: A kinematic magnetic dynamo sustained by a Beltrami flow in a sphere. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 73 (1993), 217–254.

C1. Zheligovsky VA
Zheligovsky VA: Numerical solution of the kinematic dynamo problem for Beltrami flows in a sphere. Journal of Scientific Computing, 8 (1993), no.1, 41–68. MR94e:76102

C1. Zhou DX
Ding Xuan Zhou: Converse theorems for multidimensional Kantorovich operators.. Anal. Math., 19 (1993), no.1, 8211;100. MR1232056

C1. Zhou DX
Ding Xuan Zhou: On a paper of Mazhar and Totik.. J. Approx. Theory, 72 (1993), no.3, #8211;300. MR1209969

C1. Zhou DX and Zhang NS
Ding Xuan Zhou, Nan Song Zhang: Besov spaces of Ditzian-Totik type and Bernstein-Durrmeyer operators. J. Math. Res. Exposition, 13 (1993), no.4, #8211;504. MR1254348

Encyclopaedia Entries

D. Winch DE
Winch DE: Keith Edward Bullen, Australian Dictionary of Biography. 1993


D. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Review of "Dynamics and Bifurcations" by J. Hale and H. Kocak. Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, 19 (1993), no.6, 158–159.

D. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ: Review of "Physics of Magnetic Flux Ropes, eds C.T. Russell, E.R. Priest, and L.C. Lee". Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 68 (1993), 263–264. (this is Geophysical Monographs 58, published by the American Geophysical Union, 1990)

D. Newman MF and Wall GE
Newman MF, Wall GE: Review of "Around Burnside" (Kostrikin) and "The Restricted Burnside Problem" (Vaughn-Lee). Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 28 (1993), 157–161. MR1568011

Conference Proceedings

E1. Fraser WB
Fraser WB (1993). The dynamics of ballooning yarns in ring spinning and two-for-one twisting. Polish Conference on Textile and Crane Machines, Proceedings of the IVth Polish Conference on Textile and Crane Machines, Bielsko-Biala, 61–78.

E1. Galloway DJ and O'Brian NR
Galloway DJ, O'Brian NR (1993). Numerical calculations of dynamos for ABC and related flows. Solar and Planetary Dynamos, MRE Proctor, PC Matthews and AM Rucklidge eds (ed.) , Publications of the Newton Institute, Cambridge University Press, 105–113.

E1. Gray BF, Griffiths JF and Foulds GA
Gray BF, Griffiths JF, Foulds GA (1993). Relevance of combustion theory to the homogeneous partial oxidation of methane. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Natural Gas Upgrading, Sydney, Elsevier

E1. Jones CA and Galloway DJ
Jones CA, Galloway DJ (1993). Alpha-quenching in cylindrical magnetoconvection. Solar and Planetary Dynamos, Proctor MRE, Matthews PC, Rucklidge AM eds (ed.) , Publications of the Newton Institute, Cambridge University Press, 161–170.

E1. Lin F and Winch DE
Lin F, Winch DE (1993). Analysis of POGS Satellite Magnetic Data. Third Australian Geomagnetism Workshop, Exploration Geophysics, 24(2), 4. (Reprints not yet available (for page numbers))

E1. Monro GP
Monro GP (1993). Synthesis from attractors. International Computer Music Conference 1993, Tokyo, T. Taguti et al eds (ed.) , International Computer Music Association, 390–392. (Additional abstract in Japanese)

E1. Parusiński A
Parusiński A (1993). Lipschitz stratification. A Symposium in Honor of Richard Palais' Sixtieth Birthday, Global Analysis in Modern Mathematics, Karen Uhlenbeck (ed.) , Publish or Perish, 73–91.

E1. Sabadini N, Vigna S and Walters RFC
Sabadini N, Vigna S, Walters RFC (1993). A notion of refinement for automata. Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology 1993, Nivat M, Rattray C, Rus T, Scollo G eds (ed.) , Workshops in computing, Springer Verlag, 327–334.

E1. Seneta E
Seneta E (1993). Probability inequalities and Dunnett's test. Multiple Comparisons, Selections, and Applications in Biometry. A Festschrift in Honor of Charles W. Dunnett, Hoppe FM (ed.) , Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 29–45. (Presented at a Symposium in Honour of Charles W. Dunnett. McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. 29 May–1 June 1991) MR1240996

E1. Seneta E
Seneta E (1993). Applications of ergodicity coefficients to homogeneous Markov chains. The Doeblin Conference, Contemporary Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, 149, 189–199. MR1229964

E1. Wilson PR
Wilson PR (1993). Forward Calculations of Libbrecht's Frequency Splitting Coefficients. Gong 1992: Seismic Investigation of the Sun and Stars, Brown TM (ed.) , Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, California, 209–212.

E1. Winch DE
Winch DE (1993). Solar and Lunar Daily Geomagnetic Variations. Third Australian Geomagnetism Workshop, Exploration Geophysics, 24(2), 4. (Reprints not available (for page numbers))

E1. Winch DE and Runcorn SK
Winch DE, Runcorn SK (1993). Geomagnetic Observatory Data and Ocean Circulation. Third Australian Geomagnetism Workshop, Exploration Geophysics, 24(2), 5. (Reprints not yet available (for page numbers)r)

E2. Thorne CP and Quine MP
Thorne CP, Quine MP (1993). How reliable are reliability estimates and why soil engineers rarely use them. Probabilistic methods in Geotechnical engineering, Li KS, Lo CR (ed.) , Balkema/Rotterdam/Brookfield, 339–349.

E3. Bennett MR, Gibson WG and Robinson J
Bennett MR, Gibson WG, Robinson J (1993). An autoassociative memory model for the CA3 region of the hippocampus. Australian Conference on Neural Networks, Melbourne, February 1993, Proceedings of the Fourth Australian Conference on Neural Networks, 1–4.

E3. Fu AMN and Gibson WG
Fu AMN, Gibson WG (1993). Statistical analysis of a parallel dynamics autoassociative memory network. Australian Conference on Neural Networks, Melbourne, February 1993, Proceedings of the Fourth Australian Conference on Neural Networks, 90–93.

E3. Goulter SW and Winch DE
Goulter SW, Winch DE (1993). Hough Function Analysis of magnetic and meteorological data. 7th Scientific Assembly IAGA, Buenos Aires Argentina, IAGA Local Organizing Committee (ed.) , IAGA, 55(Part B), 396.

E3. Kuznetsov V, Palshin NA, Repin I, Emnov, Vanyan LL, Chave and Winch DE
Kuznetsov, Palshin N, Repin I, Emnov, Vanyan L, Chave, Winch DE (1993). Submarine Studies of lithospheric resistance in the Pacific. 7th Scientific Assembly IAGA, Buenos Aires Argentina, IAGA Local Organizing Committee (ed.) , IAGA Bulletin, IAGA, 55(Part B), 147.

E3. Lin F and Winch DE
Lin F, Winch DE (1993). Analysis of POGS Satellite Magnetic Data. Third Australian Geomagnetism Workshop (AGSO), Australian Geological Survey Organisation, Charles Barton (ed.) , AGSO, (1993/19), 7.

E3. Malin SRC, Runcorn SK and Winch DE
Malin SR, Runcorn SK, Winch DE (1993). The One Cycle per year magnetic field variation. 7th Scientific Assembly Buenos Aires, IAGA Local Organizing Committee (ed.) , IAGA, 55(Part B), 396.

E3. Monro GP
Monro GP (1993). Waveform modification by lagged embedding. CompMusic '93, Sydney University, 10 July, 1993, 1.

E3. Palshin NA, Repin I, Semenov V, Vanyan LL and Winch DE
Palshin N, Repin I, Semenov V, Vanyan L, Winch DE (1993). MT-Sounding using Australian-New Zealand Submarine Cable. 7th Scientific Assembly, IAGA, Buenos Aires 1993, IAGA Bulletin, IAGA Local Organizing Committee (ed.) , 55(Part B), 147.

E3. Paunescu L
Paunescu L (1993). Simple equations for some 4-Manifolds. Luminy, France

E3. Poznanski RR, Gibson WG and Bennett MR
Poznanski RR, Gibson WG, Bennett MR (1993). Quantal secretion from varicosities in a smooth muscle system: analytical solution to the problem of current flow and potential. Australian Neuroscience Society Conference, Melbourne, February, 1993, Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 4, 74.

E3. Runcorn SK and Winch DE
Runcorn SK, Winch DE (1993). Geomagnetic Observatory Data and Oceanic Circulation. Australian Physical Oceanography Conference, Conference Handbook, John Middleton, David Wilkinson, Peter Tate (ed.) , 1. (Conference Handbook pages are unnumbered.)

E3. Runcorn SK and Winch DE
Runcorn SK, Winch DE (1993). The Pacific Cable Experiment. 7th Scientific Assembly IAGA, Buenos Aires Argentina August 1993, IAGA Local Organizing Committee (ed.) , IAGA, 55(Part B), 146.

E3. Sabadini N, Weld H and Walters RFC
Sabadini N, Weld H, Walters RFC (1993). Distributive automata and asynchronous circuits. Category Theory and Computer Science 5, 28–32.

E3. Winch DE
Winch DE (1993). Solar and Lunar Daily Geomagnetic Variations. Third Australian Geomagnetism Workshop, Australian Geological Survey Organisation, Charles Barton (ed.) , AGSO, (1993/19), 33.

E3. Winch DE
Winch DE (1993). Secular Variation in Australia 1770-1990. 7th Scientific Assembly IAGA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, IAGA Local Organizing Committee (ed.) , IAGA, 55(Part B)

E3. Winch DE and Lin F
Winch DE, Lin F (1993). Spherical Harmonic Analysis of POGS data. 7th Scientific Assembly IAGA, Buenos Aires Argentina, IAGA Local Organizing Committee (ed.) , IAGA, 55(B)

E3. Winch DE and Runcorn SK
Winch DE, Runcorn SK (1993). Geomagnetic Observatory Data and Ocean Circulation. Third Australian Geomagnetism Workshop, Australian Geological Survey Organisation, Charles Barton (ed.) , AGSO, (1993/19), 47.

Computer Software

G1. Cannon JJ and others
Cannon JJ, et al (1993). Computational Algebra. Magma V1.0; 640,000 lines of C code. University of Sydney .

G1. Szabo P
Szabo P (1993). Secures file permissions across Apollo networks. protect_software: UNIX. (1000 lines of code.) .

G1. Szabo P
Szabo P (1993). Monitor and fault detector for Apollo networks. net_alive: UNIX. (11000 lines of code) .

G1. Wilson M and James RW
Wilson M, James RW (1993). Collation and Presentation of Statistics of Apollo Network Usage. Usage: C and UNIX. (3000 lines of code) .

G1. Wilson M, James RW and Szabo P
Wilson M, James RW, Szabo P (1993). System usage manager for large-class tutorials spread over network of laboratories. tuteman: C and UNIX. (Monitors and manipulates system usage using class and timetable databases, to avoid overcrowding, allow fair usage and to control untimetabled usage of computer laboratories. 3500 lines of code. Ongoing development.) .

G1. Wilson M and Macaskill C
Wilson M, Macaskill C (1993). Completely rewritten and extended version of the Program for Analog Modelling originally produced at the University of Newcastle. pam: C and UNIX. (3500 lines of code.) .

G1. Wilson M, Macaskill C, James RW and Szabo P
Wilson M, Macaskill C, James RW, Szabo P (1993). DIALOG interface to NCAR graphics package plus numerous extensions. funplot: C and DIALOG. (Line drawing with zoom, animation and variable inputs covering discrete and function-based input data. 14000 lines of code) .

G1. Wilson M, Szabo P and James RW
Wilson M, Szabo P, James RW (1993). Questionnaire presenter and analyser for course surveys. survey: C and UNIX. (1100 lines of code) .

Other Output

OT. Ball GR, Playoust CE and Richardson JS
Ball GR, Playoust C, Richardson JS (1993). An Introduction to MATRIX. ix+124. (Introductory manual to the linear algebra tutorial program MATRIX)

OT. Cannon JJ
Cannon JJ (1993). Invited lectures. Effective reduction algorithms for permutation groups. Workshop on Group Actions, Australian National University, May-June 1993

OT. Dancer EN
Dancer EN (1993). Invited lecture. Some singularly perturbed problems. Analysis Meeting, University of Queensland, September 1993

OT. Dancer EN
Dancer EN (1993). Invited seminar. Partial differential equations and singularities. University of New South Wales, September 1993

OT. Dancer EN
Dancer EN (1993). Invited seminar. Some classical partial differential equations with non-classical limits. Macquarie University, February 1993

OT. Dancer EN
Dancer EN (1993). Invited Principal Lecture. Domain variation, nonlinear elliptic equations and applications. Australian Applied Mathematics Conference, Pokolbin, February 1993

OT. Hofflin PW
Hofflin PW (1993). Conference talk. Small amplitude solutions of Model-Z. MHD93 Conference, Exeter, UK, (Talk given in UK in 1993)

OT. Hofflin PW
Hofflin PW (1993). Seminar presentation. Weakly non-linear intermediate dynamo models. Seminar, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, (Talk presented at University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 1993)

OT. Hofflin PW
Hofflin PW (1993). Seminar presentation. Numerical methods of intermediate dynamo models. Seminar, Institute de Physique du Globe de Paris, France, (Talk at Université de Paris VI, 1993)

OT. James RW
James RW (1993). Seminar and Tutorials, 3 hours. Computer Algebra in Research and Teaching. 20. (School of Mathematics, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK)

OT. James RW
James RW (1993). Seminar. Kinematic Dynamos Revisited. 31. (School of Mathematics, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK)

OT. James RW
James RW (1993). Seminar. Kinematic Dynamos Revisited. 31. (Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, UK)

OT. James RW
James RW (1993). Seminar. Computer Algebra in Research and Teaching. 20. (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Odense University, Denmark)

OT. Seneta E
Seneta E (1993). Popular article. Krawtchouk polynomials and Australian statisticians. Statistical Society of Australia Newsletter, 62, 6–8.

OT. Seneta E
Seneta E (1993). Lewis Carroll's Pillow Problems. Statistical Society of Australia; 20 April 1993

OT. Seneta E and Weber NC
Seneta E, Weber NC (1993). Workshop. Time Series Workshop, April 14–16, 1993.

Creative Works

OT. Monro GP
Monro GP (1993). Computer music piece. Study in Dimension 1.245. Played on ABC Radio National 10th August 1993, (This piece is based on two mathematical objects, a fractal curve and a Hadamard code. Length approx 5 mins)

OT. Monro GP
Monro GP (1993). Computer music piece. Dry Choices. Performed in the WATT concerts, Sydney and Canberra, October 1993, (Length 5 mins 25 secs)

Unpublished Conference Proceedings

UN. Bennett MR, Gibson WG and Robinson J
Bennett MR, Gibson WG, Robinson J. An associative memory model for the CA3 region of the hippocampus. 11th International Australasian Winter Conference on Brain Function 1993 .

UN. Durrant CJ
Durrant CJ. Finding attraction in dynamos. 29th Australian Applied Mathematics Conference, Adelaide, 1993 .

UN. Durrant CJ
Durrant CJ. Solar activity and helioseismology: A report from Sydney University. Second South Pacific STEP Workshop, Newcastle 1993 .

UN. Fraser WB
Fraser WB. On the dynamical theory of yarn balloons. 29th Australian Applied Mathematics Conference, Hahndorf, February 1993 .

UN. Gibson WG
Gibson WG. Modelling the electrical properties of smooth muscle. Applied Mathematics Conference, Hahndorf, February 1993 .

UN. Gibson WG
Gibson WG. Modelling the electrical properties of smooth muscle. 1993 New Zealand Mathematics Colloquium, Christchurch, NZ .

UN. James RW
James RW. Applications of Computer Algebra to Magnetohydrodynamics. MHD93, University of Exeter, UK, May 1993 .

UN. Kelly GM
Kelly GM. On Maltsev and Goursat Categories. Peripatetic Seminar on Sheaves and Logic, Valenciennes, France, 13–14 February 1993 .

UN. Walters RFC
Walters RFC. Distributive automata and asynchronous circuits. Foundational Methods in Computer Science 1993 .

UN. Walters RFC
Walters RFC. On distributive automata, distributive automata schemes. Categories, Combinatorics, and Computer Science 1993 .