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Chapters in Books

B1. Dancer EN
E N Dancer: Degree theory on convex sets and applications to bifurcation, Calculus of variations and partial differential equations. Topics on geometrical evolution problems and degree theory, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2000, ISBN 3-540-64803-8, 185–241. MR2002d:49002

B1. Joshi N
N Joshi: True solutions asymptotic to formal WKB solutions of the second Painlevé equation with large parameter, Toward the exact WKB analysis of differential equations, linear or non-linear. Kyoto University Press, Kyoto, 2000, 223–229. MR2001c:34187

B1. Joshi N
N Joshi: Irregular singular behaviour in the first discrete Painlevé equation, SIDE III—Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations (Sabaudia, 1998). CRM Proc. Lecture Notes, 255, American Mathematical Society, Providence RI, 2000, 237–243. MR1771726

Journal Articles

C1. Adàmek J and Kelly GM
J Adàmek and G M Kelly: M-completeness is seldom monadic over graphs. Theory and Applications of Categories, 7 (2000), no.8, 171–205. MR2001f:18003

C1. Almudevar A, Field C and Robinson J
Anthony Almudevar, Chris Field and John Robinson: The density of multivariate M-estimates. The Annals of Statistics, 28 (2000), 275–297. MR2001e:62013

C1. Ariki S and Mathas A
Susumu Ariki, Andrew Mathas: The number of simple modules of the Hecke algebras of type G(r,1,n). Mathematische Zeitschrift, 233 (2000), 601–623. MR2001e:20007

C1. Barnes DW
D W Barnes: On the length of the spectral sequence of a Lie algebra extension. II. Journal of Algebra, 234 (2000), 419–422. MR2001k:17032

C1. Bennett MR, Farnell L and Gibson WG
M.R. Bennett, L. Farnell, W.G. Gibson: The probability of quantal secretion near a single calcium channel of an active zone. Biophysical Journal, 78 (2000), 2201–2221.

C1. Bennett MR, Farnell L and Gibson WG
M.R. Bennett, L. Farnell, W.G. Gibson: The probability of quantal secretion within an array of calcium channels of an active zone. Biophysical Journal, 78 (2000), 2222–2240.

C1. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG, Macleod GT and Dickens P
M.R. Bennett, L. Farnell, W.G. Gibson, G.T. Macleod, P. Dickens: Quantal potential fields around individual active zones of amphibian motor-nerve terminals. Biophysical Journal, 78 (2000), 1106–1118.

C1. Bennett MR and Kearns JL
M R Bennett, J L Kearns: Statistics of transmitter release at nerve terminals. Progress in Neurobiology, 60 (2000), 545–606.

C1. Brown G and Móricz F
Gavin Brown, Ferenc Móricz: The Hausdorff and the quasi Hausdorff operators on the spaces \(L^p, 1\le p<\infty\). Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, 3 (2000), 105–115. MR2000j:47061

C1. Brown G and Yin Q
Gavin Brown and Qinghe Yin: \(\beta\)-transformation, natural extension and invariant measure. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 20 (2000), no.5, 1271–1285. MR1786714

C1. Buchen PW and Kelly MF
Peter W Buchen, Michael F Kelly: Asset price distributions inferred from linear inverse theory. Journal of Computational Finance, 3 (2000), 53–69.

C1. Buffoni B, Dancer EN and Toland JF
B Buffoni, E N Dancer & J F Toland: The sub-harmonic bifurcation of Stokes waves. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 152 (2000), 241–271. MR2002e:76010b

C1. Buffoni B, Dancer EN and Toland JF
B Buffoni, E N Dancer & J F Toland: The regularity and local bifurcation of steady periodic water waves. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 152 (2000), 207–240. MR2002e:76010a

C1. Cîrstea FC and Rădulescu VD
Florica C. Cîrstea and Vicentiu D. Rădulescu: Multiplicity of solutions for a class of nonsymmetric eigenvalue hemivariational inequalities. Journal of Global Optimization, 17 (2000), 43–54. MR1807966

C1. Cîrstea FC and Rădulescu VD
F.C. Cîrstea, V. Rădulescu: Existence and non-existence results for a quasilinear problem with nonlinear boundary condition. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 244 (2000), no.1, 169–183. MR1746795

C1. Cîrstea FC and Rădulescu VD
Florica C. Cîrstea and Vicentiu D. Rădulescu: Multiple solutions of degenerate perturbed elliptic problems involving a subcritical Sobolev exponent. Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 15 (2000), no.2, 283–300. MR2001m:35118

C1. Cîrstea FC and Rădulescu VD
Florica C. Cîrstea and Vicentiu D. Rădulescu: Existence and non-existence results for a quasilinear problem with nonlinear boundary condition. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 244 (2000), no.1, 169–183. MR2001d:35044

C1. Carey AL, Paolucci A and Zhang RB
A. L. Carey, A. Paolucci and R. B. Zhang: Quantum group actions on the Cuntz algebra.. Annales Henri Poincaré, 1 (2000), no.6, 1097–1122. MR2001m:17011

C1. Champneys AR and Fraser WB
Alan R Champneys, Barrie Fraser: The 'Indian rope trick' for a parametrically excited flexible rod: linearized analysis. Royal Society of London. Proceedings, 456 (2000), 553–570. MR2001j:74052

C1. Chan JSK
J S K Chan: Initial stage problem in autogressive binary regression. The Statistician, 49 (2000), 495–502.

C1. Chan JSK
Jennifer So Kuen Chan: Initial stage problem in autoregressive binary regression. The Statistician, 49 (2000), 495–502.

C1. Chen TH and Seneta E
Tuhao Chen and E Seneta: A refinement of multivariate Bonferroni-type inequalities. Journal of Applied Probability, 37 (2000), no.1, 276–282. MR2001f:60020

C1. Chiu SN, Quine MP and Stewart M
Chiu, S. N., Quine, M. P. and Stewart, M.: Nonparametric and parametric estimation for a linear birth-growth model. Biometrics, 56 (2000), 755–760.

C1. Chong KS, Cowan R and Holst L
K S Chong, Richard Cowan and Lars Holst: The ruin problem and cover times of asymetric random walks and Brownian motions. Advances in Applied Probability, 32 (2000), no.1, 177–192. MR2001g:60193

C1. Cobb RJ
Robin J Cobb: Infra-solvmanifolds of dimension four. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 62 (2000), no.2, 347–349. MR2001g:57029

C1. Coleman CE and Easdown D
Clare Coleman and David Easdown: Complementation in the group of units of a ring. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 62 (2000), no.2, 183–192. MR2001g:16063

C1. Corran R
Ruth Corran: A normal form for a class of monoids including the singular braid monoids. Journal of Algebra, 223 (2000), 256–282. MR2001f:20123

C1. Cosgrove CM
Christopher M. Cosgrove: Higher-order Painlevé equations in the polynomial class I. Bureau symbol P2. Studies in Applied Mathematics, 104 (2000), 1–65. MR2000m:34204

C1. Cosgrove CM
Christopher M. Cosgrove: Chazy classes IX–XI of third-order differential equations. Studies in Applied Mathematics, 104 (2000), 171–228. MR2001d:34148

C1. Cox MD and Blanchard GB
Melissa D Cox, Guy B Blanchard: Gaseous templates in ant nests. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 204 (2000), 223–238.

C1. Dancer EN
E N Dancer: A note on asymptotic uniqueness for some nonlinearities which change sign. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 61 (2000), 305–312. MR2001f:35122

C1. Dancer EN
E N Dancer: Infinitely many turning points for some supercritical problems. Annali Matematica Pura ed Applicata, Serie Quarta, CLXXVIII (2000), 225–233. MR2002g:35077

C1. Dancer EN and Hastings SP
E N Dancer and S P Hastings: On the global bifurcation diagram for the one-dimension Ginzburg-Landau model of superconductivity. European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 11 (2000), 271–291. MR2002e:82071

C1. Dancer EN and Lopez-Gomez J
E N Dancer and J Lopez-Gomez: Semiclassical analysis of general second order elliptic operators on bounded domains. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 352 (2000), 3723–3742. MR2000m:35136

C1. Dancer EN and Yan S
E N Dancer and Shusen Yan: On the existence of multipeak solutions for nonlinear field equations on R^N. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 6 (2000), 39–50. MR2000k:35081

C1. Dancer EN and Yan S
E N Dancer and Shusen Yan: Singularly perturbed elliptic problems in exterior domains. Differential and Integral Equations, 13 (2000), 747–777. MR2001c:35022

C1. Dancer EN and Zhang K
E Norman Dancer, Kewei Zhang: Uniqueness of solutions for some elliptic equations and systems in nearly star-shaped domains. Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods and Applications, 41 (2000), 745–761. MR2001g:35069

C1. Dancer EN and Zhang Z
E N Dancer and Zhitao Zhang: Fucik spectrum, sign-changing, and multiple solutions for semilinear elliptic boundary value problems with resonance at infinity. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 250 (2000), 449–464. MR2001m:47135

C1. Daners D
Daniel Daners: Robin boundary value problems on arbitrary domains. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 352 (2000), 4207–4236. MR2000m:35048

C1. Daners D
Daniel Daners: Heat kernel estimates for operators with boundary conditions. Mathematische Nachrichten, 217 (2000), 13–41. MR2002f:35109

C1. Davis S and Luckock HC
Simon Davis and Hugh Luckock: The effect of higher-order curvature terms on string quantum cosmology. Physics Letters. B, 485 (2000), no.4, 408–421. MR2001c:83052

C1. Dimca A and Paunescu L
Alexandru Dimca and Laurentiu Paunescu: On the connectivity of complex affine hypersurfaces, II. Topology, 39 (2000), no.5, 1035–1043. MR2001h:32043

C1. Ding C, Kohel DR and Ling S
Cunsheng Ding, David R Kohel and San Ling: Secret-sharing with a class of ternary codes. Theoretical Computer Science, 246 (1-2) (2000), 285–298. MR2002g:94040

C1. Ding C, Kohel DR and Ling S
Cunsheng Ding, David R Kohel and San Ling: Split group codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 46 (2000), no.2, 485–495. MR2001d:94040

C1. Ding C, Kohel DR and Ling S
Cunsheng Ding, David Kohel and San Ling: Elementary 2-group character codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 46 (2000), no.1, 280–284. MR2000j:94030

C1. Dritschel DG and Macaskill C
D.G. Dritschel and C. Macaskill: The role of boundary conditions in the simulation of rotating, stratified turbulence. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 94 (2000), 233–253. MR2001k:76072

C1. Dullin HR and Meiss JD
H. R. Dullin and J. D. Meiss: Generalized Hénon maps: the cubic diffeomorphisms of the plane. Physica D, 143 (2000), 262–289.

C1. Dullin HR, Meiss JD and Sterling DG
H. R. Dullin, J. D. Meiss, and D. G. Sterling: Generic twistless bifurcations. Nonlinearity, 13 (2000), 203–224.

C1. Dullin HR, Sterling DG and Meiss JD
H. R. Dullin, D. G. Sterling, and J. D. Meiss: Self-rotation number for maps of the plane. Physica D, 145 (2000), 25–46.

C1. Fackerell ED and Hartley D
Edward D Fackerell and David Hartley: On Waylen's regular axisymmetric similarity solutions. General Relativity and Gravitation, 32 (2000), 857–864. MR2001g:83037

C1. Faro E and Kelly GM
Emilio Faro and G M Kelly: On the canonical algebraic structure of a category. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 154 (1-3) (2000), 159–176. MR2001f:18012

C1. Fukui T and Paunescu L
Toshizumi Fukui, Laurentiu Paunescu: Modified analytic trivialization for weighted homogeneous function-germs. Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 52 (2000), 433–446. MR2001a:58060

C1. Gérardin P and Lai KF
P Gérardin, K F Lai: Asymptotic behaviour of eigenfunctions on semi-homogeneous tree. Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 196 (2000), no.2, 415–427. MR2001m:31020

C1. Gebhardt V
Volker Gebhardt: Constructing a short defining set of relations for a finite group. Journal of Algebra, 233 (2000), 526–542. MR2001k:20065

C1. Gebhardt V
Volker Gebhardt: Two short presentations for Lyons' sporadic simple group. Experimental Mathematics, 9 (2000), 333 – 338. MR2001j:20021

C1. Glaus A and Muller S
Agnes Glaus, Samuel Müller: Haemoglobin und Muedigkeit bei Tumorpatienten: Untrennbare Zwillinge? Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 130 (2000), 471–477.

C1. Goodman TNT, Jia RQ and Zhou DX
T. N. T. Goodman, R.-Q. Jia, D.-X. Zhou: Local linear independence of refinable vectors of functions.. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A, 130 (2000), no.4, #8211;826. MR1776679

C1. Gottwald GA, Kramer L, Krinsky V, Pumir A and Barelko V
G.A. Gottwald, L. Kramer, V. Krinsky, A. Pumir and V. Barelko: Persistence of zero velocity fronts in reaction diffusion systems. Chaos, 10 (2000), 731–737. MR2001h:35103

C1. Graham JJ and James GD
John Graham and Gordon James: On a conjecture of Gow and Kleshchev concerning tensor products. Journal of Algebra, 227 (2000), 767–782. MR2001c:20021

C1. Hayen A and Quine MP
Hayen, A. and Quine, M.P.: The proportion of triangles in a Poisson-Voronoi tessellation of the plane. Advances in Applied Probability, 32 (2000), 67–74. MR2001h:60019

C1. Hayen A and Quine MP
Hayen, A. and Quine, M.P.: Calculating the proportion of triangles in a Poisson-Voronoi tessellation of the plane. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 67 (2000), 351–358. MR1815169

C1. He XZ
Xue-Zhong He: Stability and delays in a predator-prey system. II. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, 7 (2000), no.2, 177–187. MR1744972

C1. Hermida C
Claudio Hermida: Representable multicategories. Advances in Mathematics, 151 (2000), no.2, 164–225. MR2001m:18007

C1. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: Complex surfaces which are fibre bundles. Topology and its Applications, 100 (2000), 187–191. MR2000i:32031

C1. Hillman JA
J.A. Hillman: Virtual surface bundle groups. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 62 (2000), 353–356. MR2001i:57029

C1. Howard JE, Dullin HR and Horányi M
J. E. Howard, H. R. Dullin, and M. Hor´nyi: Stability of halo orbits. Phys. Rev. Lett., 84 (2000), 3244.

C1. Howlett RB and Shi JY
R B Howlett and Jian-yi Shi: On regularity of finite reflection groups. Manuscripta Mathematica, 102 (2000), no.3, 325–333. MR2001f:20081

C1. Ivers DJ, Stening RJ, Turner JPR and Winch DE
D J Ivers, R J Stening, J Turner, and D E Winch: Orsted and Magsat scalar anomaly fields. Earth Planets Space, 52 (2000), 1213–1225.

C1. James GD and Mathas A
Gordon James and Andrew Mathas: The Jantzen sum formula for cyclotomic \(q\)-Schur algebras. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 352 (2000), 5381–5404. MR2001b:16017

C1. Janelidze G and Kelly GM
G Janelidze and G M Kelly: Central extensions in Mal'tsev varieties. Theory and Applications of Categories, 7 (2000), no.10, 219–226. MR2001b:08013

C1. Janelidze G and Kelly GM
G Janelidze, G M Kelly: Central extensions in universal algebra: a unification of three notions. Algebra Universalis, 44 (2000), 123–128. MR2001j:08009

C1. Jongmans F and Seneta E
F Jongmans, E Seneta: Bruges, pépinière de mathématiciens. Mathématique et Pédagogie, 127 (2000), 37–50.

C1. Joshi N, Petersen JA and Schubert L
N Joshi, J Petersen and L Schubert: Nonexistence results for the Korteweg-de Vries and Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equations. Studies in Applied Mathematics, 105 (2000), 361–374. MR2001h:35160

C1. Kasangian S, Kelly GM and Vighi V
Stefano Kasangian, G Max Kelly, Veronica Vighi: A bicategorical approach to information flow and security. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, 64 (2000), 99–122. MR2001j:68034

C1. Katis P, Sabadini N and Walters RFC
Piergiulio Katis, Nicoletta Sabadini, Robert F C Walters: On the algebra of feedback and systems with boundary. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, (2) Supplemento, 64 (2000), 123–156. MR2002h:93003

C1. Kelly GM and Lack S
G.M. Kelly and Stephen Lack: On the monadicity of categories with chosen colimits. Theory and Applications of Categories, 7 (2000), 148–170. MR2001c:18002

C1. Kisin M
Mark Kisin: Prime to \(p\) fundamental groups, and tame Galois actions. Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 50 (2000), 1099–1126. MR2001j:14035

C1. Kisin M
Mark Kisin: Local constancy in families of non-abelian Galois representations. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 233 (2000), 347–363. MR2001e:14024

C1. Kress JM and Wilson PR
J M Kress, P R Wilson: Simulations of the polar field reversals during cycle 22. Solar Physics, 194 (2000), 1–17.

C1. Kuchel PW, Durrant CJ, Chapman BE, Jarrett PS and Regan DG
Philip W. Kuchel, Christopher J. Durrant, Bogdan E. Chapman, Penelope S. Jarrett, and David G. Regan: Evidence of red cell alignment in the magnetic field of an NMR spectrometer based on the diffusion tensor of water. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 145 (2000), 291–301.

C1. Lack S
Stephen Lack: A coherent approach to pseudomonads. Advances in Mathematics, 152 (2000), 179–202. MR2001f:18017

C1. Lai KF and Voskuil H
K.F. Lai, H. Voskuil: \(p\)-adic automorphic functions for the unitary group in three variables. Algebra Colloquium, 7:3 (2000), 335–360. MR2002c:11059

C1. Lai KF and Vostokov SV
K.F. Lai and S.V. Vostokov: Explicit pairing and class field theory of multidimensional complete fields. St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal, 11 (2000), no.4, 611–624. MR1713933

C1. Lehrer GI
Gus Lehrer: Equivariant cohomology of configurations in \(\mathbb{R}^d\). Algebras and Representation Theory, 3 (2000), 377–384. MR2002c:55025

C1. Luan PG, Lee HC and Zhang RB
Pi-Gang Luan, H. C. Lee and R. B. Zhang: Colored solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation from representations of Uq(gl(2)).. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 41 (2000), no.9, 6529–6543. MR2001e:17027

C1. Macaskill C
C. Macaskill: Quasi-geostrophic three-dimensional flow in a cylinder. Physics Letters. A, 270 (2000), 132–139.

C1. Martin BMS
B M S Martin: Restrictions of representations of a surface group to a pair of free subgroups. Journal of Algebra, 225 (2000), no.1, 231–249. MR2000k:57006

C1. Matsumoto S and Rannard R
Saburo Matsumoto and Richard Rannard: The regular projective solution space of the figure-eight knot complement. Experimental Mathematics, 9 (2000), no.2, 221–234. MR2002i:57025

C1. Molev AI
A I Molev: Weight bases of Gelfand-Tsetlin type for representations of classical Lie algebras. Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 33 (2000), no.22, 4143–4158. MR2001b:17016

C1. Molev AI and Olshanski GI
Alexander Molev and Grigori Olshanski: Centralizer construction for twisted Yangians. Selecta Mathematica, New Series, 6 (2000), 269–317. MR2002j:17013

C1. Murray SH
Scott H Murray: Conjugacy classes in maximal parabolic subgroups of general linear groups. Journal of Algebra, 233 (2000), 135–155. MR2002f:20069

C1. Nijhoff FW, Hone ANW and Joshi N
F Nijhoff, A Hone and N Joshi: On a Schwarzian PDE associated with the KdV hierarchy. Physics Letters. A, 267 (2000), 147–156. MR2001m:37143

C1. Nijhoff FW, Hone ANW and Joshi N
F Nijhoff, A Hone and N Joshi: On the discrete and continuous Miura chain associated with the sixth Painlevé equation. Physics Letters, 264 (2000), 396–406. MR2000m:37156

C1. Noussair ES and Yan S
Ezzat S Noussair and Shusen Yan: On positive multipeak solutions. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 62 (2000), no.1, 213–2277. MR2001k:35098

C1. Paunescu L and Zaharia A
Laurentiu Paunescu, Alexandru Zaharia: Remarks on the Milnor fibration at infinity. Manuscripta Mathematica, 103 (2000), 351–361. MR2002d:32049

C1. Phillips CG and Ivers DJ
C.G. Phillips and D.J. Ivers: Spherical anisotropic diffusion models for the Earth's core. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 117 (2000), 209–223.

C1. Phipps MC
Mary C Phipps: Power surfaces. Mathematical Scientist, 25 (2000), 1–5.

C1. Quine MP and Szczotka W
Quine, M.P. and Szczotka, W: A general linear birth and growth model. Advances in Applied Probability, 32 (2000), 1–23. MR2002d:60042

C1. Rylands LJ and Taylor DE
L.J. Rylands and D.E. Taylor: Constructions for octonion and exceptional Jordan algebras. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 21 (2000), 191–203. MR2001m:17022

C1. Sandstede B, Balasuriya S, Jones CKRT and Miller PD
Sandstede B, Balasuriya S, Jones C K R T, Miller P: Melnikov theory for finite-time vector fields. Nonlinearity, 13 (2000), 1357–1377. MR2001h:37046

C1. Seneta E and Chen JT
E Seneta, John T Chen: Multivariate Sobel-Uppuluri-Galambos-type bounds. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 52 (2000), no.9, 1283–1293. MR2002d:60012

C1. Sexton MJ, Macaskill C and Gray BF
M J Sexton, C Macaskill and B F Gray: Thermal ignition in rectangular and triangular regions. ANZIAM Journal (Electronic), 42 (2000), 1283–1304.

C1. Snodgrass HB, Kress JM and Wilson PR
H.B. Snodgrass, J.M. Kress and P.R. Wilson: Observations of the polar magnetic fields during the polarity reversals of cycle 22. Solar Physics, 191 (2000), 1–19.

C1. Stamey TA, Raimondo M, Yemoto CM, McNeal JE and Johnstone IM
Thomas A Stamey, Marc Raimondo, Cheryl M Yemoto, John E McNeal, Iain M Johnstone: Effect of ageing on morphologic and clinical predictors of prostate cancer progression. The Prostate Journal, 2 (2000), 157–162.

C1. Stump DM and Fraser WB
D.M. Stump, W.B. Fraser: Multiple solutions for writhed rods:implications for DNA supercoiling. Royal Society of London. Proceedings, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, A456 (2000), 455–467. MR2001k:74064

C1. Stump DM and Fraser WB
D M Stump, W B Fraser: Bending boundary layers in a moving strip. The theme of solitary waves and localization phenomena in elastic structures. Nonlinear Dynamics, 21 (2000), 55–70. MR2000m:74063

C1. Stump DM, Watson PJ and Fraser WB
D M Stump, P J Watson, W B Fraser: Mathematical modelling of interwound DNA supercoils. Journal of Biomechanics, 33 (2000), 407–413.

C1. Thompson RS, Tortoli P and Aldis GK
R S Thompson, P Tortoli, G K Aldis: Selective transmission of a focused Doppler ultrasound beam through a plastic layer. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 26 (2000), 1333–1346.

C1. Tillmann S
Stephan Tillmann: On the Kinoshita-Terasaka knot and generalised Conway mutation. Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 9 (2000), 557–575.

C1. Tsoupros G
George Tsoupros: Radiative contributions to the effective action of self-interacting scalar field on a manifold with boundary. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 17 (2000), no.11, 2255–2266. MR2001a:81162

C1. Wang Q, Jing BY and Zhao LC
Wang, Qiying; Jing, Bing-Yi; Zhao, Lincheng: The Berry-Esseen bound for Studentized statistics. The Annals of Probability, 28 (2000), 511–535. MR2001a:62011

C1. Witte NS, Forrester PJ and Cosgrove CM
N S Witte, P J Forrester, Christopher M Cosgrove: Gap probabilities for edge intervals in finite Gaussian and Jacobi unitary matrix ensembles. Nonlinearity, 13 (2000), 1439–1464. MR2001m:82038

C1. Wright JJ, Bourke PD and Chapman CL
J J Wright, P D Bourke, C L Chapman: Synchronous oscillation in the cerebral cortex and object coherence: simulation of basic electrophysiological findings. Biological Cybernetics, 83 (2000), 341–353.

C1. Yan S
Shusen Yan: Concentration of solutions for the scalar curvature equation on R^N. Journal of Differential Equations, 163 (2000), 239–264. MR2001g:35086

C1. Zhang RB
R. B. Zhang: Structure and representations of the quantum supergroup \(\mathop{\rm OSP}q(2|2n)\). Journal of Mathematical Physics, 40 (2000), no.9, 6639–6656. MR2001j:20078

C1. Zhou DX
Ding-Xuan Zhou: Multiple refinable Hermite interpolants.. J. Approx. Theory, 102 (2000), no.1, 8211;71. MR1736045

C3. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: Applications of \(L^2\)-Betti numbers to low dimensional topology. Atti Seminario Matematico e Fisico dell'Universita di Modena, 48 (2000), 259–272. MR2001g:57056

C3. Monro GP
Gordon Monro: Mathematics service teaching in 2010. Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, 27 (2000), 46–48.

C4. Gibson WG
W.G. Gibson: Small worlds. The Physicist, 37 (2000), 73. MR1653249

C4. Monro GP
Gordon Monro: An acousmatic experience. Chroma (Newsletter of the Australian Computer Music Association), 26-27 (2000), 3–6. (This is a review article. It was also published in eContact!, the electronic newsletter of the Canadian Electroacoustic Community, in issue 3.2 (2000) at

Conference Proceedings

E1. Britton S
Sandra Britton (2000). Cascades, fountains and showers (The mathematics of juggling). Mathematics 2000 festival, Proceedings of the Mathematics 2000 Festival, Michael Bulmer, Barry McCrae, Kaye Stacey (ed.) , Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers Inc., ISBN 1 875900 40 3, 9–14.

E1. Daners D
Daniel Daners (2000). Existence and perturbation of principal eigenvalues for a periodic-parabolic problem. Nonlinear Differential Equations, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Stephen Cantrell and Chris Cosner (ed.) , Conference 05, Southwest Texas State University and University of North Texas, 51–67. MR2001j:35125

E1. Davis S
Simon Davis (2000). Higher-derivative quantum cosmology. The Second Australasian Conference on General Relativity, Special Issue: Australasian Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Peter Szekeres and David Blair (ed.) , Meeting of the Australasian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 541–551. MR2001a:83045

E1. Fieker C and Friedrichs C
Claus Fieker, Carsten Friedrichs (2000). On reconstruction of algebraic numbers. 4th International Symposium, ANTS-IV, Algorithmic Number Theory, Wieb Bosma (ed.) , Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 3 540 67695 3, 285 – 296. MR2002g:11181

E1. Gérardin P and Lai KF
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