

Research Publications for 1986

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Publications 1947–74


A2. Walters RFC
Walters RFC: Number Theory: an Introduction. Carslaw Publications, 1986, (revised 1987).

A2. Walters RFC and Wehrhahn KH
Walters RFC, Wehrhahn KH: Calculus I: Curves and Functions. Carslaw Publications, 1986.

A2. Walters RFC and Wehrhahn KH
Walters RFC, Wehrhahn KH: Calculus I: Integration. Carslaw Publications, 1986.

A3. Eyland RW (ed.) and others
Eyland RW, et al (eds): Higher School Certificate Mathematics. Mathematical Association of New South Wales, Sydney, 1986.

Chapters in Books

B1. Macaskill C
Macaskill C: Scattering in a random medium with a mean refractive index profile, Wave Propagation and Scattering. Uscinski BJ (ed.), Clarendon Press, 1986, 65–81.

B1. Ryan AJ
Ryan AJ: Complex Clifford analysis over the Lie ball, Conformal Groups and Related Symmetries, Physical Results and Mathematical Background. Barut AO, Doebner HD (ed.), Lecture Notes in Physics, 261, Springer Verlag, 1986, 216–224. MR0870225

B1. Ryan AJ
Ryan AJ: Left regular polynomials in even dimensions, and tensor products of Clifford algebras: Clifford Algebras and their Applications, Mathematical Physics. NATO AS1 Series, Reidel, 1986, 133–147.

B1. Trudinger BJ, Thompson RS and Giles WB
B J Trudinger, R S Thompson and W B Giles: Doppler ultrasound and blood flow in obstetrics, Ultrasound Annual. Raven Press, New York, 1986, ISBN 0881672416, 39–65.

Journal Articles

C1. Adhikari SK, Gibson WG and Lim TK
Adhikari SK, Gibson WG, Lim TK: Effective range theory in two dimensions. Journal of Chemical Physics, 85 (1986), 5580–5583.

C1. Brown TC, Cartwright DI and Eagleson GK
Brown TC, Cartwright DI, Eagleson GK: Correlations and characterizations of the uniform distribution. The Australian Journal of Statistics, 28 (1986), 89–96. MR87i:62032

C1. Brown TC, Ivanoff BG and Weber NC
Brown TC, Ivanoff BG, Weber NC: Poisson convergence in two dimensions with application to row and column exchangeable arrays. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 23 (1986), 307–318. MR88d:60142

C1. Camina AR, Everest GR and Gagen TM
Camina AR, Everest GR, Gagen TM: Enumerating non-soluble groups — a conjecture of John G. Thompson. The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 18 (1986), 265–268. MR87b:20033

C1. Cartwright DI and Soardi PM
Cartwright DI, Soardi PM: Harmonic analysis on the free product of two cyclic groups. Journal of Functional Analysis, 65 (1986), 147–171. MR87m:22015

C1. Cartwright DI and Soardi PM
Cartwright DI, Soardi PM: Random walks on free products, quotients and amalgams. Nagoya Mathematics Journal, 102 (1986), 163–180. MR88i:60120a

C1. Daley DJ and Seneta E
Daley DJ, Seneta E: Modelling examination marks. The Australian Journal of Statistics, 28 (1986), 143–153.

C1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: On the number of solutions of weakly nonlinear elliptic equations when a parameter is large. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 53 (1986), 429–452. MR88c:35061

C1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: The \(G\)-invariant implicit function theorem in infinite dimensions II. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Section A. Mathematics, 102A (1986), 211–220. MR87i:58015

C1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Multiple fixed points of positive mappings. Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 371 (1986), 46–66. MR88b:58020

C1. Dimca A
Dimca A: On the homology and cohomology of complete intersections with isolated singularities. Compositio Mathematica, 58 (1986), 321–339. MR87m:14022

C1. Dimca A
Dimca A: Singularities and coverings of weighted complete intersections. Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 366 (1986), 184–193. MR87g:14056

C1. Dimca A
Dimca A: Milnor numbers and multiplicities of dual varieties. Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 31 (1986), 535–538. MR87k:14002

C1. Drasin D and Seneta E
Drasin D, Seneta E: A generalization of slowly varying functions. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 96 (1986), 470–472. MR87d:26002

C1. Du J
Du J: The Cartan invariants for \(\mathrm{SL}(4,2^n)\). Journal of East China Normal University, 1986 (1986), no.4, 17–25. MR88m:20088

C1. Dudley ML, James RW and Phillips CG
Dudley ML, James RW, Phillips CG: Bounds on the infimum decay rate for axisymmetric incompressible dynamos. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 35 (1986), 373–378. MR87i:76059

C1. Evans SN and Weber NC
Evans SN, Weber NC: On the almost sure convergence of a general stochastic approximation procedure. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 34 (1986), 335–342. MR88b:62159

C1. Field MJ
Field MJ: Equivariant dynamics. Contemporary Mathematics, 56 (1986), 69–96. MR0855085

C1. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ: Numerical simulations of solar and stellar dynamos. Advances in Space Research, 6 (1986), 19–28.

C1. Galloway DJ and Frisch U
Galloway DJ, Frisch U: Dynamo action in a family of flows with chaotic streamlines. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 36 (1986), 53–83. MR87j:76104

C1. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Two-dimensional scattering: low-energy behaviour of the Jost function and Levinson's theorem. Physics Letters, A, 117 (1986), 107–110. MR87g:81119

C1. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: On metabelian two-knot groups. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 96 (1986), 372–374. MR87f:57023

C1. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Knot modules and the elementary divisor theorem. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 40 (1986), 115–124. MR87i:57019

C1. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Abelian normal subgroups of two-knot groups. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 61 (1986), 122–148. MR87m:57023

C1. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Finite simple even-dimensional knots. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 34 (1986), 369–374. MR88d:57003

C1. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Symmetries of knots and links, and invariants of abelian coverings, I. Kobe Journal of Mathematics, 3 (1986), 7–27. MR88f:57005

C1. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Symmetries of knots and links, and invariants of abelian coverings, II. Kobe Journal of Mathematics, 3 (1986), 149–165. MR88f:57005

C1. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Statistical modelling of injury severity, with special reference to driver and front seat passenger in single-vehicle crashes. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 18 (1986), 157–167. (Presented at the International Workshop on the Methodology of Modelling Road Accident and Injury Patterns, organised by the International Drivers' Behaviour Research Association, held at the University of Sussex, July 1984)

C1. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Evidence about partial information from an answer-until-correct administration of a test of spatial reasoning. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 11 (1986), 264–275.

C1. Hutchinson TP, Burt N, Cuzner A and Howell R
Hutchinson TP, Burt N, Cuzner A, Howell R: Three categories of urban bus passengers. Highways and Transportation, 33 (1986), no.10, 14–16.

C1. Hutchinson TP and Rowell S
Hutchinson TP, Rowell S: Points systems for car insurance. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 5 (1986), 255–259.

C1. Im GB and Kelly GM
Im GB, Kelly GM: On classes of morphisms closed under limits. Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, 23 (1986), 1–18. MR87i:18002a

C1. Im GB and Kelly GM
Im GB, Kelly GM: Some remarks on conservative functors with left adjoints. Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, 23 (1986), 19–33. MR87i:18002b

C1. Im GB and Kelly GM
Im GB, Kelly GM: A universal property of the convolution monoidal structure. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 43 (1986), 75–88. MR87m:18011

C1. Ivers DJ and James RW
Ivers DJ, James RW: Extension of the Namikawa-Matsushita antidynamo theorem to toroidal fields. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 36 (1986), 317–324. MR87m:76069

C1. Ivers DJ and James RW
Ivers DJ, James RW: Antidynamo theorems for non-radial flows. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 40 (1986), 147–163.

C1. Joshi N and Kruskal MD
Joshi N and Kruskal M D: The connection problem for Painlevé transcendents. Physica D, 18D (1986), 215–216. MR0838326

C1. Kelly GM
Kelly GM: A survey of totality for ordinary and enriched categories. Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques, 27 (1986), 109–132. MR87k:18009

C1. Klotz AH
Klotz AH: Generalized field theory and Kasner Universe. Acta Physica Polonica. A, (1986), 959–969. MR0881087

C1. Klotz AH
Klotz AH: The electromagnetism of generalized field theory. Acta Physica Polonica. A, (1986), 745–769. MR0872348

C1. Lehrer GI and Solomon L
Lehrer GI, Solomon L: On the action of the symmetric group on the cohomology of the complement of its reflecting hyperplanes. Journal of Algebra, 104 (1986), 410–424. MR88a:32017

C1. Luckock HC and Moss IG
Luckock HC, *Moss IG: Black Holes have Skyrmion Hair. Physics Letters, A, 176B (1986), 341–345.

C1. Mack JM
Mack JM: H.S.C. Participation Rates. Reflections, 11 (1986), no.3, 7–10.

C1. Mack JM
Mack JM: William Broderick Smith-White. Reflections, 11 (1986), no.3, 3–6. (obituary)

C1. Mack JM
Mack JM: A rationale for national mathematics curriculum guidelines. Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, 13 (1986), 61–65. (Republished in Australian Senior Mathematics Journal, 1, 15–21, 1987)

C1. Monro GP
Monro GP: Quasitopoi, logic and Heyting valued models. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 42 (1986), 141–164. MR88m:03096

C1. Monro GP
Monro GP: A category theoretic approach to Boolean valued models of set theory. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 42 (1986), 245–274. MR88f:03045

C1. Peiris MS
Peiris MS: On prediction with time dependent ARMA models. Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods, 15 (1986), 3659–3668. MR0871332

C1. Rothman ED and Weber NC
Rothman ED, Weber NC: A model of weak selection in the infinite alleles framework. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 24 (1986), 353–360. MR87i:92024

C1. Sahdev D and Zhang RB
Sahdev D., Zhang R. B.: A comment on the covariant spectrum of the open bosonic string. Phys. Lett. B, 176 (1986), no.1-2, 61–66. MR853673

C1. Seneta E
Seneta E: An inequality from genetics. Advances in Applied Probability, 18 (1986), 860–861. MR87i:92025

C1. Sun SH
Sun SH: On some problems of star-Lindelöf spaces. Annals of Mathematics, 4A (1986), 489–493. MR88f:54045

C1. Thompson RS, Trudinger BJ and Cook CM
R S Thompson, B J Trudinger and C M Cook: A comparison of Doppler ultrasound waveform indices in the umbilical artery - I. Indices derived from the maximum velocity waveform. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 12 (1986), 835–844.

C1. Thompson RS, Trudinger BJ and Cook CM
R S Thompson, B J Trudinger and C M Cook: A comparison of Doppler ultrasound waveform indices in the umbilical artery - II. Indices derived from the mean velocity and first moment waveforms. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 12 (1986), 845–854.

C1. Unger WR and Wehrhahn KH
Unger WR, Wehrhahn KH: Species of ordered partitions. Ars Combinatoria, 21-A (1986), 141–146. MR87j:05018

C1. Uscinski BJ, Macaskill C and Spivack M
Uscinski BJ, Macaskill C, Spivack M: Path integrals for wave intensity fluctuations in random media. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 106 (1986), 509–528. MR87g:78013

C1. Varadarajan K and Wehrhahn KH
Varadarajan K, Wehrhahn KH: \(p\)-Injectivity of simple pre-torsion Modules. Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 28 (1986), 223–225. MR87h:16044

C1. Walker DM and Weber NC
Walker DM, Weber NC: On the operating characteristic function for the exponential family. Bulletin of the Calcutta Statistical Association, 35 (1986), 203–206. MR0905363

C1. Wall GE
Wall GE: On the multilinear identities which hold in the Lie ring of a group of prime-power exponent. Journal of Algebra, 104 (1986), 1–22. MR88h:20047

C1. Weber NC
Weber NC: The Wright-Fisher model with varying selection. Journal of Applied Probability, 23 (1986), 504–508. MR87h:92040

C1. Weber NC
Weber NC: The jackknife and heteroskedasticity — consistent variance estimation for regression models. Economics Letters, 20 (1986), 161–163. MR87e:62079

C1. Weber NC
Weber NC: Discussion of C. Wu's "Jackknife, bootstrap, and other resampling methods in regression analysis". The Annals of Statistics, 14 (1986), 1339–1340.

C1. Wehrhahn KH
Wehrhahn KH: Properties of some distributions in randomization theory. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 13 (1986), 231–237. MR87h:62136

C1. Wilson PR
Wilson PR: The generation of magnetic fields in photospheric layers. Solar Physics, 106 (1986), 1–28.

C1. Winch DE
Winch DE: The geomagnetic field and \(S_q\). Exploration Geophysics, 17 (1986), 17–18.

C1. Winch DE
Winch DE: The Australian Projection. Search, 17 (1986), 275.

C1. Winch DE
Winch DE: International geomagnetic reference field revision 1985 IAGA Division I working Group I. Geophysics Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 85 (1986), 217–220.

Encyclopaedia Entries

D. Seneta E
Seneta E: Poisson, Simeon-Denis, Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences. Kotz S, Johnson NL eds (ed.), 7, J. Wiley and Sons, New York, 1986, 41–43.

D. Seneta E
Seneta E: Probability, History of (Outline), Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences. Kotz S, Johnson NL eds (ed.), 7, J. Wiley and Sons, New York, 1986, 218–222.

Conference Proceedings

E1. Chong YK, Hammond GP, Macaskill C and Ward J
Chong YK, Hammond GP, Macaskill C, Ward J (1986). An experimental study of 2-D jet impingement heat mass transfer in a confined cross-flow. Proceedings of the 8th International Heat Transfer Conference MR0903688

E1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN (1986). Remarks on multiple solutions of nonlinear equations. Miniconference on geometric problems in partial differential equations, Centre for Mathematical Analysis, 25–31. MR0857651

E1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN (1986). Remarks on \(S^1\) symmetries and a special degree for \(S^1\)-invariant gradient maps. Nonlinear analysis and applications, Proc. Symposia in Pure Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, 45(1), 353–358. MR0843571

E1. Easdown D
Easdown D (1986). Efficient representations of semigroups. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Regular Semigroups and Applications, (University of Kerala, India, July 1986)

E1. Easdown D
Easdown D (1986). Biordered sets of some interesting classes of semigroups. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Regular Semigroups and Applications, University of Kerala, India, July 1986

E1. Gibson WG
Gibson WG (1986). Applications of few-body methods in statistical mechanics. International Symposium on Few-Body Methods, Nanning, China, (August 1985), Few-Body Methods: Principles and Applications, Lim TK, et al. eds (ed.) , World Scientific, Singapore, 637–659.

E1. Hutchinson TP and Alderson JC
Hutchinson TP, Alderson JC (1986). Routine road accident data: Publications and their indexing. Road Traffic Accidents in Developing Countries, Asalor JO, Onibere EA, Ovuworie GC eds (ed.) , Joja Educational Research and Publishers, Lagos, 1, 461–488.

E1. Kachoyan BJ and Macaskill C
Kachoyan BJ, Macaskill C (1986). A numerical approach for rough surface scattering. Fluctuation Phenomena and Underwater Acoustics, Proc. Instit. Acoust., 8, 43–52.

E1. Lai KF and Mok N
Lai KF, Mok N (1986). On a vanishing theorem on irreducible quotients of finite volume of polydiscs. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer Verlag, 1198, 163–171. MR88h:32031

E1. Robinson J
Robinson J (1986). Bootstrap and randomization confidence intervals. Pacific Statistical Congress, Francis IS, Manly BFJ, Lam FC eds (ed.) , Elsevier Science Publishers, 49–50.

E1. Seneta E
Seneta E (1986). Ukrainians in Australia's censuses. Second Conference, Melbourne, 5-7 April 1986 Department of Slavic Languages, Monash University, Ukrainian Settlement in Australia, Pavlyshyn (ed.) MR0857333

E1. Weber NC
Weber NC (1986). On the jackknife and bootstrap techniques for regression models. Pacific Statistical Congress Proceedings, Francis I, Manly B, Lam F eds (ed.) , Elsevier Scientific Publishers, 51–55.

Other Output

OT. Gvishiani A, Zheligovsky VA, Mostinsky A, Salganik M, Tiuleneva S, Filimonov M and Shteinberg V
Gvishiani A, Zheligovsky VA, Mostinsky A, Salganik M, Tiuleneva S, Filimonov M, Shteinberg V (1986). Geophysical Data Bank - II. Strong motions data base. 58pp. (Deposited at VINITI 21.11.1986 \#7941-B86, Moscow)

Unpublished Conference Proceedings

UN. Durrant CJ
Durrant CJ. The Sun's magic lamp. Inst. Phys. 7th Nat. Congress, Adelaide 1986 .

UN. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ. Numerical simulation of solar and stellar dynamos. COSPAR meeting Toulouse, France 1986 .

UN. Keener RW and Weber NC
Keener R, Weber NC. Consistent variance estimation for parameter estimators in linear models. 8th Australian Statistical Conference, Adelaide .

UN. Taylor DE
Taylor DE. A species approach to enumeration problems. Australian Mathematical Society 30th Annual Meeting, Perth 1986 .

UN. Taylor DE
Taylor DE. Species and permutation groups. International Conference on Finite Geometry and Combinatorics, Deinze, Belgium .

UN. Weber NC
Weber NC. The bootstrap — a review. D.A.T.A. '86, Sydney .

UN. Winch DE
Winch DE. Induction in the ocean. IAGA working group I-3, 8th workshop on electromagnetic induction in Earth and Moon 1986, Uni. de Neuchâtel .