

Research Publications for 1983

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A3. Eyland RW (ed.) and others
Eyland RW, et al eds: Higher School Certificate Mathematics. Mathematical Association of New South Wales, Sydney, 1983.

Chapters in Books

B1. Dimca A and Gibson CG
Dimca A, Gibson CG: On contact germs of the plane, Proc. Symp. Pure Math., 40, American Mathematical Society, 1983, 277–282.

B1. Quine MP
Quine MP: A Berry-Esseen bound for scores based on occupancy numbers, Probability and Mathematical Statistics: Essays in honour of Carl-Gustav Esseen. Uppsala, Sweden, 1983, 140–153. MR0727134

B1. Ryan AJ
Ryan AJ: Special functions and relations in complex Clifford analysis, Complex Variables: Theory and Application. 2, 1983, 177–198.

Journal Articles

C1. Anzer U and Galloway DJ
Anzer U, Galloway DJ: A model for the magnetic field above supergranules. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 203 (1983), 637–650.

C1. Betti R, Carboni A, Street RH and Walters RFC
Betti R, Carboni A, Street RH, Walters RFC: Variation through enrichment. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 29 (1983), 109–127. MR85e:18005

C1. Bosma W, Jager H and Wiedijk F
Bosma W, Jager H, Wiedijk F: Some metrical observations on the approximation by continued fractions. Indagationes Mathematicae, 45 (1983), 281–299. MR85f:11059

C1. Buckley MJ and Seneta E
Buckley MJ, Seneta E: On Arnold's treatment of Moran's bounds. Advances in Applied Probability, 15 (1983), 212–213. MR84c:92028

C1. Buckley MJ and Seneta E
Buckley MJ, Seneta E: The genetic balance between varying population size and selective neutrality. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 17 (1983), 217–222.

C1. Cartwright DI
Cartwright DI: \(L_p\)-norms of characters on the exceptional compact Lie groups. Unione Matematica Italiana. Bollettino. A, Serie VI, 2 (1983), 339–351. MR84i:22014

C1. Cartwright DI
Cartwright DI: Lebesgue constants for Jacobi series. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 87 (1983), 427–433. MR84b:42019

C1. Cartwright DI and Soardi PM
Cartwright DI, Soardi PM: Best conditions for the norm convergence of Fourier series. Journal of Approximation Theory, 38 (1983), 344–353. MR85a:42017

C1. Choo KG, Teo KL and Wu ZS
Choo KG, Teo KL, Wu ZS: On an optimal control problem involving second order hyperbolic systems with boundary controls. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 27 (1983), 139–148. MR84g:49006

C1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: On the indices of fixed points in cones and applications. Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 91 (1983), 131–151. MR84d:58020

C1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: On the existence of zeros of perturbed operators. Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods and Applications, 9 (1983), 717–727. MR0707080

C1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Non-uniqueness for nonlinear boundary-value problems. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 13 (1983), 401–412. MR85h:58031

C1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Breaking of symmetries for forced equations. Mathematische Annalen, 262 (1983), 473–486. MR85g:58026

C1. Dancer EN, Nussbaum R and Stuart C
Dancer EN, Nussbaum R, Stuart C: Quasinormal cones in Banach spaces. Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods and Applications, 7 (1983), 539–553. MR0698364

C1. Dimca A
Dimca A: Tangencies of generic real projective hypersurfaces. Mathematica Scandinavica, 53 (1983), 216–220. MR85m:58028

C1. Dimca A
Dimca A: A geometric approach to the classification of pencils of quadrics. Geometriæ Dedicata, 14 (1983), 105–111. MR0708627

C1. Dimca A
Dimca A: Germes des fonctiones definis sur des singularités isolées d'hypersurfaces. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Série I. Mathématique, 297 (1983), 117–120. MR84j:32013

C1. Dimca A and Gibson CG
Dimca A, Gibson CG: Contact unimodular germs from the plane to the plane. The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Oxford, Second Series, 34 (1983), 281–295. MR85e:58021a

C1. Dimca A and Gibson CG
Dimca A, Gibson CG: On the unfolding of the first contact unimodular family of plane to plane map germs. The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Oxford, Second Series, 34 (1983), 297–304. MR85e:58021b

C1. Dubuc EJ and Kelly GM
Dubuc EJ, Kelly GM: A presentation of topoi as algebraic relative to categories or graphs. Journal of Algebra, 81 (1983), 420–433. MR85c:18009

C1. Durrant CJ, Mattig W, Nesis A and Schmidt W
Durrant CJ, Mattig W, Nesis A, Schmidt W: Balloon-borne imagery of the solar granulation IV. The centre-to-limb variation of the intensity fluctuations. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 123 (1983), 319–325.

C1. Ewart TE, Macaskill C and Uscinski BJ
Ewart TE, Macaskill C, Uscinski BJ: Intensity fluctuations, part 2: Comparison with the Cobb-seamount acoustics experiment. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 74 (1983), 1484–1499.

C1. Field MJ
Field MJ: Isotopy and stability of equivariant diffeomorphisms. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Third Series, 46 (1983), 487–516. MR84m:58128

C1. Field MJ
Field MJ: Equivariant diffeomorphisms hyperbolic transverse to a \(G\)-action. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 27 (1983), 563–576. MR85h:58094

C1. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: An introduction to stochastic differential equations. International Journal of Mathematics Education, Science and Technology, 14 (1983), 181–188.

C1. Galloway DJ and Proctor MRE
Galloway DJ, Proctor MRE: The kinematics of hexagonal magnetoconvection. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 24 (1983), 109–136.

C1. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Low-temperature expansions for the second and third cluster integrals of a two-dimensional quantum system of hard discs. Molecular Physics, 49 (1983), 103–128.

C1. Goulter SW
Goulter SW: Persistent Mean Air Temperatures in the South Pacific. New Zealand Journal of Science, 27 (1983), no.3, 221–236.

C1. Havas G and Richardson JS
Havas G, Richardson JS: Groups of exponent five and class four. Communications in Algebra, 11 (1983), 287–304. MR84f:20035

C1. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Aspherical four manifolds and the centres of two-knot groups. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 58 (1983), 166. (Corrigendum) MR84d:57011

C1. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: On the Alexander polynomial of a cyclically periodic knot. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 89 (1983), 155–156. MR85b:57005

C1. Howlett RB and Lehrer GI
Howlett RB, Lehrer GI: Representations of generic algebras and finite groups of Lie type. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 280 (1983), 753–779. MR85i:20044

C1. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: A bivariate normal model for intra-accident correlations of driver injury, with application to the effect of mass ratio. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 15 (1983), 215–224.

C1. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: A note on applications of the competing risks model. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 15 (1983), 225–226.

C1. Hutchinson TP, Allen AM, Gornell AW and Liew VK
Hutchinson TP, Allen AM, Gornell AW, Liew VK: Judging the centres of irregular shapes: How much variability is there? Ergonomics, 26 (1983), 981–984.

C1. Hutchinson TP and Nicholl JP
Hutchinson TP, Nicholl JP: Recommendations about collecting bus headway data and estimating expected waiting times. Traffic Engineering and Control, 24 (1983), 529–531.

C1. Jacquet H and Lai KF
Jacquet H, Lai KF: Sur une formule des traces relatives. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Série I. Mathématique, 296 (1983), 959–963. MR86k:11029

C1. John RD and Robinson J
John RD, Robinson J: Edgeworth expansions for the power of permutation tests. The Annals of Statistics, 11 (1983), 625–631. MR85c:62042

C1. John RD and Robinson J
John RD, Robinson J: Significance levels and confidence intervals for permutation tests. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 16 (1983), 161–173.

C1. Kaisig M and Durrant CJ
Kaisig M, Durrant CJ: The analysis of solar limb observations III. Geometrical effects in weighting functions. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 130 (1983), 171–174.

C1. Kasangian S, Kelly GM and Rossi F
Kasangian S, Kelly GM, Rossi F: Cofibrations and the realization of non-deterministic automata. Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques, 24 (1983), 23–46. MR85a:18005

C1. Kelly GM
Kelly GM: A note on the generalized reflexion of Guitart and Lair. Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques, 24 (1983), 155–159. MR85d:18004

C1. Kokic PN and Weber NC
Kokic PN, Weber NC: On the asymptotic behaviour of the jackknife for stochastic processes. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 27 (1983), 329–337. MR85d:62022

C1. Kuo TC
Kuo TC: Equivalence of Isolated Complex Singularities. Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics. Academia Sinica, 11 (1983), 415–432. MR85m:32009

C1. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: The spherical building and regular semisimple elements. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 27 (1983), 361–379. MR85h:20049

C1. Macaskill C
Macaskill C: An improved solution to the fourth moment equation for intensity fluctuations. Royal Society of London. Proceedings, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 386 (1983), 461–474.

C1. Macaskill C and Uscinski BJ
Macaskill C, Uscinski BJ: Intensity fluctuations due to a deeply modulated phase screen, part 2: results. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 45 (1983), 607–615.

C1. Meszaros P, Harding AK, Kirk JG and Galloway DJ
Meszaros P, Harding AK, Kirk JG, Galloway DJ: Accreting pulsar magnetospheres heated by Coulomb deceleration of protons. Astrophysical Journal, 266 (1983), L33–L37.

C1. Monro GP
Monro GP: On generic extensions without the axiom of choice. The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 48 (1983), 39–52. MR84d:03061

C1. Robinson J
Robinson J: Approximation to some test statistics for permutation tests in a completely randomized design. The Australian Journal of Statistics, 26 (1983), 358–369. MR86a:62102

C1. Ryan AJ
Ryan AJ: Singularities and Laurent expansions in complex Clifford analysis. Applicable Analysis, 16 (1983), 33–49. MR85a:32005

C1. Seneta E
Seneta E: Iterative Aggregation: convergence rate. Economics Letters, 14 (1983), 357–361.

C1. Seneta E
Seneta E: The weighted median and multiple regression. The Australian Journal of Statistics, 25 (1983), 370–377. (Festschrift issue in honour of E. J. Williams) MR85e:62135

C1. Seneta E
Seneta E: Modern probabilistic concepts in the work of E. Abbe and A. De Moivre. Mathematical Scientist, 8 (1983), 75–80. MR86b:60004

C1. Seneta E and Steiger WL
Seneta E, Steiger WL: A new LAD curve-fitting algorithm: slightly overdetermined equation systems in \(L_1\). Discrete Applied Mathematics, 7 (1983), 79–91.

C1. Seneta E and Tavare S
Seneta E, Tavare S: Note on models using the branching process with immigration stopped at zero. Journal of Applied Probability, 20 (1983), 11–18. MR84e:60123

C1. Seneta E and Tavare S
Seneta E, Tavare S: Some stochastic models for plasmid copy number. Theoretical Population Biology, 23 (1983), 241–256. MR84j:92041

C1. Suffern KG, Fackerell ED and Cosgrove CM
Suffern KG, Fackerell ED, Cosgrove CM: Eigenvalues of the Chandrasekhar-Page angular functions. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 24 (1983), 1350–1358. MR85b:83038

C1. Szabo P and Paul GL
Szabo P, Paul GL: Sum Rule for Lattice Vibrations; Breakdown of the Rule for Polarizable Atoms. Physical Review. A, B 28 (1983), 7349–7350.

C1. Uscinski BJ and Macaskill C
Uscinski BJ, Macaskill C: Intensity fluctuations due to a deeply modulated phase screen, part I: theory. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 45 (1983), 596–606.

C1. Uscinski BJ, Macaskill C and Ewart TE
Uscinski BJ, Macaskill C, Ewart TE: Intensity fluctuations, part 1: theory. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 74 (1983), 1474–1483.

C1. Viera F and Buchwald VT
Viera F, Buchwald VT: The generation of surface waves by an intense cyclone. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, (Series B), 25 (1983), 64. MR84g:76017

C1. Ward JN
Ward JN: The Newton-Raphson Process. Reflections, 8 (1983), 8–10.

C1. Weber NC
Weber NC: Central limit theorems for a class of symmetric statistics. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 94 (1983), 307–313. MR85d:60056

C1. Weber NC and Welsh AH
Weber NC, Welsh AH: Jackknifing the general linear model. The Australian Journal of Statistics, 25 (1983), 425–436. MR85m:62156

C1. Wehrhahn KH
Wehrhahn KH: On the Necessity for Randomization in Experimental Design. Rep. Statist. Appl. Res. Un. Japan Sci. Engrs, 30 (1983), 26–36. MR85c:62206

Encyclopaedia Entries

D. Seneta E
Seneta E: Galton-Watson Process, Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences. Kotz S, Johnson NL eds (ed.), 3, J. Wiley and Sons, New York, 1983, 276–277.

D. Seneta E
Seneta E: Liapunov, Alexander Mikhailovich, Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences. Kotz S, Johnson NL eds (ed.), 4, J. Wiley and Sons, New York, 1983, 625–627.

Conference Proceedings

E1. Anzer U and Galloway DJ
Anzer U, Galloway DJ (1983). The magnetic field configuration in solar and stellar chromospheres. Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields: Origin and Coronal Effects, Stenflo JO (ed.) , Reidel, 339–344. (Proceedings of IAU Symposium 102)

E1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN (1983). Bifurcation under continuous groups of symmetries. Proceedings of the NATO conference, Systems on nonlinear partial differential equations, Reidel, 343–350. MR0725531

E1. Galloway DJ and Proctor MRE
Galloway DJ, Proctor MRE (1983). Magnetic flux expulsion in hexagons. Stellar and Planetary Magnetism (Proceedings, Budapest 1980), Soward AM (ed.) , Gordon and Breach, 99–111.

E1. Hutchinson TP and Roe MS
Hutchinson TP, Roe MS (1983). Latent structure modelling of trip distribution. 53rd Annual Meeting of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Compendium of Technical Papers, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Washington, D.C., 11, 22–24.

E1. Rees DE and Saliba GJ
Rees DE, Saliba GJ (1983). Solar Ca II K Resonance Line Polarization. Proceedings of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 5, 186–188.