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A1. Cresswell C
Clio Cresswell: Mathematics and Sex. Allen and Unwin, Australia, 2003, ISBN 1-74114-159-1, 177 pages.

A3. Pemajayantha V, Mellor R, Peiris MS and Rajasekera R
V.Pemajayantha, R.Mellor, S.Peiris, R.Rajasekera: Current Research in Modelling, Data Mining and Quantitative Techniques. University of Western Sydney, University of Western Sydney Press, 2003, ISBN 0-975-1599-0-9, 314 pages.

Chapters in Books

B1. Ainkaran P, Peiris MS and Mellor R
P.Ainkaran, S.Peiris, R.Mellor: A note on the analysis of short AR(1) type time series models with replicated observations, Current Research in Modelling, Data Mining and Quantitative Techniques. University of Western Sydney Press, University of Western Sydney, 2003, ISBN 0-975-1599-0-9, 143–156.

B1. Barnett NS, Cîrstea FC and Dragomir SS
N S Barnett, F C Cîrstea and S S Dragomir: Some inequalities for the integral mena of Hölder continuous functions defined on disks in a plane, Inequality Theory and Applications. Inequality Theory and Applications, Nova Sci. Publ., Hauppauge, NY, 2003, ISBN 1-59033-866-9, 7 – 18.

B1. Cowan R
Richard Cowan: Stochastic models for DNA replication, Handbook of Statistics. Stochastic processes: modelling and simulation, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 2003, ISBN 0444500782, 137–166. MR1973543

B1. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ: Fast dynamos, Advances in nonlinear dynamos. The fluid mechanics of astrophysics and geophysics, Taylor & Francis, London, 2003, ISBN 0-415-28788-x, 37–59. MR2082451

B1. Joshi N
Nalini Joshi: Hunting Mathematical Butterflies, Nonlinear Dynamics, From Lasers to Butterflies. World Scientific Lecture Notes in Complex Systems, 1, World Scientific, Singapore, 2003, ISBN 981-238-320-4, 77–114. MR2014643

B1. Molev AI
A. I. Molev: Yangians and their applications, Handbook of Algebra. Elsevier, North Holland, 2003, ISBN 0-444-51264-0, 907–959. MR2035111

B1. Perera DI, Peiris MS and Weber NC
D. Perera, S. Peiris and N. Weber: A Note on the Distribution of Serial Correlation in Large number of Small Samples, Current Research in Modelling, Data Mining and Quantitative Techniques. University of Western Sydney Press, University of Western Sydney, 2003, ISBN 0-975-1599-0-9, 172–192.

B1. Voight J
John Voight: On the nonexistence of odd perfect numbers, MASS selecta. Teaching and learning advanced undergraduate mathematics. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, United States, 2003, ISBN 0-8218-3363-4, 293–300. MR2027187

B1. Yang YH and Speed TP
Yang, Y. H. and Speed, T. P.: Design and Analysis of Comparative Microarray Experiments, Statistical Analysis of Gene Expression Microarray Data,. Chapman & Hall., New York, 2003, ISBN 1-58488-327-8, 35–92.

Journal Articles

C1. Anderson MJ and Robinson J
Marti J Anderson and John Robinson: Generalized discriminant analysis based on distances. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 45 (2003), 301–318. MR2004f:62133

C1. Balasuriya S, Mezic I and Jones CKRT
Balasuriya S, Mezic I and Jones CKRT: Weak finite-time Melnikov theory and 3-D viscous perturbations of Euler flows. Physica D, 176 (2003), 82–106. MR1957426

C1. Barnes DW
Donald W Barnes: On F-Hyperexcentric modules for Lie algebras. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 74 (2003), 235–238. MR2004b:17039

C1. Barnes DW
Donald W Barnes: On the spectral sequence constructions of Guichardet and Stefan. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 355 (2003), 2755–2769. MR1975398

C1. Barnes DW and Groves D
Donald W Barnes, Daniel Groves: The Wielandt subalgebra of a Lie algebra. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 74 (2003), 313–330. MR2004c:17007

C1. Beekman M, Oldroyd BP and Myerscough MR
Beekman, M; Oldroyd, BP; Myerscough MR: Sticking to their choice–honey bee subfamilies abandon declining food sources at a slow but uniform rate. Ecological Entomology, 28 (2003), 233–238.

C1. Belinsky E, Dai F and Ditzian Z
E Belinsky, F Dai, Z Ditzian: Multivariate approximating averages. Journal of Approximation Theory, 127 (2003), 134. MR2053538

C1. Belinsky E, Dai F and Ditzian Z
E Belinsky, F Dai and Z Ditzian: Multivariate approximating averages. Journal of Approximation Theory, 125 (2003), 85–105. MR2016842

C1. Berrick AJ and Hillman JA
A.J.Berrick and J.A.Hillman: Perfect and acyclic subgroups of finitely presentable groups. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 68 (2003), 683–698. MR2009444

C1. Borovskikh YV and Weber NC
Y V Borovskikh, N C Weber: Large deviations of U-statistics I. Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 43 (2003), 13–37. MR1996751

C1. Borovskikh YV and Weber NC
Y.V. Borovskikh, N.C. Weber: Large deviations of U-statistics II. Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 43 (2003), 294–316. MR2019542

C1. Bunge B and Lack S
Marta Bunge and Stephen Lack: Van Kampen theorems for toposes. Advances in Mathematics, 179 (2003), 291–317. MR2010804

C1. Bush MR, Leeming M and Walters RFC
M R Bush, M Leeming, R F C Walters: Computing left Kan extensions. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 35 (2003), 107–126. MR2004a:18001

C1. Cîrstea FC and Rădulescu VD
F.C. Cîrstea, V. Rădulescu: Asymptotics for the blow-up boundary solution of the logistic equation with absorption. Comptes Rendus Mathématique. Académie des Sciences. Paris, 336 (2003), no.3, 231–236. MR1968264

C1. Cîrstea FC and Rădulescu VD
Florica-Corina St. Cîrstea, Vicentiu D. Rădulescu: Solutions with bundary blow-up for a class of nonlinear elliptic problems. Houston Journal of Mathematics, 29 (2003), no.3, 821–829. MR1998166

C1. Cannon JJ and Holt DF
John J Cannon, Derek F Holt Derek: Automorphism group computation and isomorphism testing in finite groups. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 35 (2003), 241–267. MR2004c:20035

C1. Cartwright DI and Kuhn G
Donald I. Cartwright, Gabriella Kuhn: Restricting cuspidal representations of the group of automorphisms of a homogeneous tree. Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana, Sezione B, 8 (2003), no.6-B, 353–379. MR2004e:20044

C1. Cartwright DI, Solé P and Zuk A
Donald I. Cartwright, Patrick Solé and Andrzej Zuk: Ramanujan geometries of type \({\tilde A}_n\). Discrete Mathematics, 269 (2003), 35–43. MR2004e:05113

C1. Chen DR, Wu Q, Ying Y and Zhou DX
Di-Rong Chen, Qiang Wu, Yiming Ying, Ding-Xuan Zhou: Support vector machine soft margin classifiers: error analysis. J. Mach. Learn. Res., 5 (2003), 1143–1175. MR2248013

C1. Chiu SN, Molchanov IS and Quine MP
Chiu SN, Molchanov IS, Quine MP: Maximum likelihood estimation for germination-growth processes with application to neurotransmitters data. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 73 (2003), 725–732. MR2009433

C1. Clarkson PA, Hone ANW and Joshi N
P. A. Clarkson, A. N. W. Hone and N. Joshi: Hierarchies of difference equations and Bäcklund transformations. Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 10 (2003), 13–26. MR2062265

C1. Cockett JRB and Lack S
J.R.B. Cockett and Stephen Lack: Restriction categories II: partial map classification. Theoretical Computer Science, 294 (2003), 61–102. MR2004b:18009

C1. Cowan R, Quine MP and Zuyev S
Richard Cowan, Malcolm Quine and Sergei Zuyev: Decomposition of gamma-distributed domains constructed from Poisson point processes. Advances in Applied Probability, 35 (2003), 56–69. MR2004b:60119

C1. Cox MD and Myerscough MR
Cox, MD and Myerscough, MR: A flexible model of foraging by a honey bee colony: the effects of individual behaviour on foraging success. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 223 (2003), 179–197. MR2068413

C1. Csörgő M, Szyszkowicz B and Wang Q
Miklos Csörgő, Barbara Szyszkowicz, Qiying Wang: Darling-Erdös theorem for self-normalized sums. The Annals of Probability, 31 (2003), 676–692. MR2004a:60051

C1. Csörgő M, Szyszkowicz B and Wang Q
Miklos Csörgő, Barbara Szyszkowicz, Qiying Wang: Donsker's theorem for self-normalized partial sums processes. The Annals of Probability, 31 (2003), 1228–1240. MR1988470

C1. Dai F
Feng Dai: Some equivalence theorems with \(k\)-functionals. Journal of Approximation Theory, 121 (2003), 143–157. MR2003m:42013

C1. Dancer EN
Dancer E N: Some near critical problems. Advances in Differential Equations, 5 (2003), 571–594. MR2004e:35062

C1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Some mountain-pass solutions for small diffusion. Differential and Integral Equations, 16 (2003), 1013–1024. MR2004e:35063

C1. Dancer EN
E N Dancer: Real analyticity and non-degeneracy. Mathematische Annalen, 325 (2003), 369–392. MR1962054

C1. Dancer EN, Bu Y and Ma L
Dancer EN, Du Yihong, Ma Li: Asymptotic behavior of positive solutions of some elliptic problems. Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 210 (2003), 215–228. MR1988532

C1. Dancer EN and Du Y
Dancer E N, Du Y: On a free boundary problem arising from population biology. Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 52 (2003), 51–67. MR2004c:35423

C1. Dancer EN and Du Y
Dancer EN, Du Yihong: Some remarks on Liouville type resutlts for quasilinear elliptic equations. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 131 (2003), 1891–1899. MR2004e:35064

C1. Dancer EN and Yan S
Dancer EN, Yan Shusen: Multi-layer solutions for an elliptic problem. Journal of Differential Equations, 194 (2003), 382–405. MR2006218

C1. Dancer EN and Yan S
Edward Norman Dancer and Shusen Yan: Peak Solutions for an Elliptic System of FitzHugh-Nagumo Type. Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, II (2003), 679–709. MR2040640

C1. Daners D
Daniel Daners: Dirichlet problems on varying domains. Journal of Differential Equations, 188 (2003), 591–624. MR2004a:35042

C1. Davis S
Simon Davis: A rationality condition for the existence of odd perfect numbers. International Journal of Mathematics Education, Science and Technology, 20 (2003), 1261–1293. MR2004b:11007

C1. Diaz E, Yang YH, Loh KC, Tessier-Lavigne M, Speed TP and Ngai J
Diaz, E., Yang, Y. H., Loh, K. C., Tessier-Lavigne, M., Speed, T. P. and Ngai, J.: Molecular analysis of positional identity in the developing mouse retina. PNAS, 100 (2003), no.9, 5491–5496.

C1. Digne F, Lehrer GI and Michel J
F Digne, G Lehrer and J Michel: The space of unipotently supported class functions on a finite reductive group. Journal of Algebra, 260 (2003), 111–137. MR1973579

C1. Domokos G, Fraser WB and Szeberenyi I
G Domokos, W B Fraser, I Szeberenyi: Symmetry-breaking bifurcations of the uplifted elastic strip. Physica D, 185 (2003), 67–77. MR2014892

C1. Dragović V, Jovanović B and Radnović M
Vladimir Dragović, Bozidar Jovanović, Milena Radnović: On elliptic billiards in the Lobachevsky space and associated geodesic hierarchies. Journal of Geometry and Physics, 47 (2003), no.2-3, 221–234. MR1991475

C1. Duan Y, Liu X and Fu L
Yi-shi Duan, Xin Liu, Li-bin Fu: Many knots in Chern-Simons field theory. Physical Review D, 67 (2003), 085022. MR1995181

C1. Duan Y, Liu X and Fu L
Yi-shi Duan, Xin Liu, Li-bin Fu: Spinor decomposition of SU(2) gauge potential and spinor structures of Chern-Simons and Chern density. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 40 (2003), 447. MR2475436

C1. Duan Y, Liu X and Zhang H
Yi-shi Duan, Xin Liu, Hong Zhang: Velocity field vortices and Mermin-Ho vortices in two-component spinor BEC. Annals of Physics, 308 (2003), 493. MR2489113

C1. Duan Y, Liu X and Zhang PM
Yi-shi Duan, Xin Liu, Peng-ming Zhang: Mermin-Ho vortices and monopoles in three-component spinor BEC. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and General, 36 (2003), 563. MR2482741

C1. Duan Y, Wang J and Liu X
Yi-shi Duan, Jun-ping Wang, Xin Liu: Topological excitation in an antiferromagnetic Bose-Einstein condensate. Progress of Theoretical Physics, 110 (2003), 1. MR2494449

C1. Dullin HR, Gottwald GA and Holm DD
H.R. Dullin, G.A Gottwald and D.D Holm: Camassa-Holm, Korteweg-de Vries-5 and other asymptotically equivalent equations for shallow water waves. Fluid Dynamics Research, 33 (2003), 73–95. MR1995028

C1. Dullin HR, Gottwald GA and Holm DD
H. R. Dullin, G. Gottwald, and D. D. Holm: Camassa-Holm, Korteweg-de Vries-5 and other asymptotically equivalent equations for shallow water waves. Fluid Dynamics Research,, 33 (2003), 73–95.

C1. Dullin HR, Howard JE and Horányi M
H. R. Dullin, J. E. Howard, and M. Horányi: Generalizations of the Störmer problem for dust grain orbits. Physica D,, 171 (2002), 178–195.

C1. Dullin HR and Meiss JD
H. R. Dullin, and J. D. Meiss: Twist Singularities for Symplectic Maps. Chaos,, 13 (2003), 1–16.

C1. Durrant CJ, Hertzberg MP and Kuchel PW
C J Durrant, M P Hertzberg, P W Kuchel: Magnetic susceptibility: further insights into macroscopic and microscopic fields and the sphere of Lorentz. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance, 18A (2003), 72–95.

C1. Durrant CJ and Wilson PR
C J Durrant, P R Wilson: Observations and simulations of the polar field reversals in cycle 23. Solar Physics, 214 (2003), 23–39.

C1. Easdown D and Shneerson LM
D. Easdown and L.M. Shneerson: Principal Rees Quotients of Free Inverse Semigroups. Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 45 (2003), 263–267. MR2004f:20108

C1. Fayers M and Lyle SL
Matthew Fayers, Sinéad Lyle: Row and Column removal theorems for homomorphisms between Specht modules. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 185 (2003), 147–164. MR2006423

C1. Fieker C and Klüners J
Claus Fieker, Jürgen Klüners: Minimal discriminants for fields with small Frobenius groups as Galois groups. Journal of Number Theory, 99 (2003), 318–337. MR2004f:11147

C1. FitzGerald DG
D.G. FitzGerald: A presentation for the monoid of uniform block bijections. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 68 (2003), 317–324. MR2016306

C1. Franzsen WN and Howlett RB
Franzsen WN, Howlett RB: Automorphisms of nearly finite Coxeter groups. Advances in Geometry, 3 (2003), 301–338. MR2004d:20041

C1. Fraser WB and van der Heijden GHM
W B Fraser and G H M van der Heijden: Brief Notes. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 70 (2003), 771–774.

C1. Godelle E
Godelle Eddy: Parabolic subgroups of Artin groups of type FC. Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 208 (2003), 243–254. MR2004c:20062

C1. Gordoa PR, Joshi N and Pickering A
P. R. Gordoa, N. Joshi and A. Pickering: A new technique in nonlinear singularity analysis. Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 39 (2003), 435–449. MR2001184

C1. Graham JJ and Lehrer GI
J Graham and GI Lehrer: Diagram algebras, Hecke algebras and decomposition numbers and roots of unity. Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure, 36 (2003), 479–524. MR2013924

C1. Henderson A
Anthony Henderson: Two-row nilpotent orbits of cyclic quivers. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 243 (2003), 127–143. MR2003k:16025

C1. Henderson A
Anthony Henderson: Symmetric subgroup invariants in irreducible representations of \(G^F\), when \(G=GL_n\). Journal of Algebra, 261 (2003), 102–144. MR2004f:20085

C1. Henderson J and Britton S
Jenny Henderson and Sandra Britton: Is there such a thing as a perfect mathematics tutorial? New Zealand Journal of Mathematics, 32 (2003), 107–115. (Supplementary Issue. Proceedings of Remarkable Delta:03. Paper presented at Fourth Southern Hemisphere Symposium on Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics Teaching and Learning. November 2003 in Auckland. Volume edited by Michael O J Thomas and Greg Oates, ISSN 1171-6096)

C1. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: Tits alternatives and low dimensional topology. Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 55 (2003), 365–383. MR1961291

C1. Holmes PE, Linton SA and Murray SH
Petra E. Holmes, Stephen A. Linton, Scott H. Murray: Product replacement in the Monster group. Experimental Mathematics, 12 (2003), no.1, 123–126. MR2003h:20003

C1. Howlett RB and Yin Y
Howlett RB, Yin Yunchuan: Inducing \(W\) graphs. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 244 (2003), 415–431. MR1992545

C1. Hunt RL, Peiris MS and Weber NC
Hunt, R. L., Peiris, M. S. and Weber, N. C.: The bias of lag window estimators of the fractional difference parameter. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 12 (2003), 67–79. MR2004a:62156

C1. Ivers DJ
Ivers DJ: A time-stepping dynamically-consistent spherical-shell dynamo code. ANZIAM Journal, 44(E) (2003), C400–C422.

C1. Ivers DJ and Phillips CG
Ivers DJ, Phillips CG: A vector spherical harmonic spectral code for linearised magnetohydrodynamics. ANZIAM Journal, 44(E) (2003), C423–C442.

C1. Ivers DJ, Stening RJ, Turner JPR and Winch DE
Ivers DJ, Stening RJ, Turner JPR and Winch DE: Equatorial electrojet from Oersted scalar magnetic field observations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (2003), 1061 doi:10.1029/2002JA009310.

C1. Jermiin LS, Ho SYW, Ababneh F, Robinson J and Larkum AWD
Lars S Jermiin, Simon YW Ho, Faisal Ababneh, John Robinson and Anthony WD Larkum: Hetero: a program to simulate the evolution of DNA on a four-taxon tree. Applied Bioinformatics, 2 (2003), 159–163.

C1. Jia RQ, Wang J and Zhou DX
Rong-Qing Jia, Jianzhong Wang, Ding-Xuan Zhou: Compactly supported wavelet bases for Sobolev spaces.. Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal., 15 (2003), no.3, #8211;241. MR2010944

C1. Jia RQ, Wang JZ and Zhou DX
R.Q Jia, J Z Wang and D X Zhou: Compactly supported wavelet bases for Sobolev spaces. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 15 (2003), 224–241. MR2010944

C1. Jin R and Robinson J
Rungao Jin and John Robinson: Robust permutation tests for one sample. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 116 (2003), 475–487. MR2000095

C1. Jing BY, Shao QM and Wang Q
Jing, Bing-Yi and Shao, Qi-Man and Wang, Qiying: Self-normalized Cramer-type large deviations for independent random variables. The Annals of Probability, 31 (2003), 2167–2215. MR2016616

C1. Jing BY and Wang Q
Jing, Bing-Yi and Wang, Qiying: Edgeworth expansion for \(U\)-statistics under minimal conditions. The Annals of Statistics, 31 (2003), 1376–1391. MR2001653

C1. Joshi N
N. Joshi: Tritronquée solutions of perturbed first Painlevé equations. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 137 (2003), 1515–1519. MR2057895

C1. Joshi N and Mazzocco M
N. Joshi and M. Mazzocco: Existence and uniqueness of tri-tronquée solutions of the second Painlevé hierarchy. Nonlinearity, 16 (2003), 427–439. MR2004a:34172

C1. Keich U
U Keich: Stationary tangent - the discrete and non-smooth cases. Journal of time series analysis, 24 (2003), no.2, 173–192. MR1965814

C1. Kohel DR and Verrill HA
David R. Kohel et Helena A. Verrill: Fundamental Domains for Shimura Curves. Journal de Théorie des Nombres, 15 (2003), 205–222. MR2019012

C1. Kuchel PW, Chapman BE, Bubb WA, Hansen PE and Durrant CJ
P W Kuchel, B E Chapman, W A Bubb, P E Hansen, C J Durrant: Magnetic susceptibility: solutions, emulsions, and cells. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance, 18A (2003), 56–71.

C1. Lai KF and Zhang RB
K F Lai and R B Zhang: Multiplicity free actions of quantum groups and generalized Howe duality. Letters in Mathematical Physics, 64 (2003), 255–272. MR2009264

C1. Lehrer GI and Michel J
Gustav I Lehrer, Jean Michel: Invariant theory and eigenspaces for unitary reflection groups. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Ser. I, 336 (2003), 795–800. MR2004d:13005

C1. Lemon G, Gibson WG and Bennett MR
Greg Lemon, William G. Gibson, Max R. Bennett: A model of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate and calcium dynamics in single cells following metabotropic receptor activation. Neurocomputing, 52 (2003), 271–276.

C1. Lemon G, Gibson WG and Bennett MR
G. Lemon, W.G. Gibson, M.R. Bennett: Metabotropic receptor activation, desensitization and sequestration - II: modelling the dynamics of the pleckstrin homology domain. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 223 (2003), 113–129. MR2069242

C1. Lemon G, Gibson WG and Bennett MR
G. Lemon, W.G. Gibson, M.R. Bennett: Metabotropic receptor activation, desensitization and sequestration - I: modelling calcium and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate dynamics following receptor activation. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 223 (2003), 93–111. MR2069241

C1. Luckock HC
Luckock: A steady-state model of the continuous double auction. Quantitative Finance, 3 (2003), 385–404. MR2015235

C1. Lyle SL
Sinéad Lyle: On Specht modules of general linear groups. Journal of Algebra, 269 (2003), 726–734. MR2015862

C1. Lyle SL
Sinéad Lyle: Some reducible Specht modules. Journal of Algebra, 269 (2003), 536–543. MR2015852

C1. Macaskill C, Padden WEP and Dritschel DG
C. Macaskill, W.E.P. Padden and D.G. Dritschel: The CASL algorithm for quasi-geostrophic flow in a cylinder. Journal of Computational Physics, 188/1 (2003), 232–251. MR2004c:76030

C1. Maruno KI, Ohta Y and Joshi N
Ken-Ichi Maruno, Yasuhiro Ohta and Nalini Joshi: Exact localized solutions of quintic discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Physics Letters. A, 311 (2003), 214–220. MR2004f:39047

C1. Mathas A
Andrew Mathas: Tilting modules for cyclotomic Schur algebras. Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 562 (2003), 137–169. MR2011334

C1. Micchelli CA and Zhou DX
Charles A. Micchelli, Ding-Xuan Zhou: Refinable functions: positivity and interpolation.. Anal. Appl. (Singap.), 1 (2003), no.3, #8211;264. MR1993338

C1. Molev AI
A.I. Molev: A new quantum analog of the Brauer algebra. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 53 (2003), 1073–1078. MR2074086

C1. Molev AI, Ragoucy E and Sorba P
A.I. Molev, E. Ragoucy and P. Sorba: Coideal subalgebras in quantum affine algebras. Reviews in Mathematical Physics, 15 (2003), 789–822. MR2027560

C1. Muller S
Samuel Müller: Tail estimation based on numbers of near \(m\)-extremes. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 5 (2003), 197–210.

C1. Mullin T, Champneys AR, Fraser WB, Galan J and Acheson DJ
Tom Mullin, Alan Champneys, W Barrie Fraser, Jorge Galan, David Acheson: The 'Indian wire trick' via parametric excitation: a comparison between theory and experiment. The Royal Society of London. Proceedings, Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 459 (2003), 539–546. MR2004f:70053

C1. Myerscough MR
Myerscough, MR: Dancing for a decision: a matrix model for nest-site choice by honeybees. Proceedings of the Royal Society. London, Series B, 270 (2003), 577–582.

C1. O'Brian NR, O'Brian S, Packman A and Onslow M
N. O'Brian, S. O'Brian, A. Packman and M. Onslow: Generalizability Theory I: Observational data in the communication sciences. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 46 (2003), 711–717.

C1. O'Brian S, O'Brian NR, Packman A and Onslow M
S. O'Brian, N. O'Brian, A. Packman and M. Onslow: Generalizability theory II: Application to perceptual scaling of speech naturalness in adults who stutter. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 46 (2003), 718–723.

C1. O'Brian S, Packman A, Onslow M, Cream A, O'Brian NR and Bastock K
S. O'Brian, A. Packman, M. Onslow, A. Cream, N. O'Brian and K. Bastock: Is Listener Comfort a viable construct in stuttering research? Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 46 (2003), 503–509.

C1. O'Toole DV, Robinson PA and Myerscough MR
D V O'Toole, P A Robinson and M R Myerscough: Self-organized criticality in ant brood tending. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 221 (2003), 1–14.

C1. O'Toole DV, Robinson PA and Myerscough MR
D V O'Toole, P A Robinson and M R Myerscough: Self-organized criticality and emergent oscillations in models of termite architecture with crowding. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 221 (2003), 15–27.

C1. Parker AE
Alison E Parker: On the good filtration dimension of Weyl modules for a linear algebraic group. Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 562 (2003), 5–21. MR2011328

C1. Peiris MS
M. Shelton Peiris: Improving the quality of forecasting using generalized AR models: an application to statistical quality control. Statistical Methods, 5 (2003), no.2, 156–171. MR2198741

C1. Peiris MS, Mellor R and Ainkaran P
S. Peiris, R. Mellor and P. Ainkaran.: Maximum likelihood estimation for short time series with replicated observations: a simulation study. InterStat, 9, 11 (2003), no.3, 1–16.

C1. Peiris MS, Thavaneswaran A, Allen DE and Mellor R
M.S.Peiris, A.Thavaneswaran, D.Allen, R.Mellor: Applications of recursive estimation methods in statistical process control: a comparison. Statistical Methods, 5 (2003), no.2, 172–183. MR2198742

C1. Phillips CG and Ivers DJ
Phillips CG, Ivers DJ: Strong field anisotropic diffusion models for the Earth's core. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 140 (2003), 13–28.

C1. Phipps MC
Mary C Phipps: Inequalities between hypergeometric tails. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences, 7 (2003), no.3, 165–174. MR2004f:60044

C1. Plonka G and Zhou DX
G. Plonka, D.-X. Zhou: Properties of locally linearly independent refinable function vectors.. J. Approx. Theory, 122 (2003), no.1, 8211;41. MR1976123

C1. Radnović M
Milena Radnović: A note on billiard systems in Finsler plane with elliptic indicatrices. Publications de l'Institut Mathématique, 74(88) (2003), 97–101. MR2066994

C1. Robinson J, Ronchetti E and Young GA
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E1. Tang ZX, Wang X and Fraser WB
Zheng-Xue Tang, Xungai Wang and Barrie Fraser (2003). Energy consumption per unit yarn production in ring spinning. The sixth engineering mathematics and applications conference, Proceedings of the sixth engineering mathematics and applications conference, R L May and W F Blyth (ed.) , EMAC 2003 Proceedings, UTS Printing Services, ISBN 1 86365 533 6, 289 – 294.

E1. Winch DE, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR and Stening RJ
Winch DE, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR and Stening RJ (2003). Satellite magnetic data and geomagnetic daily variations. Third Australian Space Science Workshop, Proceedings of the National Space Society of Australia Third Australian Space science Workshop, Wayne Short (ed.) , National space society of Australia, 1–13. (CD-ROM)

E2. Winch DE, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR and Stening RJ
D E Winch, D J Ivers, J P R Turner and R J Stening (2003). Schmidt Quasi-normalization. 4th Oersted International Science Team Conference, OIST-4 Proceedings, Peter Stauning et al... (ed.) , DMI Scientific Report, Danish Meteorological Institute, ISBN 87-7478-484-6, 45–48.

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D E Winch, D J Ivers, J P R Turner and R J Stening (2003). SQ and L at satellite altitudes. 4th Oersted International Science Team Conference, OIST-4 Proceedings, Peter Stauning et al... (ed.) , DMI Scientific Report, Danish Meteorological Institute, ISBN 87-7478-484-6, 193–200.

E2. Winch DE, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR and Stening RJ
D E Winch, D J Ivers, J P R Turner and R J Stening (2003). The dynamics of the equatorial electrojet. 4th Oersted International Science Team Conference, OIST-4 Proceedings, Peter Stauning et al... (ed.) , DMI Scientific Report, Danish Meteorological Institute, ISBN 87-7478-484-6, 197–200.

E3. Gibson WG, Lemon G and Bennett MR
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Shelton Peiris, David Allen, and Wenling Yang (2003). Some statistical models for durations and their applications in finance. International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Modsim, 2003, Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc., ISBN 174052 098X, 1210–1214.