

Research Publications for 1991

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Publications 1947–74


A1. Bosma W and Cannon JJ
Bosma W, Cannon JJ: A Handbook of Cayley Functions. 1st edn, 1991, 1–243 pages.

A1. Bray RJ, Cram LE, Durrant CJ and Loughhead RE
Bray RJ, Cram LE, Durrant CJ, Loughhead RE: Plasma Loops in the Solar Corona. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge New York Port Chester Melbourne Sydney, 1991.

A1. Lai KF and Fen S
Lai KF, Fen S: Topological Groups. Science Press, Academica Sinica, Beijing, 1991.

A2. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Ability, Partial Information, Guessing: Statistical Modelling Applied to Multiple-Choice Tests. Rumsby Scientific Publishing, Adelaide, 1991. MR1116551

A2. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Controversies in Item Response Theory. Rumsby Scientific Publishing, Adelaide, 1991. MR1116552

A2. Hutchinson TP and Lai CD
Hutchinson TP, Lai CD: The Engineering Statistician's Guide to Continuous Bivariate Distributions. Rumsby Scientific Publishing, Adelaide, 1991. MR1098498

A2. Monro GP
Monro GP: Proofs and Problems in Calculus. 2nd edition, Carslaw Publications, 1991.

A2. Walters RFC
Walters RFC: Categories and Computer Science. Carslaw Publications, Sydney, 1991. MR1204658

A5. Lavers PS
Lavers PS: Iterating the logistic map. 1991.

A5. Lin YQ
Lin YQ: A stochastic model for long-term potentiation at NMDA synspses. 1991.

A5. Mansfield EM
Mansfield EM: Differential Gröbner bases. The University of Sydney, 1991, (Elizabeth Hintz).

A5. Paunescu L
Paunescu L: A weighted version of the Kuiper-Kuo-Bochnak-Łojasiewicz inequality. The University of Sydney, 1991.

A5. Scoufis G
Scoufis G: The classification of all Painlevé equations in the class \(y"^2 = F(x,y,y')\). 1991.

Chapters in Books

B1. Cosgrove CM
Cosgrove CM: On an overdetermined Euclidean/Poincaré-invariant system of partial differential equations, Chaos and Order. Joshi N, Dewar RL (ed.), World Scientific, Singapore, 1991, 22–48.

B1. Gray BF, Graham-Eagle JG, Burnell JB and Wake GC
Gray BF, Graham-Eagle JG, Burnell JB, Wake GC: A new scaling of problems in combustion theory, Reaction-Diffusion Equations. Brown KJ, Lacey AA (ed.), Oxford Science Publications, Oxford University Press, 1991

B1. Seneta E
Seneta E: Sensitivity analysis, ergodicity coefficients, and rank-one updates for finite Markov chains, Numerical Solution of Markov Chains. Stewart WJ (ed.), Marcel Dekker, New York, 1991, 121–129. (Chapter 7) MR1142112

B1. Zheligovsky VA
Zheligovsky VA: On magnetic field generation by a flow of a conducting medium with an internal scale. II, Modern methods for seismic data processing. Computational Seismology, 24, Nauka, Moscow, 1991, 205–217.

Journal Articles

C1. Barnes DW and Lambe LA
Barnes DW, Lambe LA: A fixed point approach to homological perturbation theory. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 112 (1991), 881–892. MR91j:55019

C1. Bieri R and Hillman JA
Bieri R, Hillman JA: Subnormal subgroups of 3-dimensional Poincaré duality groups. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 206 (1991), 67–69. MR92e:57002

C1. Bierstone E, Milman PD and Parusiński A
Bierstone E, Milman P, Parusiński A: A function which is arc analytic but not continuous. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 113 (1991), 419–424. MR91m:32008

C1. Bosma W and Kraaikamp C
Bosma W, Kraaikamp C: Optimal approximation by continued fractions. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, (Series A), 50 (1991), 481–504. MR92f:11093

C1. Bracken AJ, McAnally DS, Zhang RB and Gould MD
Bracken A. J., McAnally D. S., Zhang R. B., Gould M. D.: A \(q\)-analogue of Bargmann space and its scalar product. J. Phys. A, 24 (1991), no.7, 1379–1391. MR1121817

C1. Breckenridge JW, Gastineau-Hills HM, Nelson AM, Bos P, Calvert G and Wehrhahn KH
Breckenridge JW, Gastineau-Hills HM, Nelson AM, Bos P, Calvert G, Wehrhahn KH: Lattice paths and Catalan numbers. Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications, 1 (1991), 41–55. MR92m:05008

C1. Brown SF
Brown SF: Loop ensemble models of solar active regions. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 249 (1991), 243–249.

C1. Brown SF, Donati JF, Rees DE and Semel M
Brown SF, Donati JF, Rees DE, Semel M: Zeeman-Doppler imaging of solar-type and Ap stars. IV: Maximum entropy reconstruction of 2D magnetic topologies. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 250 (1991), 463–474.

C1. Buchen PW
Buchen PW: Seismic migration and mathematical mapping. Exploration Geophysics, 22 (1991), 55–58. (8th Australian Society of Exploration Geophysics Conference and Exhibition, Sydney, February 1991)

C1. Butler G and Cannon JJ
Butler G, Cannon JJ: Computing Sylow subgroups of permutation groups via homomorphic images of centralizers. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 12 (1991), 443–458. MR92m:20002

C1. Cameron PJ and Cannon JJ
Cameron PJ, Cannon JJ: Recognizing doubly transitive groups. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 12 (1991), 459–474. MR92m:20003

C1. Carboni A, Kelly GM and Wood RJ
Carboni A, Kelly GM, Wood RJ: A 2-categorical approach to change of base and geometric morphisms. I. Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques, 32 (1991), 47–95. MR92j:18003

C1. Cartwright DI and Sawyer S
Cartwright DI, Sawyer S: The Martin boundary for general isotropic random walks on a tree. Journal of Theoretical Probability, 4 (1991), 111–136. MR92f:60131

C1. Choo KG and Sun SH
Choo KG, Sun SH: New properties of the concentric circle space and its applications to cardinal inequalities. Commentationes Mathematicæ Universitatis Carolinæ, 32 (1991), 395–403. MR92m:54066

C1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: On the existence and uniqueness of positive solutions for competing species models with diffusion. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 326 (1991), 829–859. MR91k:35122

C1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Upper and lower stability and index theory for positive mappings and applications. Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods and Applications, 17 (1991), 205–217. MR1120974

C1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: On the number of positive solutions of some weakly nonlinear equations in annular regions. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 206 (1991), 551–562. MR92k:35097

C1. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: On the existence of two-dimensional invariant tori for scalar parabolic equations with time periodic coefficients. Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, 43 (1991), 455–471. MR1145318

C1. Dancer EN and Hess P
Dancer EN, Hess P: Stability of fixed points for order-preserving discrete-time dynamical systems. Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 419 (1991), 125–139. MR92i:47088

C1. Dancer EN and Toland JF
Dancer EN, Toland J: Equilibrium states in the degree theory of periodic orbits with a first integral. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 63 (1991), 569–594. MR92m:58111

C1. Dimca A
Dimca A: On the de Rham cohomology of a hypersurface complement. American Journal of Mathematics, 113 (1991), 763–771. MR93c:14021

C1. Du J
Du J: The modular representation theory of \(q\)-Schur algebras II. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 208 (1991), 33–39. MR1098597

C1. Du J
Du J: Sign types and Kazhdan-Lusztig cells. Chinese Annals of Mathematics, 12B (1991), 33–39. MR92c:20089

C1. Edelman D
Edelman D: On the Inadmissibility of the Usual Procedure for Two Independent Tests of Normal Mean. American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, 10 (1991), (in honor of Herbert Robbins) MR1181681

C1. Edelman D
Edelman D: The Five Degree of Freedom Rule for Fixed-Width Confidence Intervals for the Mean of a Normal Distribution. Biometrics, (1991), 733–739.

C1. Eyland RW and Sharp B
Eyland RW, Sharp B: A factor theorem for locally convex differentiability spaces. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 43 (1991), 101–113. MR92h:46060

C1. Fackerell ED and Kerr RP
Fackerell ED, Kerr RP: Einstein vacuum field equations with a single non-null Killing vector. General Relativity and Gravitation, 23 (1991), 861–876. MR92f:83016

C1. Field MJ, Golubitsky M and Stewart IN
Field MJ, Golubitsky M, Stewart IN: Hemisphere bifurcations. Journal of Nonlinear Science, 1 (1991), 201–223. MR92f:58036

C1. Field MJ and Swift JW
Field MJ, Swift JW: Static bifurcation to limit cycles and heteroclinic cycles. Nonlinearity, 4 (1991), 1001–1043. MR92k:58191

C1. Forbes LK, Myerscough MR and Gray BF
Forbes LK, Myerscough MR, Gray BF: On the presence of limit-cycles in a model exothermic chemical reaction: Sal'nikov's oscillator with two temperature-dependent reaction rates. Royal Society of London. Proceedings, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, A 435 (1991), 591–604. MR92j:80008

C1. Gibson WG, Robinson J and Bennett MR
Gibson WG, Robinson J, Bennett MR: Probabilistic secretion of quanta in the central nervous system: granule cell synaptic control of pattern separation and activity regulation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B, 332 (1991), 199–220.

C1. Gould MD, Zhang RB and Bracken AJ
Gould M. D., Zhang R. B., Bracken A. J.: Lie bi-superalgebras and the graded classical Yang-Baxter equation. Rev. Math. Phys., 3 (1991), no.2, 223–240. MR1121469

C1. Gould MD, Zhang RB and Bracken AJ
Gould M. D., Zhang R. B., Bracken A. J.: Generalized Gelʹfand invariants and characteristic identities for quantum groups. J. Math. Phys., 32 (1991), no.9, 2298–2303. MR1122513

C1. Gray BF, Coppersthwaite DP and Griffiths JF
Gray BF, Coppersthwaite DP, Griffiths JF: Oscillatory reactions in a semi-batch reactor. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 95 (1991), 6961–6970.

C1. Gray BF, Merkin JH and Wake GC
Gray BF, Merkin JMH, Wake GC: Disjoint bifurcation diagrams in combustion systems. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 15 (1991), 25–33. MR92g:80011

C1. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Elementary amenable groups and 4-manifolds with Euler characteristic 0. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 50 (1991), 160–170. MR92g:20057

C1. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: On 4-manifolds homotopy equivalent to surface bundles over surfaces. Topology and its Applications, 40 (1991), 275–286. MR92g:57031

C1. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: On 4-manifolds homotopy equivalent to circle bundles over 3-manifolds. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 75 (1991), 277–287. MR93m:57022

C1. Keener RW, Kmenta J and Weber NC
Keener RW, Kmenta J, Weber NC: Estimation of the covariance matrix of the least squares regression coefficients when the disturbance covariance matrix is of unknown form. Econometric Theory, 7 (1991), 22–45. MR92e:62195

C1. Kijima M and Seneta E
Kijima M, Seneta E: Some results for quasi-stationary distributions of birth-death processes. Journal of Applied Probability, 28 (1991), 503–511. MR92j:60103

C1. Kokic PN and Weber NC
Kokic PN, Weber NC: Rates of strong convergence for \(U\)-statistics in finite populations. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, (Series A), 50 (1991), 468–480. MR92c:60040

C1. Lai KF
Lai KF: Orbital integrals on symmetric spaces. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Série I. Mathématique, 312 (1991), 913–917. MR93b:22015

C1. Lai KF
Lai KF: Lefschetz numbers and unitary groups. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 43 (1991), 193–209. MR92a:11063

C1. Lai KF
Lai KF: On Arthur's class expansion of the relative trace formula. Duke Mathematical Journal, 64 (1991), 111–117. MR92k:22031

C1. Luckock HC
Luckock HC: Mixed Boundary Conditions in Quantum Field Theory. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 32 (1991), 1755–1766. MR92h:81111

C1. Luckock HC
Luckock HC: Boundary Conditions for Nicolai Maps. Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 24 (1991), L1057–L1063. MR1127286

C1. Macaskill C
Macaskill C: Geometrical optics and enhanced backscatter from very rough surfaces. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 8 (1991), 88–96.

C1. Maini PK, Myerscough MR, Winters KH and Murray JD
*Maini PK, Myerscough MR, Winters KH, Murray JD: Bifurcating spatially heterogeneous solutions in a chemotaxis model for biological pattern formation. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 53 (1991), 701–719.

C1. Middleton JF and Viera F
Middleton JF, Viera F: The diffraction of Coastally Trapped waves by a strait. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 21 (1991), 695–708.

C1. Mills TM and Seneta E
Mills TM, Seneta E: Independence of partial autocorrelations for a classical immigration branching process. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 37 (1991), 275–279. MR92d:62111

C1. Monro GP
Monro GP: The Pan Pacific Music Technology Camp — Gordon Monro interviews Dennis Patterson. Chroma (Newsletter of the Australian Computer Music Association), 7 (1991)

C1. Murray JD and Myerscough MR
Murray JD, Myerscough MR: Pigmentation pattern formation on snakes. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 149 (1991), 339–360.

C1. Parusiński A
Parusiński A: Multiplicity of the dual variety. The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 23 (1991), 429–436. MR93a:14006

C1. Peiris MS
Peiris MS: Some non-stationary ARMA models. Advances in Modelling and Simulation, 27 (1991), 21–34.

C1. Phan D
Phan D: Twistfree and Papapetrou vacuum spacetimes with a spacelike Killing vector. General Relativity and Gravitation, 23 (1991), 269–295. MR92a:83018

C1. Quine MP
Quine MP: An elementary proof of Stirling's formula. Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, 18 (1991), 93–94. MR1133479

C1. Quine MP
Quine MP: A model for instantaneous growth on a line. Journal of Applied Probability, 28 (1991), 529–538. MR92m:60012

C1. Rees DE
Rees DE: The Incompleat Angler. International Journal of Mathematics Education, Science and Technology, (1991) MR1223613

C1. Saunders C
Clive Saunders: The reflection representations of some Chevalley groups. J. Algebra, 137 (1991), 145–165. MR1090215

C1. Suffern KG and Fackerell ED
Suffern KG, Fackerell ED: Interval methods in computer graphics. Computers and Graphics, 15 (1991), 331–340.

C1. Sun SH
Sun SH: Non-commutative rings in which every prime ideal is contained in a unique maximal ideal. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 76 (1991), 179–192. MR93b:16058

C1. Sun SH
Sun SH: Tychonoff embedding Theorem in completely distributive lattices. Annals of Mathematics, 12A (1991), 365–372. MR93a:06012

C1. Thatcher JD, Robinson RD and Rees DE
Thatcher JD, Robinson RD, Rees DE: The chromospheres of late-type stars. I Epsilon eridani as a test case of multiline modelling. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 250 (1991), 14–23.

C1. Veldhuis JD, Johnson ML and Seneta E
Veldhuis JD, Johnson ML, Seneta E: Analysis of the copulsatility of anterior pituitary hormones. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 73 (1991), 569–573.

C1. Whiting PM
Whiting PM: Maximum entropy reflection tomography. Exploration Geophysics, 22 (1991), 447–450. (8th Australian Society of Exploration Geophysics Conference and Exhibition, Sydney, February 1991)

C1. Wilson PR and McIntosh PS
Wilson PR, McIntosh PS: The reversal of the solar polar magnetic fields. II Simulations of the large-scale fields. Solar Physics, 136 (1991), 221–237.

C1. Zhang RB
Zhang R. B.: Multiparameter dependent solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation. J. Phys. A, 24 (1991), no.10, L535–L543. MR1118526

C1. Zhang RB
Zhang R. B.: Graded representations of the Temperley-Lieb algebra, quantum supergroups, and the Jones polynomial. J. Math. Phys., 32 (1991), no.10, 260–2613. MR1130532

C1. Zhang RB
Zhang R. B.: Invariants of the quantum supergroup \(U_q(\mathrm{ gl}(m/1))\). J. Phys. A, 24 (1991), no.23, L1327–L1332. MR1139934

C1. Zhang RB, Bracken AJ and Gould MD
Zhang R. B., Bracken A. J., Gould M. D.: Solution of the graded Yang-Baxter equation associated with the vector representation of \(U_q(\mathrm{ osp}(M/2n))\). Phys. Lett. B, 257 (1991), no.1-2, 133–139. MR1100868

C1. Zhang RB and Gould MD
Zhang R. B., Gould M. D.: Universal \(R\)-matrices and invariants of quantum supergroups. J. Math. Phys., 32 (1991), no.12, 3261–3267. MR1137376

C1. Zhang RB, Gould MD and Bracken AJ
Zhang R. B., Gould M. D., Bracken A. J.: Quantum group invariants and link polynomials. Comm. Math. Phys., 137 (1991), no.1, 13–27. MR1099254

C1. Zhang RB, Gould MD and Bracken AJ
Zhang R. B., Gould M. D., Bracken A. J.: From representations of the braid group to solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation. Nuclear Phys. B, 354 (1991), no.2-3, 625–652. MR1103067

C1. Zhang RB, Gould MD and Bracken AJ
Zhang R. B., Gould M. D., Bracken A. J.: Solutions of the graded classical Yang-Baxter equation and integrable models. J. Phys. A, 24 (1991), no.6, 1185–1197. MR1105682

C1. Zhang RB, Gould MD and Bracken AJ
Zhang R. B., Gould M. D., Bracken A. J.: Generalized Gelʹfand invariants of quantum groups. J. Phys. A, 24 (1991), no.5, 937–943. MR1118764

C1. Zheligovsky VA
Zheligovsky VA: \(\alpha\)-effect in generation of magnetic field by a flow of conducting fluid with internal scale in an axisymmetric volume. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 59 (1991), 235–251. MR92i:76103

C1. Zheligovsky VA, Sadovsky AM and Simpson RV
Zheligovsky VA, Sadovsky AM, Simpson RV: On relation of horizontal gradients of the parameter S=H+10B and seismicity. Rossiĭskaya Akademiya Nauk. Doklady Akademii Nauk, 318 (1991), 82–87.

C1. Zhou DX
Ding Xuan Zhou: Inverse theorems in \(L^p\) for some multidimensional positive linear operators. Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. B, 12 (1991), no.4, #8211;530. MR1154639

C1. Zhou DX
Ding Xuan Zhou: \(L^p\)-inverse theorems for beta operators.. J. Approx. Theory, 66 (1991), no.3, #8211;287. MR1122289

C3. Glasby SP
Glasby SP: Extensions of groups defined by power-commutator presentations. SIGSAM Bulletin, 38 (1991), 32–53.

C4. Trudinger BJ and Thompson RS
B J Trudinger and R S Thompson: Do velocity indices measure resistance? Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1 (1991), 160–161.


D. Seneta E
Seneta E: Review of "A History of Probability and Statistics and Their Applications before 1750" by Anders Hald (Wiley, New York, 1990). Historia Mathematica, 18 (1991), 75–78.

Conference Proceedings

E1. Bosma W and Pohst ME
Bosma W, Pohst M (1991). Computations with finitely generated modules over Dedekind domains. International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, Proceedings of the 1991 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, Watt SM (ed.) , Association for Computing Machinery, New York, 151–156.

E1. Brown SF and Durrant CJ
Brown SF, Durrant CJ (1991). Modelling coronal active region emission patterns. Mechanisms of Chromospheric and Coronal Heating, Heidelberg, (1990), Ulmschneider P, Priest ER, Rosner R eds (ed.) , Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York London Paris Tokyo Hong Kong Barcelona, 132–134.

E1. Dimca A
Dimca A (1991). Differential forms and hypersurface singularities. Singularity Theory and its Applications, Mon D, Montaldi J eds (ed.) , Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 1462, 122–153. MR1129028

E1. Easdown D
Easdown D (1991). Minimal faithful permutation and transformation representations of groups and semigroups. Maltsev Algebra Conference, Novosibirsk, USSR, August 21–26 1989, Proceedings of the Maltsev Algebra Conference, Novosibirsk, USSR, (1989) MR1232671

E1. Easdown D
Easdown D (1991). Biordered sets of rings. Monash Conference on Semigroups in honour of G.B. Preston, Monash, July 12–14 1990, Monash Conference on Semigroup Theory in Honour of G.B. Preston, Hall TE, Jones PK, Meakin JC eds (ed.) , World Scientific Publishing MR1232671

E1. Easdown D
Easdown D (1991). Biordered sets: a tool for constructing semigroups. Berkeley Workshop on Monoids, Berkeley, July 31 – August 5 1989, Monoids and Semigroups with Applications, Rhodes J (ed.) , World Scientific Publishing MR1232671

E1. Field MJ
Field MJ (1991). Local structure of equivariant dynamics. Singularity Theory and its Applications, Singularity Theory and its Applications, Warwick 1989, Part II, Roberts M, Stewart I eds (ed.) , Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 1463, 142–166. MR1129052

E1. Kelly GM
Kelly GM (1991). A note on relations relative to a factorization system. Category Theory, Como 1990, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer, Berlin, 1488, 249–261. MR93g:18007

E1. Kruskal MD and Joshi N
Kruskal M D and Joshi N (1991). Soliton theory, Painlevé property and integrability. Proceedings of the centre for mathematical analysis, N Joshi and R L Dewar (ed.) , Chaos and Order, World Scientific, 82–96. MR1108839

E1. Parusiński A and Pragacz P
Parusiński A, Pragacz P (1991). Characteristic numbers of degeneracy loci. Proceedings of the 1989 Zeuthen Symposium, Enumerative Algebraic Geometry, Kleiman SL, Thorup A eds (ed.) , Contemporary Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, Providence, 123, 189–197. MR1143555

E1. Sun SH
Sun SH (1991). Remarks on sheaf representations of universal algebras. Category Theory 1991, Proceedings of the 1991 Summer Category Theory Meeting, Canadian Mathematical Society MR1417329

E1. Walters RFC and Carmody S
Walters RFC, Carmody S (1991). Computing quotients of actions of a free category. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer, Berlin, 1448, 63–78. MR1173005

E1. Weibel T and Gonnet GH
Weibel T, Gonnet GH (1991). An algebra of properties. International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, Proceedings of the 1991 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, Watt SM (ed.) , Association for Computing Machinery, New York, 352–359.

E3. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ (1991). Eigenfunction Structure of the ABC kinematic Dynamos. 27th Applied Mathematics Conference of the Australian Mathematical Society, Hanmer Springs, Canterbury, New Zealand, 3–7 February, 1991

E3. Galloway DJ and Proctor MRE
Galloway DJ, Proctor MRE (1991). Numerical Calculations of Fast Dynamos. Theory of Sunspots, NATO Workshop, Cambridge, UK 22–27 September 1991

E3. Runcorn SK and Winch DE
Runcorn SK, Winch DE (1991). The Pacific Cable Experiment. 20th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Sünkel M, Hofmann-Wellenhoff B eds (ed.) , IAGA Program and Abstracts, 607.

E3. Taylor DE
Taylor DE (1991). Distance-regular graphs and doubly-transitive groups. International Conference on Algebraic Combinatorics, Vladimir, Ivanov AA, Klin M eds (ed.)

E3. Whiting PM
Whiting PM (1991). Practical reflection tomography and maximum entropy. 61st Annual International Society of Exploration Geophysics Meeting, Houston, November 1991, 986–989. (Expanded abstracts)

E3. Winch DE
Winch DE (1991). Singular value decomposition and \(S_q\) analysis. 20th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Sünkel M, Hofmann-Wellenhoff B eds (ed.) , IAGA Program and Abstracts, 603.

E4. Joshi N and Dewar RL
Nalini Joshi and Robert L Dewar (eds) (1991). Chaos & Order. Chaos & Order, Proceedings of the miniconference held at the Australian National University, World Scientific Publishing, viii+120. MR1108832

Computer Software

G1. Cannon JJ and others
Cannon JJ, et al (1991). A platform for algebraic software. (46,000 lines of C code.) .

G1. Cannon JJ and others
Cannon JJ, et al (1991). Cayley V3.8. (As for V3.7 plus modules, matrix rings, character theory and graph theory; 360,000 lines of C code.) .

G1. Carmody S, Reilly C and Walters RFC
Carmody S, Reilly C, Walters RFC (1991). KAN — a program for computing left Kan extensions. .

G1. Field MJ
Field MJ (1991). Prism – A PRogram for the Interactive Study of Maps. .

Other Output

OT. Mowbray B and Mack JM
Mowbray B, Mack JM (1991/92). Changing views of mathematics education. Parts 1, 2 and 3. School Education News, NSW Department of Education, Sydney, 5 and 6, (Three articles in three issues of News (to all State school teachers))

Creative Works

OT. Emerson R, Fredericks I and Monro GP
Emerson R, Fredericks I, Monro GP (1991). Night on a fractal mountain. (Presented as part of the ``New Voices'' concert in the Belvoir St Theatre, 9th Sept 1991)

OT. Emerson R, Fredericks I and Monro GP
Emerson R, Fredericks I, Monro GP (1991). Seven studies in space and time. (Presented at the 1991 WATT concerts (4 concerts), Seymour Centre, October 1991)

Unpublished Conference Proceedings

UN. Brown SF
Brown SF. A model for intermediate temperature solar coronal loops. 25th Annual General Meeting of the Astronomical Society of Australia, Monash University, 1991 .

UN. Cartwright DI
Cartwright DI. Groups acting on triangle buildings. Harmonic Analysis and Discrete Potential Theory, Frascati, Italy, June 1991 .

UN. Cartwright DI
Cartwright DI. Local limit theorems on discrete groups. Harmonic Analysis and Probability, University of New South Wales, July 1991 .

UN. Durrant CJ
Durrant CJ. Radiative inputs Sun-Earth. 25th Annual General Meeting of the Australian Astronomical Society, Monash University, 1991 .

UN. Easdown D
Easdown D. Presentations of symmetric inverse and full transformation semigroups. Algebraic theory of semigroups and applications (Oberwolfach, Germany, July 1991) .

UN. Eyland RW
Eyland RW. Differentiability and convexity. Harmonic Analysis and Probability, University of New South Wales, July 1991 .

UN. Fraser WB
Fraser WB. Unravelling the unwinding problem. 27th Australian Applied Mathematics Conference, Hanmer Springs, New Zealand, February 1991 .

UN. Gibson WG
Gibson WG. Hopfield neural nets and neural memory models. Australian Conference on Neural Networks (Tutorial Program), Sydney (February, 1991) .

UN. Gray BF, Foulds GA, Griffiths JF and Walker S
Gray BF, Foulds G, Griffiths JF, Walker S. Experimental and theoretical results on the direct partial oxidation of methane. 2nd. Australian Flame Conference, North Ryde, October 1991 .

UN. Hillman JA
Hillman JA. Complex analytic surfaces and 2-knots. Annual Conference of the Australian Math. Soc., Melbourne, June 1991 .

UN. Howlett RB
Howlett RB. The Solomon algebra of a Coxeter group. Warwick Algebra Symposium (March 1991) .

UN. Howlett RB
Howlett RB. Schur multipliers of Coxeter groups. Warwick Algebra Symposium (May 1991) .

UN. Jing BY
Jing BY. Bahadur slopes for comparison of tests based on resampling. Workshop on Saddlepoint Methods in Statistics, Canberra, 17–19 July 1991 .

UN. Kelly DRC
Kelly DRC. Radiative hydrodynamics of type II supernovae. 25th Annual General Meeting of the Astronomical Society of Australia, Monash University, 1991 .

UN. Kelly GM
Kelly GM. Closed and cartesian closed bicategories with applications to polymorphic functional programming. Category Theory 1991, McGill University Montreal, 1991 .

UN. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI. Rational tori and the topology of hyperplane complements. The representation theory of algebraic groups and related groups of Lie type (University of Warwick, July 1991) .

UN. Macaskill C and Broutman D
Macaskill C, Broutman D. A numerical investigation of the nonlinear interaction of short internal waves with near-inertial waves. 27th Australian Applied Mathematics Conference, Hanmer Springs, New Zealand, February 1991 .

UN. Macaskill C and Kachoyan BJ
Macaskill C, Kachoyan BJ. Iterative methods for scattering from rough surfaces varying in either one or two dimensions. International Committee for Optics Topical Meeting on Atmospheric, Volume and Surface Scattering and Propagation, Florence, August 1991, An extended summary appears in the Digest of the meeting, pp 227–230 .

UN. Mack JM
Mack JM. Assessment, Curriculum and Society. ICMI Study Conference on Assessment, Invited paper to International Conference, Spain, 1991 .

UN. Myerscough MR
Myerscough MR. Bifurcation in two nonlinear ordinary differential equation models. Conference on Engineering and Physical Science in Medicine, Held at University of New South Wales, July 1991 .

UN. Quine MP
Quine MP. A linear random growth model. Workshop on Stochastic systems, Canberra, 13–17 May 1991 .

UN. Quine MP
Quine MP. Instantaneous growth on a line. Workshop on Stochastic systems, Canberra, 13–17 May 1991 .

UN. Robinson J
Robinson J. A survey of saddlepoint approximations in resampling. Workshop on Saddlepoint Methods in Statistics, Canberra, 17–19 July 1991 .

UN. Robinson J
Robinson J. A survey of tail area approximations. Workshop on Saddlepoint Methods in Statistics, Canberra, 17–19 July 1991 .

UN. Sun SH and Johnson MS
Sun SH, Johnson MS. Remarks on sheaf representation theorems of universal algebras. Category Theory 1991, McGill University Montreal, 1991 .

UN. Taylor DE
Taylor DE. Modules for Solomon Algebras. 35th Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society, June 1991, Melbourne .

UN. Walters RFC
Walters RFC. An imperative language based on distributive categories. London Mathematical Society Symposium on Applications of Categories in Computer Science, Durham, 1991 .

UN. Wilson PR
Wilson PR. The reversal of the solar polar magnetic fields. Cool stars workshop, Tucson (Arizona), October 1991 .

UN. Wilson PR
Wilson PR. The polar magnetic fields near sunspot maximum. Solar cycle workshop, New Mexico, October 1991 .

UN. Wilson PR
Wilson PR. Simulations of the large-scale solar magnetic fields. NATO sunspot workshop, Cambridge, UK, September 1991 .