

Research Publications for 1984

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Publications 1947–74


A1. Bray RJ, Loughhead RE and Durrant CJ
Bray RJ, Loughhead RE, Durrant CJ: The Solar Granulation. 2nd edn, Cambridge University Press, 1984.

A3. Eyland RW (ed.) and others
Eyland RW, et al eds: Proceedings of the eighth international conference for the psychology of mathematics education. International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Sydney, 1984.

Chapters in Books

B1. Cannon JJ
Cannon JJ: An introduction to the group theory language Cayley, Computational Group Theory. Atkinson MD (ed.), Academic Press, London, 1984, 145–183. MR0760656

B1. Ryan AJ
Ryan AJ: Hilbert modules with reproducing kernels within complex Clifford analysis, Mathematical Structures — Computational Mathematics — Mathematical Modelling. 2, 1984, 273–278. (Invited contribution to a special volume prepared by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences to honour Academician L. Iliev's 70th birthday) MR0790893

Journal Articles

C1. Camina AR and Gagen TM
Camina AR, Gagen TM: Block transitive automorphism groups of designs. Journal of Algebra, 86 (1984), 549–554. MR85h:20007

C1. Cannon JJ and Richardson JS
Cannon JJ, Richardson JS: Cayley — Teaching Group Theory by Computer. SIGSAM Bulletin, 18 (1984), 15–18. (ICME 5, Adelaide, August 1984)

C1. Chan WL and Lai KF
Chan WL, Lai KF: Dual optimal distributed systems with non-negative controls. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 104 (1984), 143–154. MR86m:49035

C1. Choo KG
Choo KG: Flat modules whose direct powers are flat. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Society, 7 (1984), 69–76. MR87a:16042

C1. Choo KG, Teo KL, Clements DJ and Wu ZS
Choo KG, Teo KL, Clements DJ, Wu ZS: Convergence of a strong variational algorithm for relaxed controls involving a class of hyperbolic systems. Journal of Optimisation Theory and Applications, 42 (1984), 467–485. MR85e:49033

C1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Perturbation of zeros in the presence of symmetries. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, (Series A), 36 (1984), 106–125. MR85g:58027

C1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Order intervals of self-adjoint linear operators and nonlinear homeomorphisms. Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 115 (1984), 57–72. MR86c:47086

C1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Degenerate critical points, homotopy indices and Morse inequalities. Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 350 (1984), 11–22.

C1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: On positive solutions of some pairs of differential equations. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 284 (1984), 729–743. MR85i:35056

C1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Uniqueness for elliptic equations when a parameter is large. Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods and Applications, 8 (1984), 835–836.

C1. Delbourgo R and Zhang RB
Delbourgo R., Zhang R.: Transverse vertices in electrodynamics and the gauge technique. J. Phys. A, 17 (1984), no.18, 3593–3607. MR772341

C1. Dimca A
Dimca A: Function germs defined on isolated hypersurfaces singularities. Compositio Mathematica, 53 (1984), 245–258. MR86a:32027

C1. Dimca A
Dimca A: Are the isolated singularities of complete intersections determined by their singular subspaces?. Mathematische Annalen, 267 (1984), 461–472. MR85k:32023

C1. Dimca A
Dimca A: Sur les singularités isolées d'intersections complètes. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Série I. Mathématique, 299 (1984), 21–24. MR85f:32037

C1. Dimca A and Rosian R
Dimca A, Rosian R: The Samuel stratification of the discriminant is Whitney regular. Geometriæ Dedicata, 17 (1984), 181–184. MR0771194

C1. Easdown D
Easdown D: Biordered sets are biordered subsets of idempotents of semigroups. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, (Series A), 37 (1984), 258–268. MR85i:20067

C1. Easdown D
Easdown D: A new proof that regular biordered sets come from regular semigroups. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Section A. Mathematics, 96A (1984), 109–116. MR85k:20177

C1. Easdown D
Easdown D: Biordered sets of bands. Semigroup Forum, 29 (1984), 241–246. MR86a:20075

C1. Easdown D
Easdown D: Biordered sets of eventually regular semigroups. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Third Series, 49 (1984), 483–503. MR86a:20076

C1. Easdown D and Hall TE
Easdown D, Hall TE: Reconstructing some idempotent generated semigroups from their biordered sets. Semigroup Forum, 29 (1984), 207–216. MR86a:20081

C1. Gagen TM
Gagen TM: More high preserved mathematics. Reflections, 9 (1984), 8–11.

C1. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ: Deux problèmes numériques de la MHD tridimensionelle. Comptes Rendus de l'École de Goutelas: Champs Magnétiques Stellaires (Observatoire de Nice), (1984), 325–337.

C1. Galloway DJ and Frisch U
Galloway DJ, Frisch U: A numerical investigation of magnetic field generation in a flow with chaotic streamlines. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 29 (1984), 13–18. MR0748371

C1. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Padé approximant method for the statistical thermodynamics of a quantum system. I. General formulation and simple examples. Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 17 (1984), 1877–1890. MR85g:82044a

C1. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Padé approximant method for the statistical thermodynamics of a quantum system. II. Quartic anharmonic oscillator. Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 17 (1984), 1891–1901. MR85g:82044b

C1. Harding AK, Meszaros P, Kirk JG and Galloway DJ
Harding AK, Meszaros P, Kirk JG, Galloway DJ: Self-consistent models for Coulomb-heated X-ray pulsar atmospheres. Astrophysical Journal, 278 (1984), 369–381.

C1. Hickman RC and Monro GP
Hickman RC, Monro GP: Distributive partially ordered sets. Fundamenta Mathematicae, 120 (1984), 151–166. MR86h:06006

C1. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Polynomials determining Dedekind domains. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 29 (1984), 167–175. MR85h:13013

C1. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Links with infinitely many semifree periods are trivial. Archiv der Mathematik (Basel), 42 (1984), 568–572. MR86a:57003

C1. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Simple locally flat 3-knots. The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 16 (1984), 599–602. MR86a:57019

C1. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Factorization of Kojima knots and hyperbolic concordance of Levine pairings. Houston Journal of Mathematics, 10 (1984), 187–194. MR86i:57024

C1. Howlett RB and Holt DF
Howlett RB, Holt DF: On groups which are the product of two Abelian groups. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series, 29 (1984), 453–461. MR86f:20028

C1. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Using the bivariate normal distribution to construct probability models in the health sciences. Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods, 13 (1984), 1723–1733. MR0742525

C1. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Risk in transport. A symposium report. Traffic Engineering and Control, 25 (1984), 330–331.

C1. Ivers DJ and James RW
Ivers DJ, James RW: Axisymmetric antidynamo theorems in compressible non-uniform conducting fluids. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A, 312 (1984), 179–218. MR85i:86005

C1. Kuo TC
Kuo TC: Sur le probleme de l'equisingularité. Séminaire sur la Géométrie Algébrique Réelle, Publications Mathématiques de l'Université de Paris VII, (1984), 119–122.

C1. Macaskill C and Ewart TE
Macaskill C, Ewart TE: Computer simulation of two-dimensional random wave propagation. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 33 (1984), 1–15.

C1. Macaskill C and Ewart TE
Macaskill C, Ewart TE: The probability distribution of intensity for acoustic propagation in a randomly varying ocean. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 76 (1984), 1466–1473.

C1. Madan DB and Seneta E
Madan D, Seneta E: Compound Poisson models for economic variable movements. Sankhyā. The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series B, 46 (1984), 174–187.

C1. McMullen JR
McMullen JR: The dual object of a compact group. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 185 (1984), 539–552. MR85c:22010

C1. McMullen JR and Sharp B
McMullen JR, Sharp B: A remark on the Littlewood inequality. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 90 (1984), 95–96. MR86b:43015

C1. Quine MP and Robinson J
Quine MP, Robinson J: Normal approximations to sums of scores based on occupancy numbers. The Annals of Probability, 12 (1984), 794–804. MR85h:60035

C1. Quine MP and Watson DF
Quine MP, Watson DF: Radial generation of n-dimensional Poisson processes. Journal of Applied Probability, 21 (1984), 548–557. MR86c:60025

C1. Ryan AJ
Ryan AJ: Properties of isolated singularities of some functions taking values in real Clifford algebras. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 95 (1984), 277–298. MR85b:30067

C1. Ryan AJ
Ryan AJ: Extensions of Clifford analysis to complex, finite, dimensional, associative algebras with identity. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 84A (1984), 37–50. MR86d:30078

C1. Ryan AJ
Ryan AJ: Cauchy-Kowalewski extension theorems and representations of analytic functionals acting over special classes or real \(n\)-dimensional submanifolds of \(C^{n+1}\). Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II. Supplemento, 3 (1984), 249–262. MR0744391

C1. Seneta E
Seneta E: On the limiting set of non-negative matrix products. Statistics and Probability Letters, 2 (1984), 159–163. MR85m:15012

C1. Seneta E
Seneta E: The Central Limit problem and linear least squares in pre-revolutionary Russia: the background. Mathematical Scientist, 9 (1984), 37–77. MR86c:01035

C1. Seneta E
Seneta E: Spectrum localization by ergodicity coefficient for stochastic matrices. Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 14 (1984), 343–347.

C1. Seneta E
Seneta E: Explicit forms for ergodicity coefficients and spectrum localization. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 60 (1984), 187–197. MR86c:60094

C1. Seneta E
Seneta E: Lewis Carroll as a probabilist and mathematician. Mathematical Scientist, 9 (1984), 79–94. MR86c:01036

C1. Stefanik R, Ulmscheneider P, Hammer R and Durrant CJ
Stefanik R, Ulmscheneider P, Hammer R, Durrant CJ: Non-linear dynamics of stellar atmospheres I.A. computational code. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 134 (1984), 77–90.

C1. Szabo P and Paul GL
Szabo P, Paul GL: Lattice Dynamics of Ionic Crystals. Physical Review. A, B 29 (1984), 6963–6967.

C1. Weber NC
Weber NC: On resampling techniques for regression models. Statistics and Probability Letters, 2 (1984), 275–278. MR86d:62118

C1. Wehrhahn KH
Wehrhahn KH: Summing finite series. Reflections, 9 (1984), no.4, 1–14.

Conference Proceedings

E1. Cannon JJ
Cannon JJ (1984). A computational toolkit for finite permutation groups. Proceedings of the Rutgers Group Theory Year, 1983 - 1984, Aschbacher M et al (ed.) , CUP, New York, 1–18.

E1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN (1984). Morse inequalities and estimates for the number of solutions of nonlinear equations. Miniconference on nonlinear analysis, Centre for Mathematical Analysis Proceedings, 8 MR0799207

E1. Durrant CJ
Durrant CJ (1984). Interpretation of low-resolution observations. Small-scale Dynamical Processes in Quiet Stellar Atmospheres, Keil SL (ed.) , Sacramento Peak Observatory, Sunspot, 345–359.

E1. Durrant CJ
Durrant CJ (1984). Solar active regions-observations and theory. Orages Solaires de Type I, Bougeret JL, Benz AO eds (ed.) , CNRS, Paris, 21–33.

E1. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ (1984). Magnetoconvection. Trends in Physics, Janta J, Pantoflíček J (eds) (ed.) , Union of Czechoslovak Mathematicians and Physicists, 123–128. (invited review for Symposium on Non-linear Plasma Astrophysics, 6th General conference of the European Physical Society, Prague, 1984)

E1. Havas G, Kenne PE, Richardson JS and Robertson EF
Havas G, Kenne PE, Richardson JS, Robertson EF (1984). A Tietze transformation program. Computational Group Theory (Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society Symposium on Computational Group Theory, Durham, 1982), Atkinson MD (ed.) , Academic Press, London MR0959068

E1. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP (1984). Medical statistics on road accident injury in several countries. Transport Risk Assessment, Yagar S (ed.) , University of Waterloo Press, 43–76. (An earlier version appeared in Čovjek i Promet, 9, 17–30 (1983), under the title "Deaths and injuries in road accidents: Evidence from the mortality and health statistics of several countries")

E1. Kaisig M and Durrant CJ
Kaisig M, Durrant CJ (1984). Geometrical effects in weighting functions. Small-scale Dynamical Processes in Quiet Stellar Atmospheres, Keil SL (ed.) , Sacramento Peak Observatory, Sunspot, 406–412.

E1. Kaisig M, Durrant CJ and Schröter EH
Kaisig M, Durrant CJ, Schröter EH (1984). The asymmetry of photospheric absorption lines in quiet and active regions of the sun. Small-scale Dynamical Processes in Quiet Stellar Atmosphere, Keil SL (ed.) , Sacramento Peak Observatory, Sunspot, 345–359.

E1. Macaskill C and Ewart TE
Macaskill C, Ewart TE (1984). Numerical simulation of wave propagation in a randomly varying medium. Proceedings of the International Conference on Developments in Marine Acoustics, 50–54. (Sydney, December 1984)

E1. Mack JM
Mack JM (1984). External and internal constraints on secondary mathematics curriculum. Proc. ICMI-JSME Regional Conference on Mathematical Education, Tokyo, Kawaguchi T (ed.) , 282–286.

E1. Mack JM
Mack JM (1984). Mathematics and gifted children. Proc. First National Conference on the Education of Gifted and Talented Children, Melbourne, 309–310.

E1. Nesis A, Durrant CJ and Mattig W
Nesis A, Durrant CJ, Mattig W (1984). Studies in overshoot. Small-scale Dynamical Processes in Quiet Stellar Atmospheres, Keil SL (ed.) , Sacramento Peak Observatory, Sunspot, 345–359.

E3. Gertzenshtein S, Zheligovsky VA, Nikitin N, Rutitsky A, Sukhorukov A and Filyand L
Gertzenshtein S, Zheligovsky VA, Nikitin N, Rutitsky A, Sukhorukov A, Filyand L (1984). On some transient processes in spatial flows with transverse gradient of velocity. Abstracts of the International Symposium on laminar-turbulent transition, Novosibirsk, 1p.

E3. Zheligovsky VA and Shebalin P
Zheligovsky VA, Shebalin P (1984). Computer earthquake catalog, compiled from various sources. Abstracts of XIX Assembly of European Seismological Commission, Moscow, 1p.

Unpublished Conference Proceedings

UN. Gibson WG
Gibson WG. Hyperspherical harmonics and few-body problems in quantum statistical mechanics. Statistical Mechanics Meeting, ANU, Canberra (November, 1984) .

UN. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP. Cross-national comparison of the routine collection of data on the nature and severity of injury in road crashes. International Workshop on the Methodology of Modelling Road Accident and Injury Patterns, University of Sussex, organised by the International Drivers' Behaviour Research Association .

UN. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP. Nonsense items in multiple-choice tests. London Conference of the British Psychological Society, City University .

UN. Rees DE
Rees DE. Recent Developments in Polarized Radiative Transfer. Past Progress and Future Developments in Solar and Stellar Atmospheric Physics, Ron Giovanelli Commemorative Colloquium (Nov 1984) .

UN. Rees DE
Rees DE. Solar-Stellar-Terrestrial Relations. IAP Congress, Griffith University (Aug 1984), Invited Review .