

Research Publications for 2016

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A2. Hietarinta J, Joshi N and Nijhoff FW
J Hietarinta, N Joshi, F W Nijhoff: Discrete Systems and Integrability. Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics, M J Ablowitz, S Davis, E J Hinch, A Iserles, J Ockendon, P J Olver (ed.), Cambridge University Press, UK, 2016, ISBN 978-1107669482, 440 pages. MR3587455

A3. Beresnevich V, Ramirez F, Velani S, Bugeaud Y, Forni G, Austin T, Einsiedler M, Ward T and Kontorovich A
V. Beresnevich, F. Ramirez, S. Velani, Y. Bugeaud, G. Forni, T. Austin, M. Einsiedler, T. Ward, A. Kontorovich: Dynamics and Analytic Number Theory. London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 437, D. Badziahin, A. Gorodnik and N. Peyerimhoff (ed.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2016, ISBN 9781107552371, xviii + 321 pages.

A3. Degli Esposti M (ed.), Altmann EG (ed.) and Pachet F (ed.)
Several authors: Creativity and Universality in Language. Lecture Notes in Morphogenesis, M. Degli Esposti, E. G. Altmann, F. Pachet (ed.), Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-24401-3, xii+208 pages.

A3. Skokos C, Gottwald GA and Laskar J
Charlampos Skokos, Georg A. Gottwald and Jacques Laskar: Chaos Detection and Predictability. Lecture Notes in Physics, Charlampos Skokos, Georg A. Gottwald and Jacques Laskar (ed.), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2016, ISBN 978-3-662-48408-1, 250 pages.

Chapters in Books

B1. Altmann EG and Gerlach M
E. G. Altmann and M. Gerlach: Statistical laws in linguistics, Creativity and Universality in Language. Lecture Notes in Morphogenesis, Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-24401-3, 7–26.

B1. Dissanayake GS
G. S. Dissanayake: Rapid Optimal Lag Order Detection and Parameter Estimation of Standard Long Memory Time Series, Causal Inference in Econometrics. Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-27283-2, 17–28. MR3469185

B1. Gottwald GA and Melbourne I
Georg A. Gottwald and I. Melbourne: The 0-1 test for chaos: A review, Chaos Detection and Predictability. Lecture Notes in Physics 915, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2016, ISBN 978-3-662-48408-1, 26.

B1. Thomas A
Anne Thomas: Lattices in hyperbolic buildings, Geometry, topology, and dynamics in negative curvature. London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2016, ISBN 978-1-107-52900-7, 345–363. MR3497265

B1. Yatigammana RP, Choy STB and Chan JSK
Rasika P. Yatigammana, S.T. Boris Choy and Jennifer S.K. Chan: Autoregressive Conditional Duration Model with an Extended Weibull Error Distribution, Causal Inference in Econometrics. Studies in Computational Intelligence 622, Springer, Switzerland, 2016, ISBN 1860-949X, 638.

Journal Articles

C1. Aché A, Maximo D and Wu H
Antonio Aché, Davi Maximo, Haotian Wu: Metrics with nonnegative Ricci curvature on convex three-manifolds. Geometry & Topology, 20 (2016), no.5, 2905–2922. MR3556351

C1. Achar PN, Henderson A, Julteau D and Riche S
Pramod N. Achar, Anthony Henderson, Daniel Julteau and Simon Riche: Modular generalized Springer correspondence I: the general linear group. Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS), 18 (2016), no.7, 1405–1436. MR3506603

C1. Ackermann N and Dancer EN
Nils Ackermann and Norman Dancer: Precise exponential decay for solutions of semilinear elliptic equations and its effect on the structure of the solution set for a real analytic nonlinearity. Differential and Integral Equations, 29 (2016), no.7-8, 757–774. MR3498876

C1. Ahlip R and Rutkowski M
Rehez Ahlip and Marek Rutkowski: Pricing of foreign exchange options under the MPT stochastic volatility model and the CIR interest rates. The European Journal of Finance, 22 (2016), no.7, 551–571.

C1. Allen DE, McAleer M, Peiris MS and Singh AK
David E Allen, Michael McAleer, Shelton Peiris and Abhay K Singh: Nonlinear Time Series and Neural-Network Models of Exchange Rates between the US Dollar and Major Currencies. Risks, 4 (2016), no.7, 14 pages.

C1. Allen DE, McAleer M, Powell RJ and Singh AK
David E Allen, Michael McAleer, Robert J Powell and Abhay K Singh: Down-Side Risk Metrics as Portfolio Diversification Strategies across the Global Financial Crisis. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 9 (2016), no.6, 1–18.

C1. Allen DE, McAleer M, Powell RJ and Singh AK
David E Allen, Michael McAleer, Robert Powell and Abhay K Singh: Volatility spillover and multivariate volatility impulse response analysis of GFC news events. Applied Economics, December 2016 (2016), 18 pages.

C1. Allen DE, Powell RJ and Singh AK
D E Allen, R J Powell, A K Singh: Take it to the limit: innovative CVaR applications to extreme credit risk measurement. European Journal of Operational Research, 249 (2016), no.2, 465–475. MR3426988

C1. Atkinson J, Howes P, Joshi N and Nakazono N
James Atkinson, Phil Howes, Nalini Joshi and Nobutaka Nakazono: Geometry of an elliptic difference equation related to \(Q\)4. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 93 (2016), no.93, 763–784. MR3509963

C1. Badziahin D
D. Badziahin: Continuant Diophantine Equations. Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory, 6 (2016), no.2–3, 38–55. MR3607780

C1. Bagchi B, Datta B and Spreer J
Bhaskar Bagchi and Basudeb Datta and Jonathan Spreer: Tight triangulations of closed 3-manifold. European J. Combin., 54 (2016), 103–120. MR3459056

C1. Banihashemi N, Robillard R, Yang YH, Carpenter JS, Hermens DF, Naismith SL, Terpening Z, White D, Scott EM and Hickie IB
Nahid Banihashemi, Rébecca Robillard, Jean Yang, Joanne S Carpenter, Daniel F Hermens, Sharon L Naismith, Zoe Terpening, Django White, Elizabeth M Scott and Ian B Hickie: Quantifying the effect of body mass index, age, and depression severity on 24-h activity patterns in persons with a lifetime history of affective disorders. BMC Psychiatry, 16 (1) (2016), no.317

C1. Bannister H, Goldys B, Penev S and Wu W
Hugh Bannister, Beniamin Goldys, Spiridon Penev, Wei Wu: Multiperiod mean-standard-deviation time consistent portfolio selection. Automatica, 73 (2016), 15–26. MR3552055

C1. Barbier S and Coulembier K
Sigiswald Barbier and Kevin Coulembier: The Joseph ideal for \(\mathfrak{sl}(m|n)\). Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, 191 (2016), 489–499.

C1. Basak B and Spreer J
Biplab Basak and Jonathan Spreer: Simple crystallizations of 4-manifolds. Advances in Geometry, 16 (2016), no.1, 111–130. MR3451268

C1. Baumgartner U, Ramagge J and Willis GA
Udo Baumgartner, Jacqui Ramagge, and George A Willis: Scale-multiplicative semigroups and geometry: automorphism groups of trees. Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics, 10 (2016), 1051–1075. MR3551189

C1. Bellamy G and Thiel U
Gwyn Bellamy and Ulrich Thiel: Cuspidal Calogero–Moser and Lusztig families for Coxeter groups. Journal of Algebra, 462 (2016), 197–252. MR3519506

C1. Bennett MR, Farnell L, Gibson WG and Lagopoulos J
Maxwell R Bennett, Les Farnell, William Gibson, Jim Lagopoulos: On the origins of the 'global signal' determined by functional magnetic resonance imaging in the resting state. Journal of Neural Engineering, 13 (2016), no.1, 1–11.

C1. Beran RJ and Fisher NI
R J Beran and N I Fisher: Obituary, Peter Gavin Hall AO. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A, 179 (2016), no.Part 4, 1117–1125.

C1. Bertram CD, Macaskill C, Davis MJ and Moore JE Jr
C.D. Bertram, C. Macaskill, M.J. Davis and J.E. Moore jr.: Consequences of intravascular lymphatic valve properties: a study of contraction timing in a lymphatic vessel model.. American Journal of Physiology – Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 310 (2016), no.7, H847−H860.

C1. Bertram CD, Macaskill C and Moore JE Jr
C D Bertram, C Macaskill, J E Moore Jr: Pump function curve shape for a model lymphatic vessel. Medical Engineering and Physics, 38 (2016), 656–663.

C1. Bharadwaj S, Duignan N, Dullin HR, Leung K and Tong W
Sudarsh Bharadwaj, Nathan Duignan, Holger R Dullin, Karen Leung, and William Tong: The diver with a rotor. Indagationes Mathematicae, 27 (2016), no.5, 1147–1161. MR3573753

C1. Björklund M and Fish A
Michael Björklund, Alexander Fish: Characteristic polynomial patterns in difference sets of matrices. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, (2016), 9. MR3483067

C1. Boie S, Kirk V, Sneyd J and Wechselberger M
S. Boie, V. Kirk, J. Sneyd, M. Wechselberger: Effects of quasi-steady state reduction on biophysical models with oscillations. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 393 (2016), 16–31. MR3458475

C1. Booker AR, Sijsling J, Sutherland AV, Voight J and Yasaki D
Andrew R. Booker, Jeroen Sijsling, Andrew V. Sutherland, John Voight and Dan Yasaki: A database of genus-2 curves over the rational numbers. LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics, 19 (2016), 235–254. MR3540958

C1. Boys C
Clinton Boys: Alternating quiver Hecke algebras. Journal of Algebra, 449 (2016), 246–263. MR3448174

C1. Boys C
Clinton Boys: Semisimple Representations of Alternating Cyclotomic Hecke Algebras. Algebras and Representation Theory, 19 (2016), no.1, 235–253. MR3465900

C1. Burridge J and Cowan R
James Burridge and Richard Cowan: Planar tessellations that have the half-Gilbert structure. Advances in Applied Probability, 48 (2016), no.2, 574–584. MR3511776

C1. Burton BA, Lewiner T, Paixão J and Spreer J
Benjamin A. Burton and Thomas Lewiner and João Paixão and Jonathan Spreer: Parameterized complexity of discrete Morse theory. ACM Trans. Math. Softw., 42 (2016), 24 pages. MR3472422

C1. Burton BA and Spreer J
Benjamin A. Burton and Jonathan Spreer: Combinatorial Seifert fibred spaces with transitive cyclic automorphism group. Israel J. Math., 214 (2016), no.2, 741–784. MR3544701

C1. Cannon JJ, Garonzi M, Levy D, Maroti A and Simion II
John Cannon, Martino Garonzi, Dan Levy, Attila Maroti, Iulian I Simion: Groups equal to a product of three conjugate subgroups. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 215 (2016), 31–52. MR3551894

C1. Carberry E and Schmidt MU
Emma Carberry and Martin Ulrich Schmidt: The prevalence of tori amongst constant mean curvature planes in \(\mathbb{R}^3\). Journal of Geometry and Physics, 106 (2016), 352–366.

C1. Carberry E and Schmidt MU
Emma Carberry and Martin Ulrich Schmidt: The closure of spectral data for constant mean curvature tori in \(\mathbb{S}^3\). J. reine angew. Math, 721 (2016), 149–166.

C1. Chan JSK
Chan, J.S.K.: Predicting loss reserves using quantile regression. Journal of Data Science, 13 (2016), 127–156.

C1. Chan JSK
Jennifer S K Chan: Bayesian informative dropout model for longitudinal binary data with random effects using conditional and joint modeling approaches. Biometrical Journal, 58 (2016), no.3, 549–569. MR3500560

C1. Chan JSK and Wan WY
Jennifer So Kuen Chan and Wai Yin Wan: Bayesian analysis of Cannabis offences using generalized Poisson geometric process model with flexible dispersion. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 86 (2016), no.16, 3315–3336. MR3534582

C1. Chan MH, Hawkes K and Kim PS
M.H. Chan, K. Hawkes, P.S. Kim: Evolution of longevity, age at last birth and sexual conflict with grandmothering. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 393 (2016), 145–157.

C1. Chill R, Hauer D and Kennedy JB
Ralph Chill, Daniel Hauer, James Kennedy: Nonlinear semigroups generated by \(j\)-elliptic functionals. Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, 105 (2016), 415–450.

C1. Choy STB, Chan JSK and Makov UE
S T Boris Choy, Jennifer S K Chan & Udi E Makov: Robust Bayesian analysis of loss reserving data using scale mixtures distributions. Journal of Applied Statistics, 43 (2016), no.3, 396–411. MR3441544

C1. Christmann A and Zhou DX
Andreas Christmann and Ding-Xuan Zhou: On the robustness of regularized pairwise learning methods based on kernels. Journal of Complexity, 37 (2016), 1–33. MR3550364

C1. Christmann A and Zhou DX
Andreas Christmann and Ding-Xuan Zhou: Learning rates for the risk of kernel-based quantile regression estimators in additive models. Analysis and Applications, 14 (2016), 449–477. MR3486095

C1. Clark AE, Altwegg R and Ormerod JT
Allan E Clark, Res Altwegg, John T Ormerod: A Variational Bayes Approach to the Analysis of Occupancy Models. PLoS One, 11 (2016), no.2, e0148966 (18 pages).

C1. Coulembier K
Kevin Coulembier: Bott-Borel-Weil theory and Bernstein-Gel'fand-Gel'fand reciprocity for Lie superalgebras.. Transformation Groups, 21 (2016), 681–723. MR3531745

C1. Coulembier K
Kevin Coulembier: The primitive spectrum of a basic classical Lie superalgebra.. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 348 (2016), 579–602. MR3554895

C1. Coulembier K and Mazorchuk V
Kevin Coulembier, Volodymyr Mazorchuk: Primitive ideals, twisting functors and star actions for classical Lie superalgebras.. Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 718 (2016), 207–253. MR3545883

C1. Daners D, Glück J and Kennedy JB
Daniel Daners, Jochen Glück, James B. Kennedy: Eventually positive semigroups of linear operators. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 433 (2016), no.2, 1561–1593. MR3398779

C1. Daners D, Glück J and Kennedy JB
Daners, Daniel and Glück, Jochen and Kennedy, James B.: Eventually and asymptotically positive semigroups on Banach lattices. Journal of Differential Equations, 261 (2016), no.5, 2607–2649. MR3507982

C1. Daners D and Thornett C
Daners, Daniel and Thornett, Christopher: Periodic-parabolic eigenvalue problems with a large parameter and degeneration. Journal of Differential Equations, 261 (2016), no.1, 273–295. MR3487259

C1. Dissanayake GS, Peiris MS and Proietti T
G S Dissanayake, M S Peiris, T Proietti: State space modeling of Gegenbauer processes with long memory. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 100 (2016), 115–130. MR3505794

C1. Domanova W, Krycer JR, Chaudhuri R, Yang P, Vafaee F, Fazakerley DJ, Humphrey SJ, James DE and Kuncic Z
Westa Domanova , James Krycer , Rima Chaudhuri, Pengyi Yang, Fatemeh Vafaee, Daniel Fazakerley, Sean Humphrey, David James, Zdenka Kuncic: Unraveling Kinase Activation Dynamics Using Kinase-Substrate Relationships from Temporal Large-Scale Phosphoproteomics Studies. PLoS One, 23 June 2016 (2016), Online.

C1. Domanova W, Kycer J, Chaudhuri R, Yang P, Vafaee F, Fazakerley DJ, Humphrey SJ, James DE and Kuncic Z
Westa Domanova, James Krycer, Rima Chaudhuri, Pengyi Yang, Fatemeh Vafaee, Daniel Fazakerley, Sean Humphrey, David James, Zdenka Kuncic: Unraveling Kinase Activation Dynamics Using Kinase-Substrate Relationships from Temporal Large-Scale Phosphoproteomics Studies. PLoS One, 11 (2016), no.6, Art. e0157763 (14 pages).

C1. Dubossarsky E, Friedman JH, Ormerod JT and Wand MP
E Dubossarsky, J H Friedman, J T Ormerod, M P Wand: Wavelet-based gradient boosting. Statistics and Computing, 26 (2016), no.1, 93–105. MR3439361

C1. Dullin HR, Marangell R and Worthington J
Holger R Dullin, Robert Marangell and Joachim Worthington: Instability of equilibria for the two-dimensional euler equations on the torus. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 76 (2016), no.4, 1446–1470. MR3529742

C1. Dullin HR and Montgomery R
Holger R Dullin and Richard Montgomery: Syzygies in the two center problem. Nonlinearity, 29 (2016), no.4, 1212–1237. MR3476506

C1. Dullin HR and Pelayo Á
Holger R Dullin, Álvaro Pelayo: Generating Hyperbolic Singularities in Semitoric Systems Via Hopf Bifurcations. Journal of Nonlinear Science, 26 (2016), no.3, 787–811. MR3490533

C1. Dullin HR and Tong W
Holger R Dullin and William Tong: Twisting Somersault. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems (SIADS), 15 (2016), no.4, 1806–1822. MR3553919

C1. Easdown D and Saunders N
David Easdown and Neil Saunders: The Minimal Faithful Permutation Degree for a Direct Product Obeying an Inequality Condition. Communications in Algebra, 44 (2016), no.8, 3518–3537. MR3492203

C1. Ehrig M and Stroppel C
Michael Ehrig and Catharina Stroppel: 2-row Springer Fibres and Khovanov Diagram Algebras for Type D. Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 68 (2016), no.December 2016, 1285–1333. MR3563723

C1. Ehrig M and Stroppel C
Michael Ehrig and Catharina Stroppel: Diagrammatic description for the categories of perverse sheaves on isotropic Grassmannians. Selecta Mathematica New Series, 22 (2016), 1455 – 1536. MR3518556

C1. Ehrig M and Stroppel C
Michael Ehrig and Catharina Stroppel: Schur–Weyl duality for the Brauer algebra and the ortho-symplectic Lie superalgebra. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 284 (2016), 595–613.

C1. Ehrig M and Stroppel C
Michael Ehrig and Catharina Stroppel: Koszul Gradings on Brauer Algebras. International Mathematics Research Notices, 13 (2016), 3970–4011. MR3544626

C1. Elias B and Williamson G
Ben Elias, Geordie Williamson: Soergel calculus. Representation Theory, 20 (2016), 295–374. MR3555156

C1. Engwirda D and Ivers DJ
Darren Engwirda and David Ivers: Off-centre Steiner points for Delaunay-refinement on curved surfaces. Computer-Aided Design, 72 (2016), 157–171. MR3446967

C1. Fărcăşeanu M
Maria Fărcăşeanu: Eigenvalues for Finsler \(p\)-Laplacian with zero Dirichlet boundary condition. Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii "Ovidius" Constanta-Seria Matematica. Mathematical Journal of the Ovidius University of Constanta, 24 (2016), 231–242.

C1. Fărcăşeanu M and Mihai M
Maria Fărcăşeanu and Mihai Mihăilescu: Continuity of the first eigenvalue for a family of degenerate eigenvalue problems. Archiv der Mathematik, 107 (2016), 659–667.

C1. Fan J, Hu T, Wu Q and Zhou DX
Jun Fan, Ting Hu, Qiang Wu, Ding-Xuan Zhou: Consistency analysis of an empirical minimum error entropy algorithm. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 41, 41 (2016), 164–189. MR3501996

C1. Fieker C and Zhang Y
Claus Fieker and Yinan Zhang: An application of the \(p\)-adic analytic class number formula. LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics, 19 (2016), no.01, 217–228.

C1. Frappat L, Jing N, Molev AI and Ragoucy E
L. Frappat, N. Jing, A. Molev and E. Ragoucy: Higher Sugawara Operators for the Quantum Affine Algebras of Type A. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 345 (2016), 631–657. MR3514954

C1. Froyland G, Gottwald GA and Hammerlindl A
G. Froyland, G.A. Gottwald and A. Hammerlindl: A trajectory-free framework for analysing multiscale systems. Physica D, 328-329 (2016), 34–43. MR3506527

C1. Fung T and Seneta E
Thomas Fung and Eugene Seneta: Tail asymptotics for the bivariate skew normal. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 144 (2016), 129–138. MR3434945

C1. Gao X, Liu M, Bai C and Jing N
Gao Xu, Liu Ming, Bai Chengming and Jing Naihuan: Rota-Baxter operators on Witt and Virasoro algebras. Journal of Geometry and Physics, 108 (2016), 1–20. MR3539486

C1. Garcia TP and Muller S
TP Garcia, S Müller: Cox regression with exclusion frequency-based weights to identify neuroimaging markers relevant to Huntington's disease onset. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 10 (2016), no.4, 2130–2156. MR3592051

C1. Ge H and Jiang W
Huabin Ge and Wenshuai Jiang: On the deformation of discrete conformal factors on surfaces. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 55 (2016), no.6, 1–14. MR3566936

C1. Geoghegan JL, Senior AM, Giallonardo FD and Holmes EC
Jemma L Geoghegan, Alistair M Senior, Francesca Di Giallonardo, and Edward C Holmes: Virological factors that increase the transmissibility of emerging human viruses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113 (2016), no.15, 4170–4175.

C1. Geoghegan JL, Senior AM and Holmes EC
Jemma L Geoghegan, Alistair M Senior and Edward C Holmes: Pathogen population bottlenecks and adaptive landscapes: overcoming the barriers to disease emergence. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 283 (2016), no.1837 (Art. 20160727), 9 pages.

C1. Gerlach M, Font-Clos F and Altmann EG
M. Gerlach, F. Font-Clos and E. G. Altmann: On the similarity of symbol-frequency distributions with heavy tails. Phys. Rev. X, 6 (2016), 021009.

C1. Gerlach R, Peiris MS and Lin EMH
Richard Gerlach, Shelton Peiris, Edward M H Lin: Bayesian estimation and inference for log-ACD models. Computational Statistics, 31 (2016), no.1, 25–48. MR3481795

C1. Ghanbarnejad F, Gerlach M, Miotto JM and Altmann EG
F. Ghanbarnejad, M. Gerlach, J. M. Miotto and E. G. Altmann: Extracting information from S-curves of language change. J. R. Soc. Interface, 11 (2016), 20141044.

C1. Ghazanfar S, Bisogni AJ, Ormerod JT, Lin DM and Yang YH
Shila Ghazanfar, Adam J. Bisogni, John T. Ormerod, David M. Lin, and Jean Y. H. Yang: Integrated single cell data analysis reveals cell specific networks and novel coactivation markers. BMC Systems Biology, 10 (2016), no.S5, 11–24.

C1. Ghazanfar S and Yang YH
Shila Ghazanfar and Jean Yee Hwa Yang: Characterizing mutation–expression network relationships in multiple cancers. Computational Biology and Chemistry, 63 (2016), 73–82.

C1. Gobet T
Thomas Gobet: Noncrossing partitions, fully commutative elements and bases of the Temperley-Lieb algebra. Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 25 (2016), no.6, 27 pages. MR3498138

C1. Gobet T and Williams N
T. Gobet, N. Williams: Noncrossing partitions and Bruhat order. European Journal of Combinatorics, 53 (2016), 8–34. MR3434422

C1. Goldstein JA, Hauer D and Rhandi A
Jerome A Goldstein, Daniel Hauer, Abdelaziz Rhandi: Existence and nonexistence of positive solutions of \(p\)-Kolmogorov equations perturbed by a Hardy potential. Nonlinear Analysis, 131 (2016), 121 – 154.

C1. Goldys B, Le KN and Tran T
Beniamin Goldys, Kim-Ngan Le, Thanh Tran: A finite element approximation for the stochastic Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equation. Journal of Differential Equations, 260 (2016), 937–970.

C1. Goldys B, Peszat S and Zabczyk J
Ben Goldys, Szymon Peszat and Jerzy Zabczyk: Gauss-Markov processes on Hilbert spaces. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 368 (2016), no.1, 89–108. MR3413857

C1. Goldys B and Wu W
Ben Goldys and Wei Wu: Dynamic programming principle for stochastic control problems driven by general Lévy noise. Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 34 (2016), no.6, 1083–1093.

C1. Gottwald GA and Melbourne I
G.A. Gottwald and I. Melbourne: Broadband nature of power spectra for intermittent maps with summable and nonsummable decay of correlations. Journal of Physics A, 49 (2016), no.17, 174003. MR3480189

C1. Gottwald GA and Melbourne I
GA Gottwald and I. Melbourne: Central limit theorems and suppression of anomalous diffusion for systems with symmetry. Nonlinearity, 29 (2016), 2941–2960. MR3551049

C1. Gottwald GA and Melbourne I
Georg A Gottwald and Ian Melbourne: On the detection of superdiffusive behaviour in time series. Journal of Statistical Mechanics, 2016 (2016), no.12, 123205+17.

C1. Gottwald GA, Peters K and Davies L
G.A. Gottwald, K. Peters and L. Davies: A data-driven method for the stochastic parametrisation of subgrid-scale tropical convective area fraction. Q.J.R. Meteorolog. Soc., 142 (2016), 349–359.

C1. Gottwald GA, Wormell C and Wouters J
Georg A. Gottwald, John P. Wormell and Jeroen Wouters: On spurious detection of linear response and misuse of the fluctuation–dissipation theorem in finite time series. Physica D, 331 (2016), 89–101.

C1. Griffiths PT, Gallagher MT and Stephen SO
P T Griffiths, M T Gallagher, and S O Stephen: The effect of non-Newtonian viscosity on the stability of the Blasius boundary layer. Physics of Fluids, 28 (2016), Art. 074107 (19 pages).

C1. Guo I and Rutkowski M
Ivan Guo, Marek Rutkowski: Discrete time stochastic multi-player competitive games with affine payoffs. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 126 (2016), 1–32. MR3426509

C1. Guo X, Fan J and Zhou DX
Xin Guo, Jun Fan, Ding-Xuan Zhou: Sparsity and error analysis of empirical feature-based regularization schemes. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 17 (2016), no.89, 1–34. MR3543495

C1. Hall CL and Lustri CJ
Cameron L Hall, Christopher J Lustri: Multiple scales and matched asymptotic expansions for the discrete logistic equation. Nonlinear Dynamics, 85 (2016), 1345–1362. MR3511444

C1. Hall CL, Mason MS, Psaltis S, Chan MH, Conway E, Foy B, Mirnaziry SR, Rose D, Taylor S and Tomczyk J
Cameron L. Hall, Matthew S. Mason, Steven Psaltis, Matthew Chan, Eamon Conway, Brody Foy, Sayyed R. Mirnaziry, Danya Rose, Stephen Taylor and Jakub Tomczyk: Structural modelling of deformable screens for large door openings. ANZIAM Journal, Volume 57 (2016), no.57, M55–M114.

C1. Hayes M, Kaper T, Szmolyan P and Wechselberger M
M. Hayes, T. Kaper, P. Szmolyan, M. Wechselberger: Geometric desingularization of degenerate singularities in the presence of rotation: a new proof of known results for slow passage through Hopf bifurcation. Indagationes Mathematicae, 27 (2016), 1184–1203. MR3573755

C1. Heil M and Bertram CD
M. Heil and C.D. Bertram: A poroelastic fluid-structure interaction model of syringomyelia.. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 809 (2016), 360–389.

C1. Hiabu M, Mammen E, Martìnez-Miranda MD and Nielsen JP
M. Hiabu, E. Mammen, M.D. Martìnez-Miranda and J.P. Nielsen: In-sample forecasting with local linear survival densities. Biometrika, 103 (2016), no.4, 843–859.

C1. Hiabu M, Margraf C, Martínez-Miranda MD and Nielsen JP
M Hiabu, C Margraf, M D Martínez-Miranda, J P Nielsen: Cash flow generalisations of non-life insurance expert systems estimating outstanding liabilities. Expert Systems with Applications, 45 (2016), 400–409.

C1. Hofmann T and Zhang Y
Tommy Hofmann and Yinan Zhang: Valuations of \(p\)-adic regulators of cyclic cubic fields. Journal of Number Theory, 169 (2016), 86–102.

C1. Howlett RB and Nguyen VM
Robert B Howlett and Van Minh Nguyen: \(W\)-graph ideals and biideals. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 43 (2016), no.1, 237–275.

C1. Hu J and Mathas A
Jun Hu and Andrew Mathas: Seminormal forms and cyclotomic quiver Hecke algebras of type A. Mathematische Annalen, 364 (2016), no.3-4, 1189–1254. MR3466865

C1. Hu T, Wu Q and Zhou DX
Ting Hu, Qiang Wu, and Ding-Xuan Zhou: Convergence of gradient descent for minimum error entropy principle in linear regression. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 64 (2016), 6571–6579. MR3566620

C1. Hussain Z, Garrett SJ, Stephen SO and Griffiths PT
Z Hussain, S J Garrett, S O Stephen and P T Griffiths: The centrifugal instability of the boundary-layer flow over a slender rotating cone in an enforced axial free stream. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 788 (2016), 70–94. MR3482046

C1. Jaco W, Johnson J, Spreer J and Tillmann S
William Jaco, Jesse Johnson, Jonathan Spreer, Stephan Tillmann: Bounds for the genus of a normal surface. Geometry and Topology, 20 (2016), 1625–1671. MR3523065

C1. Jayawardana K, Schramm SJ, Tembe V, Muller S, Thompson JF, Scolyer RA, Mann GJ and Yang YH
K Jayawardana, S-J Schramm, V Tembe, S Mueller, JF Thompson, RA Scolyer, GJ Mann, J Yang: Identification, Review, and Systematic Cross-Validation of microRNA Prognostic Signatures in Metastatic Melanoma. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 136 (2016), 245–254.

C1. Jiang W
Wenshuai Jiang: Bergman kernel along the Kähler-Ricci flow and Tian's conjecture. Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 717 (2016), 195–226.

C1. Jinton O and Wang Q
Oliver Linton and Qiying Wang: Nonparametric transformation regression with nonstationary data. Econometric Theory, 32 (2016), 1–29. MR3442501

C1. Jones CKRT, Marangell R, Miller PD and Plaza RG
Christopher KRT Jones, Robert Marangell, Peter D Miller and Ramón G Plaza: On the Spectral and Modulational Stability of Periodic Wavetrains for Nonlinear Klein-Gordon Equations. Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society (New Series), 47 (2016), no.2, 417–429. MR3514411

C1. Joshi N and Lobb SB
Nalini Joshi, Sarah Lobb: Singular dynamics of a q-difference Painlevé equation in its initial-value space. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 49 (2016), no.1, 014002 (24 pages).

C1. Joshi N and Nakazono N
Nalini Joshi and Nobutaka Nakazono: Lax pairs of discrete Painlevé equations: \( (A_2 + A_1)^{(1)} \) case. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 472 (2016), no.2196, 13 pages.

C1. Joshi N, Nakazono N and Shi Y
N. Joshi, N. Nakazono, Y. Shi: Reflection groups and discrete integrable systems. Journal of Integrable Systems, (2016), (37 pages).

C1. Joshi N, Nakazono N and Shi Y
N. Joshi, N. Nakazono, Y. Shi: Lattice equations arising from discrete Painlevé systems. II. \(A_4^{(1)}\) case. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, (2016), (to appear, 30 pages).

C1. Joshi N and Radnović M
Nalini Joshi and Milena Radnović: Asymptotic Behavior of the Fourth Painlevé Transcendents in the Space of Initial Values. Constructive Approximation, Online First (2016), 1–37.

C1. Joshi N and Roffelsen P
Nalini Joshi and Pieter Roffelsen: Analytic solutions of \(q\)-\(P(A_1)\) near its critical points. Nonlinearity, 29 (2016), 3696–3742.

C1. Julien K, Aurnou JM, Calkins MA, Knobloch E, Marti P, Stellmach S and Vasil GM
Keith Julien, Jonathan M Aurnou, Michael A Calkins, Edgar Knobloch, Philippe Marti, Stephan Stellmach and Geoffrey M Vasil: A nonlinear model for rotationally constrained convection with Ekman pumping. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 798 (2016), 50–87. MR3506444

C1. Juteau D, Mautner C and Williamson G
Daniel Juteau, Carl Mautner, Geordie Williamson: Parity sheaves and tilting modules. Annales scientifiques de l'École normale supérieure, 49 (2016), no.4, 257–275. MR3481350

C1. Katz E and Stapledon A
Eric Katz and Alan Stapledon: Tropical geometry, the motivic nearby fiber, and limit mixed Hodge numbers of hypersurfaces. Research in the Mathematical Sciences, 3 (2016), no.10, 1–36. MR3508247

C1. Kawai R
Ray Kawai: Anomalous spreading and misidentification of spatial random walk models. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40 (2016), no.9-10, 5283–5291. MR3485085

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Reiichiro Kawai: Higher Order Fractional Stable Motion: Hyperdiffusion with Heavy Tails. Journal of Statistical Physics, 165 (2016), no.1, 126–152. MR3547838

C1. Klaff B and Tillmann S
Ben Klaff and Stephan Tillmann: A birationality result for character varieties. Mathematical Research Letters, 23 (2016), no.4, 1099–1110. MR3554502

C1. Kožić S
Slaven Kožić: Vertex operators and principal subspaces of level one for \(U_q (\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}}_2)\). Journal of Algebra, 455 (2016), 251–290.

C1. Koop JAH, Kim PS, Knutie SA, Adler FR and Clayton DH
J.A.H. Koop, P.S. Kim, S.A. Knutie, F. Adler, and D.H. Clayton: An introduced parasitic fly may lead to local extinction of Darwin’s finch populations. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53 (2016), no.2, 511–518.

C1. Kwong KK
K-K. Kwong: Some sharp Hodge Laplacian and Steklov eigenvalue estimates for differential forms. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 55 (2016), no.2, 1–14. MR3478292

C1. Kwong KK
K-K. Kwong: An extension of Hsiung–Minkowski formulas and some applications. The Journal of Geometric Analysis, 26 (2016), no.1, 1–23.

C1. Leitao JC, Miotto JM, Gerlach M and Altmann EG
J. C. Leitao, J.M. Miotto, M. Gerlach and E. G. Altmann: Is this scaling nonlinear?. Royal Society Open Science, 3 (2016), 150649. MR3540186

C1. Liang H, Phillips PCB, Wang H and Wang Q
Liang, H., Phillips, P., Wang, H., Wang, Q.: Weak Covergence to Stochastic Integrals for Econometric Applications. Econometric Theory, 32 (2016), no.6, 1349–1375.

C1. Lin J, Rosasco L and Zhou DX
Junhong Lin, Lorenzo Rosasco, Ding-Xuan Zhou: Iterative regularization for learning with convex loss functions. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 17 (2016), no.77, 1–38. MR3517100

C1. Madore J, Strbenac D, Vilain R, Menzies AM, Yang YH, Thompson JF, Long GV, Mann GJ, Scolyer RA and Wilmott JS
Jason Madore, Dario Strbenac, Ricardo Vilain, Alexander M Menzies, Jean Y H Yang, John F Thompson, Georgina V Long, Graham J Mann, Richard A Scolyer, and James SWilmott: PD-L1 Negative Status is Associated with Lower Mutation Burden, Differential Expression of Immune-Related Genes, and Worse Survival in Stage III Melanoma. Clinical Cancer Research, 22 (2016), no.15, 3915–3923.

C1. Manescu D and Keich U
David Manescu and Uri Keich: A Symmetric Length-Aware Enrichment Test. Journal of Computational Biology, 23 (2016), no.6, 508–525. MR3512807

C1. Markus MA, Yang YH and Morris BJ
M Andrea Markus, Yee Hwa J Yang, Brian J Morris: Transcriptome-wide targets of alternative splicing by RBM4 and possible role in cancer. Genomics, 107 (2016), no.4, 138–144.

C1. McNamara PJ
Peter J McNamara: The metaplectic Casselman-Shalika formula. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 368 (2016), 2913–2937. MR3449262

C1. Michelli CA, Pontil M, Wu Q and Zhou DX
Charles A Michelli, Massimiliano Pontil, Qiang Wu, Ding-Xuan Zhou: Error bounds for learning the kernel. Analysis and Applications, 14 (2016), 849–868. MR3564937

C1. Molev AI, Ragoucy E and Rozhkovskaya N
A.I. Molev, E. Ragoucy and N. Rozhkovskaya: Segal–Sugawara vectors for the Lie algebra of type \(G_2\). Journal of Algebra, 455 (2016), 386–401.

C1. Murray K, Muller S and Turlach BA
K Murray, S Müller, BA Turlach: Fast and flexible methods for monotone polynomial fitting. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 86 (2016), no.15, 2946–2966. MR3523154

C1. Nakazono N
Nobutaka Nakazono: Hypergeometric \(\tau\) Functions of the \(q\)-Painlevé Systems of Types \(A_4^{(1)}\) and \((A_1+A_1')^{(1)}\). Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 12 (2016), no.051, 23 pages.

C1. Nandakumar V
Vinoth Nandakumar: Stability Conditions for Gelfand–Kirillov Subquotients of Category O. International Mathematics Research Notices, Advance Access (2016), no.23 August 2016, 33 pages.

C1. Nie T and Rutkowski M
Tianyang Nie and Marek Rutkowski: A BSDE approach to fair bilateral pricing under endogenous collateralization. Finance and Stochastics, 20 (2016), no.4, 855–900. MR3551855

C1. Nie T and Rutkowski M
T Nie and M Rutkowski: BSDES driven by multidimensional martingales and their applications to markets with funding costs. Theory of Probability and its Applications - SIAM, 60 (2016), no.4, 604–630. MR3583450

C1. Nursultanov M
Medet Nursultanov: Spectral properties of the Schrödinger operator with \(\delta\)-distribution. Mathematical Notes, 100 (2016), no.100, 263–275.

C1. Ortiz A, Carnathan D, Yu J, Sheehan K, Kim PS, Reynaldi A, Vanderford T, Klatt N, Brenchley J, Davenport MP and Silvestri G
A. Ortiz, D. Carnathan, J. Yu, K. Sheehan, P. Kim, A. Reynaldi, T. Vanderford, N. Klatt, J. Brenchley, M. Davenport, and G. Silvestri: Analysis of the in vivo Turnover of CD4+ T-cell Subsets in Chronically SIV-Infected Sooty Mangabeys. PLoS One, 11(5) (2016), no.11(5), e0156352.

C1. Parker NR, Hudson AL, Khong P, Parkinson JF, Dwight T, Ikin RJ, Zhu Y, Cheng ZJ, Vafaee F, Chen J, Wheeler HR and Howell VM
Nicole R Parker, Amanda L Hudson, Peter Khong, Jonathon F Parkinson,Trisha Dwight, Rowan J Ikin, Ying Zhu, Zhangkai Jason Cheng, Fatemeh Vafaee, Jason Chen, Helen R Wheeler, Viive M Howell: Intratumoral heterogeneity identified at the epigenetic, genetic and transcriptional level in glioblastoma. Scientific Reports, 6 (2016), 1–10.

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M Shelton Peiris and Manabu Asai: Generalized Fractional Processes with Long Memory and Time Dependent Volatility Revisited. Econometrics, 4 (3) (2016), no.37, 21 pages.

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Leon Poladian and Collin Zheng: Context, connections and communication: using journal articles in undergraduate mathematics. International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 25 (2016), no.5, 14–23.

C1. Rollo JL, Banihashemi N, Vafaee F, Crawford JW, Kuncic Z and Holsinger D
Jennifer L Rollo, Nahid Banihashemi, Fatemeh Vafaee, John W Crawford, Zdenka Kuncic, Damian Holsinger: Unraveling the mechanistic complexity of Alzheimer's disease through systems biology. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 12 (2016), no.6, 708–718.

C1. Sala M, Leitao JC and Altmann EG
M Sala, J C Leitao and E G Altmann: Searching chaotic saddles in high dimensions. Chaos, 26 (2016), no.12, Art. 123124. MR3590178

C1. Seneta E
Eugene Seneta: Markov chains as models in statistical mechanics. Statistical Science, 31 (2016), 399–414. MR3552741

C1. Seneta E and Ku S
Eugene Seneta and Simon Ku: Unique decomposition of low-order time series. Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods, 45 (2016), no.11, 3357–3366. MR3492233

C1. Senior AM, Grueber CE, Kamiya T, Lagisz M, O’Dwyer K, Santos ESA and Nakagawa S
Alistair M Senior, Catherine E Grueber, Tsukushi Kamiya, Malgorzata Lagisz, Katie O’Dwyer, Eduardo S A Santos, and Shinichi Nakagawa: Heterogeneity in ecological and evolutionary meta-analyses: its magnitude and implications. Ecology, 97 (2016), no.12, 3293–3299.

C1. Senior AM, Grueber CE, Machovsky-Capuska G, Simpson SJ and Raubenheimer D
Alistair M Senior, Catherine E Grueber, Gabriel Machovsky-Capuska, Stephen J Simpson, David Raubenheimer: Macronutritional consequences of food generalism in an invasive mammal, the wild boar. Mammalian Biology – Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde, 81 (2016), no.5, 523–526.

C1. Senior AM, Lihoreau M, Charleston MA, Buhl J, Raubenheimer D and Simpson SJ
Alistair M Senior, Mathieu Lihoreau, Michael A Charleston, Jerome Buhl, David Raubenheimer, Stephen J Simpson: Adaptive collective foraging in groups with conflicting nutritional needs. Royal Society Open Science, 3 (2016), no.4, Art. 150638 (15 pages).

C1. Sienkiewicz J and Altmann EG
J. Sienkiewicz and E. G. Altmann: Impact of lexical and sentiment factors on the popularity of scientific papers. Royal Society Open Science, 3 (2016), 160140. MR3527852

C1. Sijsling J and Voight J
Jeroen Sijsling and John Voight: On explicit descent of marked curves and maps. Research in Number Theory, 2 (2016), Paper number 27 (35 pages). MR3582054

C1. Smith LD, Rudman M, Lester DR and Metcalfe G
Lachlan D Smith, Murray Rudman, Daniel R Lester and Guy Metcalfe: Bifurcations and degenerate periodic points in a three-dimensional chaotic fluid flow. Chaos, 26 (2016), no.5, 053106. MR3501791

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Jonathan Spreer: Necessary conditions for the tightness of odd-dimensional combinatorial manifolds. European J. Combin., 51 (2016), 475–491. MR3398872

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Alan Edmund Stark: Determining the frequency of sporadic cases of rare X-linked disorders. Annals of Translational Medicine, 4 (2016), no.4, Art. 75; 4 pages.

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Alan Edmund Stark: The genetic epidemiology of the form of microcephaly ascribed to mutation at the WDR62 locus. Annals of Translational Medicine, 4 (2016), no.15, 1–7 Art. 281.

C1. Strbenac D, Mann GJ, Yang YH and Ormerod JT
Dario Strbenac, Graham J Mann, Jean Y H Yang and John T Ormerod: Differential distribution improves gene selection stability and has competitive classification performance for patient survival. Nucleic Acids Research, 44 (2016), no.13, e119.

C1. Su Y and Zhang RB
Yucai Su and R B Zhang: Generalised Jantzen Filtrationof Exceptional Lie Superalgebras. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 212 (2016), 635–676.

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Nicole Sutherland: Efficient Computation of Maximal Orders in Artin-Schreier-Witt Extensions. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 77 (2016), 189–216. MR3490466

C1. Tarca S and Rutkowski M
Silvio Tarca and Marek Rutkowski: Assessing the Basel II internal ratings-based approach Empirical evidence from Australia. Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, 24 (2016), no.2, 106–139.

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Thomas Trogdon and Sheehan Olver: A Riemann–Hilbert approach to Jacobi operators and Gaussian quadrature. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 36 (2016), 174–196.

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Michael Bradford Williams and Haotian Wu: Dynamical stability of algebraic Ricci solitons. Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik (Crelle's Journal), 713 (2016), 225–243. MR3483630

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C1. Yang P, Patrick E, Humphrey SJ, Ghazanfar S, James DE, Jothi R and Yang YH
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C1. Yuan M and Zhou DX
Ming Yuan, Ding-Xuan Zhou: Minimax Optimal rates of estimation in high dimensional additive models. Annals of Statistics, 44 (2016), 2564–2593. MR3576554

C1. Zhang Z
Zhou Zhang: General weak limit for Kähler-Ricci flow. Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 18 (2016), no.5, Art. 1550079 (21 pages).

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Song-lin Zhao, Ying-ying Sun: A Discrete Negative Order Potential Korteweg–de Vries Equation. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, 71 (2016), no.12, 1151–1158.

C1. Zheng X, Yang P, Lackford B, Bennett BD, Wang L, Li H, Wang Y, Miao Y, Foley JF, Fargo D, Jin Y, Williams CJ, Jothi R and Hu G
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C2. Su Y and Zhang RB
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C5. Sutherland N
Nicole Sutherland: Algorithms for Galois Extensions of Global Function Fields. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 93 (2016), no.3, 513–515.

Conference Proceedings

E1. Bagchi B, Burton BA, Datta B, Singh N and Spreer J
Bhaskar Bagchi and Benjamin A. Burton and Basudeb Datta and Nitin Singh and Jonathan Spreer (2016). Efficient algorithms to decide tightness. 32nd International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2016), 32nd International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2016), Sándor Fekete and Anna Lubiw (ed.) , Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Schloss Dagstuhl—Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, ISBN 9781510825345, 12:1–12:15. MR3540855

E1. Elias B and Williamson G
Ben Elias, Geordie Williamson (2016). Kazhdan-Lusztig conjectures and shadows of Hodge theory. Arbeitstagung, Arbeitstagung Bonn 2013, Werner Ballmann, Christian Blohmann, Gerd Faltings, Peter Teichner and Don Zagier (ed.) , Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-43646-3, 105–126. MR3618049

E1. Grazian C
C. Grazian C. (2016). Classical inference for intractable likelihoods. XLVIII Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, XLVIII Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, SIS (ed.) , SIS, ISBN 9788861970618, –.

E1. Grazian C and B Liseo
C Grazian and B Liseo (2016). Approximate Bayesian Methods for Multivariate and Conditional Copulae. 8th International Conference on Soft Methods in Probability and Statistics (SMPS'2016), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, M.B. Ferraro, P. Giordani, B. Vantaggi, M. Gagolewski, M.A. Gil, P. Grzegorzewski, O. Hryniewicz (ed.) , ISBN 978-3-319-42971-7, 261–268.

E1. Maria C and Spreer J
Clément Maria and Jonathan Spreer (2016). Admissible colourings of 3-manifold triangulations for Turaev-Viro type invariants. 24th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2016), 24th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2016), Piotr Sankowski and Christos Zaroliagis (ed.) , Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, ISBN 978-3-95977-015-6, 64:1–64:16. MR3550127

E1. Stefanelli P, Fazio C, Anselmo A, Vacca P, Ciammaruconi A, Ambrosio L, Fortunato A, Palozzi AM, Fillo S, Lista F, Liseo B, Grazian C and Neri A
P. Stefanelli, C. Fazio, A. Anselmo, P. Vacca, A. Ciammaruconi, L. Ambrosio, A. Fortunato, A. M. Palozzi, S. Fillo, F. Lista, B. Liseo, C. Grazian and A. Neri (2016). Genetic relatedness of Neisseria meningitidis of serogroup C in Italy, 2012-2015. IPNC 2016, IPNC 2016, IPNC 2016 (ed.) , IPNC 2016, –.

E1. Stephen SO
S. O. Stephen (2016). Effects of partial slip on rotating-disc boundary-layer flows. 20th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Proceedings of the 20th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, ISBN 978-1-74052-377-6, Paper no. 517.

E1. Sweatman WL, Mercer GN, Boland J, Cusimano N, Greenwood A, Harley K, van Heijster P, Kim PS, Maisano J, Nelson MA and Pettet G
W.L. Sweatman, G. Mercer, J. Boland, N. Cusimano, A. Greenwood, K. Harley, P. van Heijster, P. Kim, J. Maisano, M. Nelson, and G. Pettet (2016). Seaweed cultivation and the remediation of by-products from ethanol production: a glorious green growth. 2014 Mathematics and Statistics in Industry Study Group, Proceedings of the 2014 Mathematics and Statistics in Industry Study Group, MISG-2014, T. Farrell and A. J. Roberts (ed.) , ANZIAM Journal, vol. 56, ANZIAM, ISBN N/A, M1–M29.

E1. Thiel U
Ulrich Thiel (2016). Restricted rational Cherednik algebras. Representation theory – current trends and perspectives, Henning Krause, Peter Littelmann, Gunter Malle, Karl-Hermann Neeb, Christoph Schweigert (ed.) , EMS Ser. Congr. Rep., EMS, ISBN 978-3-03719-171-2, 681–745.

E2. Fung T and Seneta E
Thomas Fung, Eugene Seneta (2016). Tail dependence convergence rate of a skew-t and of a skew normal distribution. 60th ISI World Statistics Congress., Proceedings of the 60th ISI World Statistics Congress., Not known (ed.) , International Statistical Institute (ISI), ISBN Digital resource, 2212–2217.

E3. Maria C and Spreer J
Clément Maria and Jonathan Spreer (2016). Classification of Normal Curves on a Tetrahedron. 32nd ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2016), 32nd Symposium on Computational Geometry, Young Researchers Forum, Collections of abstracts, 2 pages.